ID: Taurus

Level: Seventh Divine Tribulation

Grade: Myth

Race: Sijin 17th Star/Essence Species/Tianjin Race

Occupation: Tianjin Huashen

Title: Baiyue Changhong

Spirit·Life: 2.5 billion (250 trillion)

Spirit·Spirit power: 135412 billion (13 trillion)

Spirit and power: 3,57213 billion

Spirit and physique: 3,17312 billion

Spirit and intelligence: 245132 billion

Spirit and spirit: 231354 billion

Spirit and physical attack: 361123.2 billion (361 trillion)

Spirit·Magic Attack: 1,873249 billion

Spirit and physical defense: 1531.5486 billion (1531 trillion)

Spirit·Magic Defense: 150324.9 billion (1500 trillion)

Skills: Golden Seal Thousands of Miles, Rebellious Life, Sky-Gold Cracker, Ancient Request for Order, Heavenly End, Abandoning Gold and Blast... Thousands of omitted.

Equipment: None, repair oneself

Details: From Sky Venus, the body is a lifeless peculiar metal, but it has consciousness in a long time.

Note: The power of the gods is too large and extraordinary to be quantified by data. The above information is for reference only!

Note 2: The above information is viewed in the spirit world, so only the spirit world version is displayed!

Su Bai: "..."

Looking at this panel, Su Bai's pupils shrank and fell into shock for a while.

He knew that Gods would be strong, but he could be so strong...

I didn't expect it!

These data are terrible, calculated in trillions!

Tens of trillions, hundreds of billions!

No wonder Fu Feishhuang knocked down a huge mountain with a few punches. With this attribute, let alone crash a mountain with a few punches.

I'm afraid, bursting a star is not impossible, right? !

"Thinking about it this way, this attribute also fits..."

Thinking about it, Su Bai felt like it should be.

This colorful cow is also a god-level one!

There is such an outrageous attribute value, it is reasonable.

Otherwise, how can you be called a god?

Of course, the power of the gods is definitely not just as simple as seen on the panel.

The notes and words under the panel are clear, and the panel is for reference only.

The terrible power of God, and the strength of the panel will definitely suffer a big loss.

Therefore, it seems that there is still a long way to go to slaughter the gods purely on their own.

"Still not too floating!"

Su Bai sighed inwardly, his face was as usual without any frustration.

He has achieved an unprecedented achievement, triggering a magnificent vision that the gods are concerned about.

All the eyes that poured into Su Bai's body had a shocking color.

Have been shocked by a certain characteristic of Su Bai!

If you put it on ordinary people, you will inevitably be arrogant, you will drift away, and you will think that you are already strong.

But Su Bai was stable from beginning to end, and he didn't float to the point that he could kill the gods.

After all, he was just stepping into spiritualization, and he was still far from God.

Of course, Su Bai is not afraid of the same rank, even if it is a god!

Even if it is a god, if it is the same rank, Su Bai is not afraid.

Even want to kill one to see!

Therefore, before daring to say regret, dare to say that he failed to fight with God.

Closer to home.

Su Bai turned off the panel and watched the battle intently.




The roar is still constant, and the horrible fluctuations are still terrifying even if they are separated by tens of thousands of meters.

From time to time, terrible splashing forces flew around, destroying pieces of buildings.

Had it not been for Fu Qingqiu to isolate these fluctuations, it would be impossible for Su Bai to stand here.

As for the situation of the battle, Fu Feishhuang still has the upper hand.

The aura is the most vigorous, the power of his body is extremely bright, shining thousands of miles, and the knife in his hand also exudes a powerful aura.

Every flicker of the body and every swing of the magic sword caused spatial shock and roar.

The goat and the snake were carrying Fu Feishhuang's attack together, and the colorful **** Taurus was on the edge.

"Damn! This crazy woman is too fierce!"

"There is that Fu Qingqiu here, it's too awkward!"

Both of them continued Fu Feishhuang's violent attack, while their thoughts were complicated.

They couldn't take Fu Feishhuang, but they couldn't pull their faces down to call for help.

Of course, there is no sign of defeat, and it can be sustained.

On the contrary, from time to time, the fringe took cold hands to start the colorful **** Taurus the worst and suffered the most injuries.

There were dozens of knife marks on his body, and his tough-looking body also exploded with many cracks.

"Made! Grass! My body!"

The angry **** named Taurus shivered.

But in general, the status of these three is pretty good.

Although Fu Feishhuang is strong, these gods should not be underestimated.

The situation is temporarily deadlocked.

It is estimated that the fight will not be finished in a short time, and the battle of the gods has not ended so quickly.

After two glances, Su Bai turned to look at the hundreds of thousands of gods around him.

Then, let's look at the players and NPCs that surround the 12th district.

His brows couldn't help but frowned.

The current situation is not easy to solve!

God war can't intervene, unless you want to be swept to death by a little aftermath.

With hundreds of billions of onlookers and malicious people, they can't do it all in one second.

Really consume it here, how long will it take?

Fighting with others for a lifetime is impossible!

"Some trouble..."

Su Bai frowned and sighed inwardly. With nothing left to do, he reached out and hugged the quiet Xiaoxue on his shoulders into his arms.


Xiaoxue sat in Su Bai's hands, tilted her head, her expression confused.

"Xiaoxue, how are you? Are you okay?" Su Bai touched her little head and asked concerned.

Although it doesn't seem like a big deal, I want to confirm it.

"Master, I'm okay~"

Xiaoxue shook her head, grinning cutely.

It is still familiar and naive, no different from usual.

"Ah That's good."

Su Bai nodded, letting go.

Then, he opened Xiaoxue's panel and checked Xiaoxue's information panel at this time.

I haven't looked at Xiaoxue's attributes for a long time, now look at it.

At the same time, the skills Xiaoxue had learned before also made Su Bai very concerned.

【Xiao Xue】

Master: Bai Ye

Grade: LV87

Grade: Legend

Life: 87000

Magic: 870000

Talent: Holy Light Spirit Body

Skills: Resurrection Light, Light Wing Blessing, Battle Hymn, Holy Light Guardian, Judgment Blessing, Resurrection Ode, Holy Path and Heavenly Realm

Details: A kitten from an unknown source has a very strong original life level, but it has been sealed for too long, resulting in a sharp drop in rank and strength. Zeng flashed back a bit of long-term memory not long ago, and after recalling a skill, he fell silent again.

Xiaoxue's attributes didn't change much, only a few more skills.

Her life and magic value, in the eyes of Su Bai at this time, are very weak!

It is obvious from the details that attributes shouldn't just be the case.

How to regain strength, Su Bai didn't know what to do.

For the time being, nothing can happen.

After this happened, I raised Xiaoxue's level to the upper limit to see if there would be any changes.

After thinking about his plan, Su Bai pointed to a skill he used frequently.

[Battle Anthem]

This skill is a buff of blessing, and he often uses it.

But after I just used it, I felt something was wrong, as if the effect was drastically reduced.

[Battle Anthem]

Grade: LV9

Consumption: 90000 mana

Cooldown: 60 seconds

Effect: within 60 seconds, physical/magic attack power +50%

Details: Xiaoxue applies holy light to the designated target to increase its state.

Note: You have become agile, and the level and attributes are too strong. The bonus effect of this skill will be reduced by 90% on you!

It's... really weakened.

Xiaoxue's level is too low, her attributes are too strong, and the buff can't support it.

This is too real!

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