VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 938: Yin and Yang Avenue, always dripping God!


Mu Yi Nuan whimpered aggrievedly and said: "I'm wronged, son, I really can't absorb it!"

"The body has reached its limit, but it can't be broken through life and death..."

She did absorb a lot of celestial coins, but it was still 9999 four-dimensional.

Can't break through!


After reading her attributes, Su Bai frowned, not knowing what to do.

There is nothing difficult for him to break the limit himself.

Break through and open the door, and it will naturally break.


When Su Bai frowned, Mu Yi Nuan suddenly looked around and smiled.

His eyes were narrowed, his face was red, and his smile was weird.

"Huh? You are..."

Su Bai gave a puzzled hum and looked at her weirdly.

I always feel that the smile and look on Mu Yi Nuan's face are very wretched and trivial!

"My son..."

Mu Yi Nuan blushed, squeezed, pressing down on the shyness in her heart, "I heard that yin and yang double repair is very suitable for my current situation..."

God knows what these two guys are thinking, so they dare to take the initiative to say so...

Moreover, after she finished speaking, she stood up and pressed against Su Bai.

The little hand pressed Su Bai's chest, pushed him back, and then ‘squeezed like silk’ at Su Bai.

However, from Su Bai's perspective, she felt like her eyes were cramped...


This really can't blame Su Bai for laughing.

It's so funny!

Where is Mu Yi Nuan sultry!


Mu Yi Nuan's ruddy face was flushed with blood all at once, and he was too embarrassed.

Turned over and lay back on the bed, and yanked the quilt to cover himself.

She finally mustered up the courage to say!

Looking at the women and Su Bai's tenderness and affection, I am always envious!

Not long ago, I heard the corner of the night, and it was really hard to suppress.

Now, the courage is lost...


Seeing her pretending to be an ostrich, Su Bai was happier and smiled heartlessly.

"Young Master!!!"

Mu Yi heating in the bed shouted loudly.

However, it still failed to stop Su Bai's "ridicule".


Mu Yi Nuan became angry from embarrassment, opened the quilt, and rushed towards Su Bai.

Suppress Su Bai under him.

"Asshole son! Big badass!"

While blushing and cursing, he tore at Su Bai's clothes, "This one, you can let this girl go!"

"I want you to walk with the wall today!"


Three hours later.


"It's dying!!"


In Mu Yi Nuan's exaggerated begging for mercy, Su Bai let her go.

"My son...you are really not a human being!"

Mu Yi Nuan didn't have any strength to move, but his mouth was still trumpeting: "I'm a big girl, you don't have any pity at all!"

"Hey! Wasn't it arrogant before?!"

Su Bai sighed, and squeezed Mu Yi Nuan's soft face, "You don't want to wrong me, it's clearly your request, but I don't pity you!"


Mu Yi Nuan snorted, ignorantly, tilted his head and bit Su Bai's finger into his mouth, "Ah oh oh oh, kill you! Kill you son of a villain!"


Su Bai smiled and let her bite.

After a while, Su Bai said, "It's OK, get up quickly and consolidate it."

"Um... well well well..."

Mu Yi Nuan reluctantly got up.

He was pretty, without clothes, and sat cross-legged on the bed.

Su Bai just thought she was going to start fucking, but she heard Mu Yi Nuan yelling: "Speaking of you, you are so amazing! You can really help me break through the limit!"

"Wow! If you become a cowboy, you will make a lot of money!"


That's right!

After the two of them worked hard for three hours, Mu Yi Nuan really broke the limit and reached the four-dimensional mark of 10,000 points!

Very bizarre, but really!

Well, maybe this is the mystery of Yin Yang Avenue.

It seems that I will spend more time with my sisters...

Back to the topic quickly!


Su Bai flicked Mu Yi Nuan's head, grinning, and said solemnly: "Be naughty again, believe it or not I will let you lie down and eat in a few days?"


Mu Yi Nuan exclaimed immediately, hurriedly and seriously, and said very obediently: "You can rest assured, son! Xiao Nuan will never let you down!"

After speaking, he hurriedly closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, for fear that he would be cleaned up by Su Bai after a little late.

Since she is adjusting her breath, of course Su Bai is not here, it will disturb her.

So he left the room.

After standing at the door for a while, it seemed... I had nothing to do!

The girls haven't finished their promotion yet, and it is not good for them to go to the spiritual world to practice leveling and explore alone.

Even Mo Zixi, Xiaoxue, and Xiao Luoying are practicing in the pet space.

Now it's a bit rare!

It's rare to do this and do that in a hurry, you can take a leisurely while.

"Um...what shall we do..."

Su Bai frowned and thought.

He doesn't care much about God's soil, it seems that there are only some girls.

To be precise, I have a good relationship with me, it seems that I only have girls!

Ah this...


In short, being in the land of God, not by your side, and having a deep relationship.

Only three meet the above three points.

Ling Shuanghan, the sovereign of the Taiyin Saint Sect.

Chen Xiyue, the youngest daughter of Emperor Chen, the saint of the Taiyin Sect, and the closed disciple of Ling Shuanghan.

Chaohui Qiansha, the princess of the neon country, may be the future neon queen.

These three have a close relationship with Su Bai.

Although, Chen Xiyue, Chaohui Qiansha and Su Bai have no real relationship.

However, Su Bai did not intend to abandon them either.

"Look for Sect Master Bingshan first?"

"She should be rushing to the tower? It just happened to send Tong Tian Ling to her."

Su Bai thought so, using the empty gate to jump to the edge of the Tongtian Tower.

It is no exaggeration to say that as soon as he appeared, he immediately attracted all eyes!

It sounds mysterious, but Su Bai now has a powerful aura!

It is a unique breath that is naturally born when the body is strong and the life level is extremely strong.

This breath may not be clearly noticeable by yourself, but in the eyes of others, it is very clear!

Su Bai appeared here, just as the sun appeared in the dark night!

Extremely dazzling and eye-catching!




Beside the Tongtian Tower, there are a large number of players.

Daxia, Goryeo, Yingji... There are players from all over the world!

When they saw Su Bai, these people were stunned.

There was no sound for a while.

But soon, exclamation and screams were boiling.

"white night!!!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhh! ih love you, ahhhh!

"Boss White Night, I love you so much!"

"Big White Night!"

"Fuck! The white night boss has appeared! Here!"

"Big White Night... you are the most handsome!"

"White Night Giant!"

"Husband! Look at me! Husband, look at me!"

"Ouuuu...Big Brother White Night!"

"Papa Baiye!"

"Fuck! I saw Bai Ye today! I won't blink for a day!"

"Oh my God! Lucky!"

"Boss White Night, you did a great job in the spirit world! What a great job! You are my idol forever!"

"Boss White Night, you are so handsome!"

"white night……"

The crowd is so excited!

It's like magma poured into water, and it boils restlessly.

There are all kinds of mixed voices, such as big brothers, idols, and brothers.

There is also a husband called father...

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