VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 956: Can extract reality

Su Bai came to a box with Xia Cha and Yun Cixue.

"What are you doing here, brother?"

Xia Cha asked Su Bai curiously.

Sweeping the box, I always feel bad.

"Double repair!" Su Bai said calmly and calmly.


Xia Cha is shocked.


Yun Cixue was silly and looked at Su Bai blankly, "Also... come back!?"

How long will this end!

The two girls are really scared!

"I do not!"

Xia Cha screamed and hurried to the door.

"I...Neither!" Yun Cixue didn't dare to deal with Su Bai alone.

Su Bai pulled them back with a black face, and said, "This is for you to break through the limit, what are you resisting?!"

"Brother! Tomorrow! Will it work tomorrow?"

"Husband, I really can't do it! Let me go!"



"Uh huh!"


after a little while.




It was very interesting, and the two experienced the next experience again.

It's a bit convoluted and not right, but it is exactly what it says.

Let time pass.


Xia Cha breaks the limit first, breaking through ten thousand in four dimensions!

It's another hour.


With the help of Su Bai, Yun Cixue also broke the limit!

Four-dimensional break ten thousand!

Speaking of cowhide, she is only level 49, and the four dimensions have been stacked to this value.


Su Bai stopped, looking at the two, feeling a little weird in his heart.

Mu Yi Nuan can be said to be an accident, now...

I can really help them break through!


After a short rest, the three of them came out together and came to the box where Mu Yi Nuan and the others were waiting.




"My son, are you back?"

Xiao Luoying, Xiaoxue, Mo Zixi, and Mu Yi Nuan in the box greeted each other.

Mu Mu and Mu Suxin haven't returned yet, and Meng Shenxi is not there.

Su Bai looked at Mu Yi Nuan who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, and asked, "Yinuan, Meng Shenxi hasn't come back yet?"

"No son." Mu Yi Nuan shook his head.


Why do you suddenly leave without saying goodbye?

Do not understand.

Su Bai planned to wait again, anyway, Mu Suxin's problem had not been resolved.

Sitting on the sofa, Xiao Luoying crawled into his arms, Xiao Xue nestled on her shoulders.

Mo Zixi had no place to stay, and simply transformed into its original form, nesting in Su Bai's legs.

Several people chatted while waiting.

There is no shortage of topics among women, even if Mu Yi Nuan is a second person, they can still talk vigorously.

Su Bai became bored gradually, so he raised his hand and took a look.

On the wrist, the number of BUG has accumulated to 9 times.

What should I do?

At this stage, the game is useless.

So, is it time to increase the power in reality?

Indeed, the reality is too weak, it should be improved.

So, what should I take out?

To be honest, Su Bai had no good choices either.

Except for some pill, there is nothing to get it.

"This time, get some pill of the spirit world. It is of legendary quality, and the effect is still low after all."

Su Bai thought, rummaging in his backpack.

There are so many things in his backpack.

When Tasting Erzhi and Tasting Jing died, Su Bai took all the things that fell!

Of course good things are indispensable!

Before long, Su Bai saw one of the most precious pill in the drop of Tsang Ershi.

【Tian Zun Xuan Ling Pill】

Level: Supreme·Yijie·LV1 (that is, you need to be at the Supreme rank to use)

Quality: Supreme

Category: Spirit Pill

Effect: After use, add 1000 points to all four dimensions.

Details: Collect a hundred years of pure aura from the sky and condense it into a pill.

To be honest, this pill Su Bai wants to use it in the game!

The effect is too strong!

Add 1,000 points, and convert the mortal world attribute to 1 million points!

At the same time, that is to say, if an ordinary person uses and absorbs normally, his physical fitness will exceed that of a mortal one hundred thousand times!

This life class is farewell!

This is the best pill to taste Erzhi, and there are only three pills in total.

It just so happened that after taking these three out, Su Bai was left with 3 BUGs, which was enough in emergency.

One requires two bugs, one card has no level, one card goes out.

Since there was nothing to do anyway, Su Bai acted immediately.

Trigger a BUG, ​​and silently extract this pill into reality.


Then, looking at the BUG interface that popped up, Su Bai was stunned.

[BUG power has not been promoted, forcing this medicinal medicine, it will consume 10 times of energy! 】

[The current number is insufficient, 9 times! 】

[Extraction failed! 】

It used to be only once, but suddenly it took 10 times.

It went far beyond Su Bai's expectations!

Looking at the pop-up panel, does it take 10 times for all spiritual objects? !

Su Bai thought, and quickly tested it.


It really is!

Even if it is a thing of extraordinary quality, it takes 10 times!

"According to the information that pops up, can the power of the original BUG still be advanced?"

Su Bai wondered.

This is quite understandable.

To put it simply, the BUG is a mortal rank, and this spirit pill is a spirit rank, so it should be spent several times.

But the problem is that there is something wrong.

The profession of yin and yang is beyond the gods!

Back then, as long as one chance, you can get 100% chance.


Moreover, how do you upgrade to the ‘Spirit Level’?

This is even more confusing!

Is it possible that if the real body is also at the spiritual level, BUG will automatically be promoted? !


When thinking of this, Su Bai's eyes were lost, and he said in his heart: "Don't say it, I feel...something is possible!"

He felt it was very possible!

Anyway, the actual body must also be improved.

And there is no other way, this is indeed a try.

So, here comes the problem again!

How on earth can a real body be considered a spiritual level?

God knows how many pills to take!

At this time, Su Bai muttered again, "Why can't the attributes of the body be extracted! How convenient is this!"

"And, why is it "no data"? It's worse than not being able to extract!"

I tried it twice before and it all showed ‘no data’.

Don't mention how uncomfortable!

"No, try again!"

Su Bai was not reconciled, and triggered a BUG again, silently saying: "Extract all my attributes to the real body!"


[Data is satisfied and can be extracted! 】

[BUG power has not been promoted, forcing the body attributes, it will take 10 times of energy! 】

[The current number is insufficient, 9 times! 】

[Extraction failed! 】

Su Bai: "..."

After being startled for two seconds, Su Bai was ecstatic!

That's it!

Can be extracted!

There is data!

At this moment, Su Bai's mind flashed, and he understood why there was no data before.

Because of spirituality!

Without spiritualization, there is no data.

After the spiritualization, everything is real and it is possible to be extracted.

"Okay! Wait ten hours!"

Su Bai's eyes were bright, looking forward to it.

I don't know what it is like to reach the spiritual level in reality.

Moreover, will you have the power of Shura, Yin and Yang?

Like online games: Create a BUG every ten hours, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) Online games: Create a BUG every ten hours. The literature update is the fastest.

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