VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 958: Human authority!


What is a border?

After listening to Meng Shenxi's message, Su Bai was confused.

All this is too sudden.


Maybe, not suddenly? !

Maybe Meng Shenxi left suddenly because of...

Yourself? !

Just like when Blue Star appeared in the abyss yesterday, Meng Shenxi left because of the'Border Pass' riot? !


Su Bai thought of this, for a moment in a daze.

Deeply in his heart, he felt that the reason for Meng Shenxi's hurried departure was that that was the reason!

For a time, Su Bai's mood was very complicated.

What is the vision that I have caused?

What was alarmed?

So bizarre!

So confused!

Su Bai was stunned for a while, but Xia Cha's voice awakened him.

"Brother, what do you think?"

Looking intently, she saw Xia Cha's suspicious look in front of her.

Shaking his head, Su Bai said: "It's nothing, I didn't think about anything, just knowing the meaning of these words, I feel a little emotional."


Mu Yi Nuan leaned over and asked excitedly: "My son, what do those words mean?"

"It is the words left by Meng Shenxi, I will say aside to you."

Su Bai recounted the original.

After speaking, the women were very confused, confused, and a little worried.


A very common word, but listening, I always feel that my heart will burst.

I always feel the hidden danger!

"Okay, it's useless for us to think about it!"

Su Bai waved his hand to break up the simmering silence, and said seriously: "We are still too weak, we must hurry up and improve ourselves!"

"Go back, continue to improve, and be as strong as possible! After all, I can't be there to help you when you are spiritualized."




Everyone returned to the room, everything was the same as before.

They promote themselves, while Su Bai quietly waits for the BUG to accumulate to 10 times.

Of course it was boring, but surfing the Internet and forums were also very interesting.

Moreover, at this time, Su Bai really didn't have anything to do.

He needs to check information!

Check information about the twelve holy spirits.

Meng Shenxi walked too eagerly. Before Su Bai asked how to help Yun Cixue awaken, she left...

Therefore, now it can only be checked manually.


The result was not unexpected, and nothing was found.

There is not even a discussion about the twelve holy spirits!


Su Bai raised his head and leaned on the sofa, frowning, this matter is not easy to solve.


Mo Zixi, who was lying on Su Bai's legs, flicked his cat's ears. Hearing Su Bai's sigh, he asked in a low voice, "Master, what are you worrying about?"

Su Bai put his arm on his arm and slowly said, "Cixue and the others' occupation is a problem, I can't find any information..."

The Yun Cixue next to her was eating Star Spirit Coins. At this moment, she heard Su Bai worry about her career, and her heart suddenly became warm and very happy.

Just thinking about not being anxious, suddenly saw Su Bai sitting upright.

Su Bai suddenly thought that Mo Zixi knew the special features of Meng Shenxi's handwriting.

So, does she know the twelve holy spirits?

So Su Bai sat up straight, looked at the black cat lying on his lap, and asked: "Zixi, do you know the twelve holy spirits?"


Mo Zixi blinked purple eyes, nodded, and said: "Twelve Holy Spirits, people know about it~"


Su Bai's eyes lit up, and he quickly said, "Then tell me the secrets of the twelve holy spirits!"

"Okay! But..."

Mo Zixi's cat's mouth twitched, and a wicked smile appeared, "You kiss me and I'll tell you!"

After speaking, the light on his body shined.

When the light receded, Mo Zixi turned into a human form.

He was kneeling and sitting on Su Bai's lap, his face facing Su Bai.

Those purple eyes looked at Su Bai, filled with...hungry and thirsty...

Seeing that there seems to be a show here, the girls who had been working hard to improve suddenly became energetic.

Those who are both overtly and secretly looked at him with slanted eyes.

Some are joking, some are grudges, some are envious, some are eating melons and watching theater, some are shy.

There is also a pure and ignorant look.

The gaze of the innocent girl · Xiao Luo Ying limited.JPG


On Su Bai's shoulder, Xiaoxue, who was lying lazily, raised his head.

There seems to be a lot of grudges and envy in a pair of blue eyes like the sea!

Even Mo Zixi could clearly feel resentment!


This is Chi Guoguo's jealousy!


Mo Zixi grinned, not only non-stop, but even more excessive.

Reached out and hugged Su Bai's neck, and said coquettishly: "Lord~people~~~"

The sound is so loud that it can't be anymore!

Su Bai: "..."

Rolling his eyes, Su Bai said angrily: "You still can't tell? Do you want to have a brain collapse again?"

Who knows, Mo Zixi is not scared this time, she just grieved and said: "I told you the secret, and there is no compensation? The master said too much~"


Forget it!

Hurry up!

Su Bai didn't want to be entangled anymore, so he quickly finished it!

So, he leaned towards Mo Zixi, ready to kiss her on the face.

"No, no! Master, it's here!"

Mo Zixi shook her hand, and then gently pressed her white fingers on her pink lips.

The cheeks are red, the purple pupils are covered with a layer of mist, and the breath is blue.


Su Bai's throat moved.

This cat lady likes to seduce him so much!

Although there weren't a bunch of girls around him watching, Su Bai didn't care.

Reached out and grabbed Mo Zixi's slender willow waist, hugged it heavily, and kissed it down.

"Wow!" Xiao Luoying stared at her with wide eyes.

"Yingying, you can't look." Yun Cixue blushed, covering Xiao Luoying's eyes.

"... Brother is really bad!" Xia Cha muttered aside.


Lingering for a while, Su Bai let go of Mo Zixi.

"Whirring whirring!"

Mo Zixi panted, her cheeks flushed.

Su Bai looked at her with a weird heart.

Just now, he could clearly feel Mo Zixi's greenness and tension.

Obviously without this experience, I really don't know how she dare to tease her. Dial her...

Forget it!

No matter what, talk about business!

After Mo Zixi calmed down, Su Bai asked, "Zixi, what exactly are the twelve saints?"


Mo Zixi took a long sigh, straightened his mind, and explained: "In the legend, the twelve emissaries were shaped by the powerful ancient emperor."

"In the legend? Human Emperor? Shaping? Antiquity?" Su Bai lightly read, frowning at Mo Zixi, waiting for her explanation.

Among these, there are great secrets!

Especially the Emperor!

At this time, the attention of the girls was also attracted by the topics they were discussing, and they all looked over.

Mo Zixi explained one by one: "This'legendary' is a literal meaning, after all, it's too long for others to determine whether it's true or false."

"Human Sovereign, is the most noble and strongest person in the human race!"

"In the entire Hongyu, if you are famous in the human genealogy, you must follow the orders of the human emperor!"

"It is a symbol of absolute power and absolute power!"

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