VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 935: What are you eager to improve?

From the front to the back, the one that bears the brunt is naturally:

【Element point】


These two things were the first spiritual objects that Su Bai came into contact with.

At first, after Su Bai created the yin and yang career, the system rewarded him.

Yuan point*100,000,000. One hundred million!

Linghua*1,000,000. one million!

I have seen its effect before.

Yuanli is the experience value of the spirit world. [Metapoint] can be transformed into vitality and increase experience.

Linghua is the free attribute point of the spiritual world. This thing of the same name [Linghua] is naturally converted into free attribute points after being absorbed.


Su Bai looked at the yuan point in the backpack and chose to use it.

It was useless, so I used 1 to see the changes.

In the backpack, the 100 million Yuan points were reduced by one, and the white light flashed on Su Bai.

It's too tiny to feel.

Looking at the experience bar, it turns out that the experience bar is full.

Only then did Su Bai remember that he hadn't upgraded yet!

It is now 【Yijie·LV9 (upgradeable)】

Looking at it this way, it seemed that the spirit world had to take the initiative to upgrade.

"Then upgrade, just to see if there is any robbery."

Su Bai thought, and clicked the upgradeable interactive button.

A pop up "Do you want to upgrade", so naturally click "Yes".


With Su Bai's point, and the power in his body fluctuated violently, the whole body also radiated brilliant power.

After this brilliant light lasted for a few seconds, it slowly dimmed.


Su Bai looked up, and the sky was indeed darkened.

However, no thundercloud was formed.

After looking at the system panel, Su Bai understood the reason.

[You have been promoted to the Second Tribulation·LV1]

[Do you cross the robbery now? 】


Below, there are some explanations.

This thunder robbery seems to be postponed and accumulated, but it is very humane.

Of course, if you accumulate too much, the thunder robbing will be terrifying!

"Um...accumulate it!"

Su Bai didn't flee, choosing to accumulate.

Now he doesn't want to cross the robbery, and at the same time, he is worried that the robbery is not strong enough!

After making this choice, the slightly dark clouds in the sky also disappeared.

Su Bai opened the personal panel and checked his attributes.

There is not much change.

However, all major attributes have been improved.

Life increased by 11,000 points, 4V increased by 10 points, attack increased by 1,000 points, and defense increased by 3,000 points.

This is an upgrade and Su Bai did not add any points.

In fact, the upgrade can't add points now.

There used to be free attribute points for upgrades, but now, Su Bai does not get [Linghua].

In this way, in the spiritual world, it is purely on the individual's innate physique and acquired efforts to strengthen oneself.

After the upgrade, he returned to the topic, and Su Bai continued to absorb [Meta Points].

Absorb it again, generally turn to the forum.

In the posts that are everywhere discussing yourself, look for posts such as ‘teaching posts’, ‘worldview posts’, ‘items props’ and so on.

Su Bai only knows that [Meta Point] can add experience points, but he doesn't know how much to get one level up.

Now, his experience bar does not have a fixed value.

Soon, Su Bai saw something related to Yuandian.

The conclusion is:

Conventionally, in the metamorphosis stage, it can be upgraded to one level by tens of thousands.

If the robbery is promoted, it will be like this one hundred thousand.

The exact number is not certain, because everyone's situation is different.

The stronger the talent, the more terrifying the need!

As for how much Su Bai needs... after consuming a full [yuan point]!


The power of the body was full of light and disappeared after a few seconds.

Finally from [Two Tribulation·LV1] to [Second Tribulation·LV2]!

Well, the consumption is as big as ever!


Su Bai curled his lips indifferently, as he had expected.

carry on!

Next, Su Bai's level soared all the way!

Two Tribulation·LV3!

Two Tribulation·LV4!

Two Tribulation·LV5!

Soon, it was the Second Tribulation·LV9!


Three Tribulations·LV1!

Three Tribulations·LV2!


Three Tribulations·LV9!



Eight Tribulations·LV9!

Nine Tribulations·LV9!

At the top, 100 million yuan points are all consumed.

Without any bottleneck, Su Bai smoothly promoted to Nine Tribulations·LV9.

Counting this, he rose to level 99 in a short period of time!

If you want to improve, it consumes a lot of money!

Because the next step is not to be promoted.

It's a promotion!

Now, Su Bai's realm judgment is [Scattering], and his level is Nine Tribulations·LV9.

One more level is


One tribulation·LV1.

There are still celestial coins on hand that can be absorbed and converted into yuan power.

However, the thunder robbery of ascension cannot be suppressed and must be overcome.

The same can only travel in the spirit world, Su Bai is now in the land of God.

at the same time……


Before Su Bai thought about it, a brilliant golden light suddenly flew down from the sky.

Is falling beside him.


Su Bai's eyes widened, and he suddenly panicked.

This person turned out to be Fu Feishuang!

too suddenly!

Not long after Fu Qingqiu left, her sister ran over, and of course Su Bai was confused.

His eyes swept over himself and his side subconsciously, and then he was secretly relieved.

All around me and myself are clean.

Thanks to Fu Qingqiu, when he left, all traces were easily removed.

After letting go, Su Bai was puzzled again.


When Fu Feishuang came over, his face was black, as if sulking.

"Hey Hey hey!"

Seeing Su Bai's confused eyes, Fu Feishhuang said with a solemn face: "Smelly boy, go to the spiritual world to ascend, here you are a fart!"

"Also, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Why, think you can forcefully pile up a pile of treasures?"

"My mother tells you, it's best to try to reach Consummation before going ascendant! Understand?!"

Su Bai: "Um..."

Just... for this?

Su Bai was even more confused.

What Fu Feishhuang said was what Su Bai was thinking about just now.

It is stated in the forum post that this state cannot be mentioned too quickly.

It must be pressed until it is complete.

But what does this have to do with Fu Feishhuang's black face?

Why is she angry?

"What? I don't know about it?"

Seeing Su Bai's confusion, Fu Feishhuang thought he didn't know, and explained to Su Bai with a black face: "This Consummation generally refers to the four-dimensional attribute."

"Every realm has an extreme value!"

"Achieve this extreme and then go ascend, the later stage will benefit a lot!"

"The Transcendence Realm, the four dimensions can reach 100. This is also the limit of 90% of the living beings in the world."

"But you are different!"

"You are very special, at least double this requirement several times, try to reach 500, and then go ascend!"

"Look at your hurried appearance, in a while, from one calamity to nine calamities!"

"You have many adventures and treasures, but you have to exercise yourself more!"

"You can't just rely on treasures to improve! You have to fight more and stay firm!"

"Do you know how many talents are due to the failure to lay the foundation in the early stage, and the later potential is exhausted! Even if you eat more treasures, there is no hope for the road ahead!"


Fu Feishhuang didn't know what was going on, and couldn't stop even after preaching.

She knew that Su Bai was here yesterday, but there was no reason to go to Su Bai.

Moreover, Su Bai's breath quickly disappeared.

During this period, she has been inexplicably unhappy.

Until just now, I suddenly discovered that Shentu has a strong aura constantly rising.

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