VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 933: Find a wife to add

Su Bai is gone, and the players in Zone 12 are still talking enthusiastically.

By the way, there are also players who have **** with Su Bai's handsome photo.

It was posted on the forum and it sparked another wave of discussion.

At this time, Su Bai had returned to the Divine Land smoothly and appeared on the Tiantong Platform.


After exiting the Tongtian Gate, Su Bai raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised.

At Tongtiantai, people began to appear.

However, it's just an NPC, and it should be a while before players want to come.

It seems to be a bit slow, but this is because Su Bai has exceeded the Blue Star players too much...

Come back to the roof.

At this time, there were not many people on the Tiantai Terrace, only a dozen.

They are all top powerhouses who have broken through 100 floors and came here.

At this time, when he saw Su Bai, his expressions were shocked and respect emerged.

"Master White Night!"

"white night!"

"Big White Night!"


After seeing Su Bai, the NPCs here greeted them in fear.

They are strong, so they can access the Spirit World Forum.

Everything that happened to Su Bai Linghua was basically known.

All are extremely convinced!


Su Bai waved his hand at random and left the Tongtiantai.

In Shentu, the empty gate can be used, just choose a deserted place to jump over.

When he left, everyone on the platform looked at where Su Bai had disappeared and sighed.

"This White Night's talent is terrible!"

"The breath radiating from my body is terrible! I think he can crush me to death with just one finger..."

"It's hard to imagine, he was just an ordinary player not long ago."

"Moreover, the vision he caused is terrible, it is hard to imagine, what level of power he has!"

"Too enchanting!"



Su Bai appeared in a big mountain.


"woo woo woo woo!!"


As soon as it appeared, the monsters in the mountains slumped and whimpered.

The giant tiger, which looked super fierce, was also trembling on the ground.

It's also interesting.

Is he a powerhouse with aura level now?

Or is it that they can perceive the powerful aura of their own body and be afraid?

"Ha ha……"

Su Bai shook his head and smiled, digging out his backpack, and took out a bronze disc.

[Mind without boundaries]

Contact Fu Qingqiu.

Pressing the ball of light in the disc, Su Bai silently called out in his heart: "Big wife, are you there? I have a big deal with you!"

At this moment, Fu Qingqiu is cultivating in her shrine.


Actually in a daze!

After coming back, I always feel awkward.

I also feel that something is wrong!

I think my sister is really weird!

How should I put it... as if my sister is very attached to that guy.

Are you really just optimistic about him?

Before Fu Qingqiu came up with a reason, Su Bai's message came.


The bronze disc she placed not far away lit up, and Fu Qingqiu's eyes immediately focused on it.

"He's looking for me?!"

Fu Qingqiu's heartbeat accelerated, and there was a smile in her eyebrows unconsciously.

He stabilized his breath and attracted the bronze disc.

"Old wife, are you there? I have a big deal with you!"

Listening to Su Bai's voice, Fu Qingqiu frowned.

She was delicate in her mind and sensed the urgency and earnestness in Su Bai's voice.

Has something serious happened?

Guessing in his head, without correcting Su Bai's address to her, Fu Qingqiu replied, "What's the matter? You said it!"

Su Bai naturally bluntly said: "Big wife, my spiritual body is actually damaged, and it will disintegrate in less than a day. Can you help me?!"


Fu Qingqiu let out a low cry, looking very surprised.

She witnessed Su Bai's spiritualization throughout.

But at that time, I really didn't notice such a situation!

"Wait, I'll come right now!"

After speaking, Fu Qingqiu put away the bronze disc and disappeared into the temple, acting vigorously.


Su Bai didn't wait long, it was less than ten seconds.

Beside, a spatial crack quietly unfolded.

A beautiful **** stepped out, beautiful!

It's just that the pace is a little bit hasty, and he has lost some elegant manners.

Fu Qingqiu came to Su Bai, reached out and grabbed Su Bai's wrist, looking like he was getting his pulse.


Su Bai smiled, squinted and teased her: "Big wife, are you so worried about me?"


Fu Qingqiu glared at Su Bai and slapped him on the arm, "Little bastard! I don't care about you no matter what! You will live and die!"

That's what I said, but after speaking, he didn't put down Su Bai's wrist.

He lowered his head again, frowned his slender brow, and probed the condition of Su Bai's body.

Perceiving her deep concern for herself, Su Bai smiled mildly and lost her skin.

After a few breaths, Fu Qingqiu frowned.

She raised her head, looked at Su Bai, and murmured: "Your situation is... so weird!"

"Oh? How do you tell?" Su Bai asked curiously.

Fu Qingqiu said: "Your current body is a spiritual body, or a very strong spiritual body. I have never seen one stronger than you!"

"Of course! Don't look at whose husband it is, you must be strong!" Su Bai answered with a smile.

Fu Qingqiu blushed, and said in embarrassment, "Don't make trouble! I don't care if you make trouble!"

"Good wife, no problem, wife... uh, well, you go on."

Seeing Fu Qingqiu's unkind expression, Su Bai was decisive and serious.


Staring at Su Bai irritably, Fu Qingqiu went on to explain, "Because your spiritually reshaped body is so strong that you have only two possibilities!"

"One, Linghua perfectly reshapes the body."

"Two, direct failure!"

"You have successfully reshaped the Xeon's spiritual body, but it will collapse again. It's really weird!"

Fu Qingqiu finished with a confused expression.

Regarding this, Su Bai actually knew it.

This is of course because of the power of BUG.

If there is no BUG, ​​he will not be able to complete the spiritualization and will directly fail.

But now, there are bugs and it has been delayed for a while.

The explanation is too troublesome, so Su Bai didn't bother to explain, but said: "The big wife, can you help?"

"I...I will help you! But..."

Fu Qingqiu frowned, paused for two seconds and then said: "Your spiritual body is too special. I need some time to figure out the reason for the disintegration."

"Huh? Su Bai asked in surprise: "Big wife, you don't know the reason? "


Fu Qingqiu blinked, and asked in a daze, "You know it yourself?"

Su Bai explained: "It's because I hang out in Novice Village once before and consume mysterious substances."

"It is for this reason that my spirit body cannot be maintained."

"You should know this, right?"

Fu Qingqiu: "..."

She was speechless by Su Bai!

It was hard to perceive, and she didn't think about it at the same time.


Fu Qingqiu continued with a sense of sorrow: "If you die once, don't say that you are as strong as you have ever been spiritualized!"

"Even the nine ordinary spiritualizations may not be possible!"

Well, this is a BUG contribution!

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