VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 930: Qianlong! Dormant!

"Nothing, just..."

Su Bai groaned a little, and simply asked, "You, know me?"

"Yeah, I know!" Long Nu replied very happy.


Su Bai scratched his head.

After confirming this guessed answer, I felt even more confused and shocked.

How would she know herself? !

"How do you know me?" Su Bai asked again.

The dragon girl's eyes were complicated, she wanted to vomit, and she also restrained her efforts.

Later, she said softly: "I can't tell you yet, you will know for yourself."

This was the previous arrangement, it was an order, she could not say.


Su Bai paused, and then said: "Then I will ask in another way, do you know me now or when was me?"

"..." The Dragon Girl didn't speak, she was silent, she only silently stared at Su Bai with her eyes that softened the divine iron.

Su Bai couldn't see the answer from her expression.

Can only give up asking, don't know what to say.

"My name is Qingyu." Long Nu took the initiative to speak and told Su Bai of her name.


Su Bai repeated, looking at Dragon Girl, she felt that the name did not fit her.

The word Yu indicates melancholy.

This dragon girl has a gentle expression, but she doesn't feel melancholy.

Well, after thinking for a while, Su Bai didn't think much.

"My name is... Su Bai."

Now that she had said her name, Su Bai naturally told her her name.

For some reason, he told his real name instead of the game ID.

"Well, I got it."

Qingyu nodded gently, and then said softly: "There are many things that I shouldn't say now, and it is useless to say them."

"You just need to understand that I have no harm to you!"

"I know, I believe you." Su Bai nodded to show his understanding.

He did not feel any malice, but felt unusually cordial.

Whether it is Qingyu to him, or he is to Qingyu.

Su Bai said: "This is not important, I want to ask, did you bring me here?"

Qingyu replied: "Because of the dragon power in your body."


Su Bai raised his eyebrows and his interest rose sharply.

"I came to you because I sensed the powerful dragon power in you."

Qingyu looked at Su Bai softly and explained to him, "However, what you showed just now is only because of a shadow that is aroused when the power is restless."

"I brought you here to have a way to stimulate the power of the lurking dragon."

"?!" Su Bai's eyes widened as he realized.


Do you want to master the power of the dragon in the game? !

"You didn't guess wrong, it was what you thought." Before Su Bai asked, Qingyu saw Su Bai's doubts.

"Then how to excite?!" Su Bai asked, straight to the subject.

"This is for you."

Qingyu reached out and handed out a scale.

"What is this?" Su Bai asked curiously, taking the scales.

The scales are blue, the texture is clear and shiny, light, and naturally exudes warm temperature.

At the same time, after the question was spoken, Su Bai also saw a special pattern carved on the scales.

At a glance, you can recognize it as a map.

"Compared to what you saw, there is a map recorded on this scale."

Qingyu began to explain, she said: "The places recorded on this map have a way to stimulate your dragon's blood."

"However, you can't go now!"

"Huh? Why?" Su Bai raised his head and looked at her in surprise.


Qingyu paused, twisting the Qingsi beside her cheeks, hesitatingly said: "You still...more...well..."

She seemed inexplicable.

Su Bai felt that she seemed to be afraid of getting angry.

"Is it too weak?" Su Bai simply picked it up by himself.


Qingyu nodded and said: "At least, you have to wait until you reach the Supreme, before you can start to stimulate the dragon's blood in your body, otherwise, your body will not be able to stand it."


This is one of the classifications of the spirit world.

Transcendence, supreme, true spirit, supreme!

Su Bai hasn't looked at his attribute panel yet, but since he has just become spiritual, it should be in the stage of transformation.

It would also have to step into a few big realms, only three or four hundred levels, and the problem shouldn't be big.

"Okay! I understand."

Su Bai nodded.

There are a lot of things he has to do recently, and he can just put it aside for now.

"That..." Qingyu's expression changed, filled with deep reluctance, "Now, I should leave too."

She can't stay with Su Bai for a long time, it will affect Su Bai's growth and cause big troubles.

At the same time, after the recovery, there are still many things to do.

I am very happy to see Su Bai again!

Let her still hope to rekindle.

It's just a pity that I can't accompany him for some time.


Su Bai was startled, not knowing what to say.

She seems to have a great relationship with herself, but she has to leave before talking.

too fast!

Come and leave, too fast.

For a while, Su Bai felt an indescribable sense of separation and confusion.


"I'm leaving……"

At this moment, Qingyu spoke, hesitated, and walked towards Su Bai.

"..." Su Bai watched her approach, without hind legs.

A distance of one meter is only three steps.

Qingyu came to Su Bai's face, looking up at Su Bai only half a step away.

Su Bai lowered his head and looked at her flawless face, only to feel that Mei's heart was drunk.


The fragrant breath gradually became hot, and Qingyu's eyes gradually blurred when he saw Su Bai.

In those clear blue eyes, misty water, extremely charming, it is a look that can cause the heart to thump and thump non-stop!

She seemed to lose control and approached Su Bai at a slight speed.

But, suddenly, Qingyu's eyes were clear again.


Listening to Su Bai's heartbeat speeding up, Qingyu chuckled softly and shook his head, "It's still not possible, wait."

"Huh?" Su Bai couldn't figure out the meaning of these words.

"Okay, I'll take you back."

Qingyu returned to the topic at this time and said, "Well, yes! Your spiritual body is unstable because you have lost some special substances."

"You have to add it quickly, otherwise, it will collapse."

This Su Bai knew that he had seen the system prompt before.

Hearing her mention it at this time, it is inevitable to frown: "But, in a short time, how can I make up..."

In less than 24 hours, the spirit body will disintegrate.

This time, it may not be able to make up for life.


When Qingyu heard Su Bai's words, he suddenly pouted and said sourly: "You can go find the woman who has a close relationship with you! She can help you!"

This should be Fu Qingqiu.

Su Bai: "..."

Feeling Qingyu's current tone and expression, he looked strange.

From the beginning, Qingyu was very gentle.

Like the sister-in-law heroine of some comics!

But now, she ran out of this little girl's posture!

The pursed red lips and the sour expression are really attractive!


In response to Su Bai's weird gaze, Qingyu's face turned red and her heart was ashamed.

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