VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 928: Why should I go!

"Uh... what..."

The Snow Spirit God Bee looked at the cup in one hand, there was some left in it, and said Ai Ai: "Master, the ancestor taught me that I can't waste it since I was young. Look at this..."


Rolling his eyes one by one, he waved his hands angrily, "Go go! Why? Do you still want to drink the fairy drunk?"

"No, no...I didn't...I didn't dare..." Xue Ling Shenfeng hurriedly explained.

"It's all right! Go back to you!"

After speaking, he snapped his fingers one by one, and the Snow Spirit God Bee disappeared.

This is to send it back to the God Realm.

Seeing the spirits coming and going one by one, the spirit players present, it was really eye-opening!

Those who know the identities of one by one a little bit, now I feel even more terrifying.

If you don’t know, you are naturally curious!

One by one, regardless of their gazes, she just said: "Okay, it's all gone, why should I go!"

"Work hard, get the exam... Ah! Fight for good luck! Work hard! Look at others, how amazing it is to cause such a magnificent vision!"

If these two preaching go on, all beings will be scattered.

Even if I want to watch the excitement, I dare not watch it, at least not dare to watch it blatantly.

He didn't care about these sneaky gazes, holding the cup, his figure flashed, and he came to Su Bai's face.


Qinglong was taken aback, and quickly looked back, thinking he was going to do something one by one.

"Don't worry, you..."

He was speechless and idiosyncratic, with a small hand, he grabbed a ball of honey in the cup.

With a flick of his finger, this group of honey slurry flew in front of Qinglong.


Qinglong was stunned, not knowing why.

"It's for you, let me recover my vitality, I just woke up from a deep sleep and I still have such a bad temper... hurt my body!"

Said casually one by one.

For the sake of Qinglong's protection in vain, this bite of honey would give her some recovery.


Qinglong looked at one by one in amazement, it was a bit too sudden, and she didn't understand why this little girl was so kind.

The honey syrup in that cup is an excellent treasure from the gods.

"Take it away."

Su Bai also said, he was very relieved of Yi Yi.

"Okay! Thank you!" Qinglong nodded immediately and thanked him.

She didn't feel malice, and she really needed to be nursed.

It’s hurting to sleep for so long and start fighting as soon as I wake up!

Open your mouth and swallow the honey slurry.

Once swallowed, a brilliant light appeared from the abdomen and gradually spread across the body.


Breathing out the invigorating dragon's breath, she refined the huge and gentle divine power contained in honey.

He drew out two groups again and again and kept them by his side. I don't know why.

Then, she looked at Su Bai.

"in vain!"

Say hello to Su Bai, with a bright smile on his face, innocent and innocent.

There is no posture of holding on to his body, and his hair is still tied with the familiar dog's tail.

She is like a little girl in the village, innocent and outrageous.

In front of Su Bai, there was still the demeanor that just waved Fang Qiu.


Seeing the brilliant smiles one by one, Su Bai suddenly shook his mind.

My eyes flashed, as if I saw an ordinary grass growing in a mud field.

After another flash, the grass suddenly became a big tree.

Under the tree, there seems to be something.

Once again, these are gone, and there are still bright smiling faces in front of them.

"in vain?"

Seeing Su Bai in a daze, he tilted his head curiously, his eyes probed.


Su Bai patted the back of his head, shook his head, and paused for a few seconds.

What I just saw was hidden at an extremely fast speed, and I couldn't recall it at all.

Just feel dazed.


After a few seconds, Su Bai said: "I'm okay, one by one, what do you want me to do?"

The creatures peeking in the spirit world didn't show much performance at this time, so obviously, oneself and Yiyi here should be isolated.

So Su Bai didn't worry about anything.

"Um... hehe..."

Each blushing smile, he raised the cup in his hand.

After turning around, he deliberately pointed the place he had touched to Su Bai.

Blushing, pretending to be natural one by one, he said, "Hey, for nothing, this honey is delicious, give you a sip!"

"However, you can only take a sip, you can't drink too much."

As he spoke, the force of the pretense was naturally uneasy.

His face called a red.


Seeing the cup raised to his face and the faint cherry pink lip gloss on the mouth of the cup, Su Bai was a little dumbfounded.

This girl... even put on makeup and lipstick at such a young age? !


What kind of little girl is she, the actual age is estimated to start in the hundreds of millions!

Eh eh eh! Not right!

This is not the point!

The point is... Is she... deliberate?

Of course it is intentional!

The honey syrup drawn to Qinglong one by one, and the other two groups drawn out separately, are absolutely clean.

This is for Su Bai...


Imported honey!

Seeing Su Bai's thoughtful look, he couldn't stand it one by one, and he was ashamed.

"Oh, you are welcome!"

Hold on, pretend to be generous, and top the cup when talking.

"Huh?! Hmm... grumble!" In this way, Su Bai was forced to take a mouthful of honey.


It's delicious, with a special milky aroma in the sweetness.

"Oh! The rest can't be wasted!"

He took back the cups, said pretentiously one by one, and then calmly drank the remaining honey pulp.

Su Bai: "..."

The fool knows that one by one is intentional!

Moreover, this honey syrup is afraid that it was deliberately come over to drink for myself.

Of course Su Bai understands!

This is really...

Do evil!

How can my own charm be so...big...

"Uh! Hiss..."

Su Bai originally had a divergence in his mind, but his body suddenly swelled, and the divergence was suddenly interrupted.

At this time, there was a brilliant light shining on him.

This is the function of honey pulp!

As soon as Su Bai had become spiritual, he would absorb God-level things. Of course it was difficult and uncomfortable.

If it weren't for the experience in this area, and the extraordinary physical fitness, plus a special refinement one by one, this would still be unstoppable.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it will be fine in a while, nothing will happen."

Holding the cups one by one, with a relaxed expression on his face, he explained to Su Bai in an intoxicating tone: "You can't absorb this honey slurry now. Now it is only stored in the body to strengthen the foundation and origin, and it will be slowly released in the future. ."

"it is good."

Su Bai nodded and waited for the absorption to be completed.

After the slight pain, I felt the warm current slowly soaking into my body, which was quite comfortable.

"Hey, girls, come here."

At this moment, the two sisters Fu Qingqiu and Fu Feishhuang in the distance were called one by one.

In their dumbfounded expressions, they gave them two clusters of Snow Spirit God Bee Jelly.

Of course it was also because they protected Su Bai.

They didn't wait for them to ask, and they said: "It's OK, don't ask so much, absorb it."

There was no way, they nodded and thanked them, and accepted.

Soon, Qinglong was completely refined, and so did Fu Qingqiu and Fu Feishuang.

Su Bai also sank into the depths of his body, waiting to be released.

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