VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 954: Watch the show


Su Bai's eyes were dark, and he couldn't see anything.


Xia Cha was shocked because of her slippery feet and her body was a little soft.

"Hee hee hee……"

Mu Mu was watching the play, giggling, and squeezing her eyes at Xia Cha in a narrow and'joking' manner.


Su Bai slapped Xia Cha's **** and said in a vague voice: "Dead girl, don't get up!"


Xia Cha blushed and moved her body softly.

Su Bai twisted his neck, looked at Xia Cha sitting next to him, and said, "I said Chacha, you are planning to break your brother's neck!"

"Eh heh..."

Xia Cha put out her tongue cutely, and then said pitifully, "Good brother, it was not on purpose~!"

"and also!"

Xia Cha akimbo her hips, pouting her mouth and said, "I am a soft girl who is light and soft, how can I break your neck!"

"This is a bad word."

Su Bai jokingly shook his head, and said, "Did you just not hear it? The sofa creaked, I guess it's about to break."


Xia Cha's face collapsed, and she squeezed her small fist and punched Su Bai's chest, "Smelly old man! Beat you to death! You know that they are fat! Where are you fat?! She said she liked me before..."


Su Bai coughed and interrupted Xia Cha.

Only then did Xia Cha react, and Mu Muke was right beside her.

By coincidence, Mu Mu blinked and asked cutely: "Sister Chacha, what do you like about your brother?"


Xia Cha suddenly made a big red face and waved her hands in a panic, "It's nothing, I'm going to cook!"

After speaking, he quickly got up from the sofa and ran to the kitchen.


Mu Mu tilted her head and didn't understand.


Su Bai smiled badly, looking at Xia Cha's back, itchy in his heart.

The figure of the little girl is quite good.

Although not explosive, it is still very beautiful.

Moreover, after this time of tempering, he has grown a lot.

When trotting, his waist twisted slightly, and the curve that swayed gently was quite beautiful.

A pair of slender legs, white and tender, is like new tofu, with simple cool children on the feet, and the roots are moisturized.

"Brother, look dumb!"

While Su Bai was admiring the beautiful scenery, a bun's face appeared in front of him.

The bun's face was still bulging and frowned.

It was as if he was asking Su Bai why he didn't look at her.

"Ah~ nowhere."

Su Bai coughed and patted the empty seat on the sofa next to him.


Mu Mu's eyes lit up immediately, and he lay down beside Su Bai.

The small head rested on Su Bai's arm, the whole person was on his side, holding Su Bai.

Very close, she didn't care at all.

Su Bai took advantage of Mu Mu's small waist and asked, "Mu Mu, how is the improvement in the game?"

Mu Mu replied, "Thanks to the Star Coins given by my brother, I have also reached the limit!"

"After reaching the limit, it is also stuck? Can't improve?" Su Bai asked.


Mu Mu nodded, but she smiled and said, "However, my situation is different from that of sister Yi Nuan."


Su Bai raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you say?"

Mu Mu explained: "Although the strengths of my grandma and I refute each other, they will faintly converge."

"Grandma said that she has treasured secrets, and I can practice together with her to break the limit."

This is...


After all, Mu Mu possesses the power of the lunar yin, and Mu Suxin is the power of the sun.

However, do you practice together, or the power of the Taiyin Sun...

Su Bai suddenly had this idea in his mind.

Sin, sin!

Su Bai threw away these thoughts and said with a smile: "Okay, that's all right, if you have any needs, just tell me directly."


Mu Mu nodded, the probe kissed Su Bai's face, blushing, and said, "Brother, you are so kind!"

"Haha..." Su Bai chuckled lightly.

Next, Su Bai turned on the phone and swiped the phone with Mu Mu.

Not long after, Xia Cha was ready for dinner.

Dry rice Dry rice!

By the way, while eating, Su Bai asked about Xia Xia Cha.

It is also at the limit, and there is no way to break through.

This problem is not big, Su Bai feels that Mu Yi Nuan's situation can be replicated.

At that time, double repair a few shots in the game, and you should be able to break through.

After half an hour, eat and drink enough.

After finishing the cleaning, the three of them rested on the sofa and watched TV to relax.

Warm and peace of mind.

After a while, Mu Mu yawned.

"Brother, Sister Cha Cha, good night, Mu Mu is going to take a bath and sleep."

Say hello to Su Bai, and she went upstairs.

Then, there were Su Bai and Xia Cha in the hall.

Quietly and slowly, the atmosphere became ambiguous.

Xia Cha nestled in Su Bai's arms, breathing a little heavier and quicker, and his eyes had a special look.


Su Bai sensed it, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

A little presumptuous smile~

He grabbed the phone and called Yun Cixue.

"Hello, husband?" Yun Cixue happened to be away from the game, and immediately answered the phone.

Su Bai smiled and said, "Xuexue, come over to me and miss your long legs."

Yun Cixue's face blushed, she immediately became happy, and her voice was cheerful and authentic: "Okay, I'll come over right away."

When Su Bai asked Yun Cixue to come over, Xia Cha immediately became alert, "Bad brother, do you want to do something shameful again?!"

"How can I tell them to come over and play." Su Bai said with a smile.


Xia Cha looked at Su Bai slantingly, her expression unbelieving.

However, she blushed, and after a few wandering eyes, she remained silent.

after a little while.

"Ding Dong!"

Su Bai waved to open the door and found that not only Yun Cixue, but Shangguan Qingshang also came.



Both of them greeted Xia Cha with a smile.

"Sister Xuexue, Sister Qing Chang!" Xia Cha stood up and waved warmly with them.


After Yun Cixue was ashamed, she called to Su Bai: "Husband, I also called Sister Qingqing."

"a ha ha ha……"

Su Bai smiled weirdly and said, "It's better to come together," "Come here, come and sit next to me."

Shangguan Qingshang: "..."

Looking at Su Bai's smile, Shangguan Qingshang always felt bad!

Husband won’t wait to retaliate against me. Tease him! ?

It's all here, there is no way.

Fearfully, she and Yun Cixue came together and sat on the sofa.

Fearing that Su Bai would clean her up, she sat a little farther, and Yun Cixue was next to Su Bai.

After you're done, watch TV...


Children only watch TV!

Yun Cixue's long white legs and exquisite jade feet look better than TV? !

Su Bai grabbed her white, soft jio, and started playing. The toes are like silkworms, cute~

Just... gradually overplaying.

So, after a while, Shangguan Qingshang couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't stand it!

"Then what...I...I'll go back first!" Shangguan Qingshang's face was red, and he wanted to slip away when he got up.

"Why are you going back?!"

Su Bai said, pulling down Shangguan Qingshang, "Dare to tease your husband, let you watch the show today!"

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