VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 916: Taste the terrifying attributes of Erzhi!

As the viewer said, Taste Erzhi is anxious.

Su Bai has brought him too much humiliation, he no longer wants to pay attention to anything, just want to kill Su Bai in his hands as quickly as possible.

Pinched to death! Choke to death! Swallow in one bite!

"Oh? Interesting!"

Su Bai raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows. At this time, he felt pressure on Taste Ershi.

I feel the pressure that I need to be touched once and I will die.

"Let me see, what is your strength?"

As he meditated in his heart, Su Bai probed Taste Ershi's personal information.

ID: Taste your knowledge

Level: Nine Tribulations·LV9 (in special state gain)

Rank: True Spirit (Supreme above)

Occupation: Demon Flame Devouring Tiger

Title: Lord of Half Devil

Spirit·Life: 197000000 (in special state gain)

Spirit·Spirit power: 22000 (in special state gain)

Spirit·Power: 2540 (special status gain)

Spirit·Physique: 2435 (in special state gain)

Spirit·Intelligence: 2564 (in special state gain)

Spirit·Spirit: 2434 (special status gain)

Spirit·Physical Attack: 182612 (in special state gain)

Spirit·Magic Attack: 181249 (special status gain)

Spirit·Physical Defense: 8555486 (special status gain)

Spirit·Magic Defense: 8555049 (special status gain)


Now it is known that the attributes after spiritualization are about 1000 times the attributes of the ordinary world!

and so……

At this time, the taste of your knowledge, relative to the mortal realm attribute, is...

197 billion lives!

More than 2.5 million four-dimensional!

Basic attack power of around 180 million!

Around 8.5 billion defense!

With such terrifying attributes, it was normal to be able to directly resist Su Bai's attack.

At the same time, if you hit Su Bai, Su Bai will die!


Just after looking at it, Taste Ershi let out a thunderbolt roar.

The blood basin was wide open, and the terrifying volume formed a sound wave visible to the naked eye!

His demonization has been completely completed!

The killing intent on his body has also risen to the highest peak!

"It seems to be a little serious!"

Seeing the terrifying aura and tasting the body of a hundred feet tall, Su Bai looked slightly serious, ready to use some skills.

But at this moment, Su Bai was taken aback.

Because he heard a soft cry.

"Aim ~Master~"

It is a coquettish voice that contains joy and miss, sweet and innocent.

Mo Zixi's voice is very good, but when she speaks... she always has the charm to seduce Su Bai, and she breaks her leg!

So, this voice is...


Su Bai's heart was filled with joy and immediately called out in his heart.


A warm white light lit up on Su Bai's shoulder, and in an instant, Xiaoxue appeared!

She is as usual, no big changes.

The eyes are still blue like the sea, and the hair is still as white as sacred light and white jade.

The movement is the same, squatting on Su Bai's shoulders.

"Master! Xiaoxue misses you so much!"

After appearing, Xiaoxue cheered, stretched out Meow's hand, and hugged Su Bai's neck.

The furry cheeks swayed and rubbed on Su Bai's face, and he would stick out his soft tongue and lick Su Bai's cheek.

Xiaoxue unreservedly showed her miss for Su Bai.

Well, it's a sweet thing.


Taste Erzhi, who was not far from the opposite side, was raging and raging at this moment, so how could he wait for Su Bai and Xiaoxue to renew their old age.


The ghost roared and turned into claws and kicked the ground.


Stepping directly out of the 100-meter pit, his huge body flew towards Su Bai at a speed comparable to teleportation.

Su Bai's eyebrows that were also delighted suddenly wrinkled and were interrupted very upset.

But unable, only retreat.

Longitudinal golden light!

The golden light broke out on his body, and he took a step more than 5,000 meters directly, opening a great distance!

Just after leaving, Taste Ershi fell to where he was originally.


The sky was originally empty, but at this time there was a terrifying explosion.

The white mist exploded instantly, spreading to the earth in the blink of an eye.



"Crack, click, click!"

For a while, dust was everywhere on the ground, and the sound of debris hitting each other was all over the ears.

This terrible movement was blown out by Taste Ershi!

Put it on someone, I don't know how much it can tear!

"Hao Ha Ren's punch!"

"So strong!"

"Can the human genius stop it?"

"This punch is too strong! It can tear countless pieces!"

Fortunately, the creatures here ran away when they saw the gods fighting, otherwise they would be unlucky.


In the distance, Xiaoxue raised her head, she naturally heard the movement.

Su Bai stared at Taste Ershi's movements, guarded, and touched Xiaoxue's little head at the same time, and said: "Little Xue, Master is still busy now, you go back and rest first."

"Meow~ Master, Xiaoxue has already rested!"

Xiaoxue said softly, rubbing her head against Su Bai's chin, "Xiaoxue wants to help Master!"

"Um...that's fine too."

Su Bai didn't hesitate much, and nodded quickly.

Xiaoxue's breath is full of vitality, and it should be completely restored.


But it hasn't added BUFF yet, the annoying guy will come again.

In the high roar, Taste Ershi stepped on and exploded the ground, and then rushed towards Su Bai at a very fast speed.

Five kilometers is not very far, at the speed of tasting your knowledge, you can fly in just one breath.


Su Bai frowned uncomfortably, nailing it still in the air.

Don't dodge!


At this time, Xiaoxue's BUFF also added to Su Bai.

Several groups of light fell on Su Bai's body.


Su Bai narrowed his eyes comfortably, with a look of enjoyment.

Xiaoxue's skill bonus is too powerful!

At this moment, he feels his body is tumbling with immense power, not letting go!

Well, there is a target right in front of me!


The space is shaking, Taste Erzhi has arrived!

He still punched, slammed hard and domineering, and wanted to blow Su Bai with a punch.

Su Bai's eyes were cold, and the heavy and large sword in his hand was suddenly raised, fiercely.


After shouting, the epee was full of turbulent blood, bright and dazzling.

Inspired by the skills, the sword is even more terrifying!

And the direction of the sword is just blasting towards the giant fist of Taste Ershi.


"Damn! He dare to come hard?!"

"Rampant! I don't know the number!"

"It's already a big loss to fight with the patriarch of a half-devil clan. He even dared to fight hard?!"



Seeing that the powers of the two sides are exactly proportional to each other, the onlookers' eyes widened.

Staring closely, don't miss any scene.

How much is a second, the two sides have already met!


In the explosion comparable to the roar of thunder, the extremely bright rays of light exploded as quickly as possible.

Exploded hundreds of meters!

A huge ball of light energy appeared in front of my eyes almost instantaneously, and the radiant light reflected extremely far.

Moreover, the turbulent energy exploded is still exploding with the sound waves.

At the center of the engagement, there is nothing to see.

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