VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 914: Several great realms in succession?


In the earth, the word "resistance" appeared on Taste Jing's body.

In other words, Su Bai's fierce blow did not cause him any harm.

how to say……

After all, Taste Jing was also spiritualized, equipped with good equipment, and used secret methods.

Therefore, the skin is very thick now, which offset the damage of Su Bai's attack.

He was blasted down and the ground was smashed just now, all caused by Su Bai's power.

Too heavy!

Like ten thousand sacred mountains bombarded together, its momentum is more than a million catties!

Taste crystal can't stop it!

Even if all the injuries were blocked, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were all shaking, depressed and painful.

Can't breathe and feel uncomfortable.

Seeing his grinning grin, Su Bai raised his eyebrows and looked at the sword in his hand.

After taking a look, Su Bai recognized the sword he took out casually.

This sword is a hideous but extremely handsome epee!

Sword name: Glory of all ages!

He was rewarded by the system after killing Wu Jiaowan.

Extremely heavy!

It is an extremely heavy sword that requires 600,000 points of power to control.

At that time, Su Bai, let alone waving, couldn't even control it for a moment.

But now Su Bai squeezed, in terms of weight, feeling...

It is no different from pinching an ordinary sword!

The reason for this is obvious, his power attribute must be greatly increased.

The information panel has not been seen yet, and it is not the time now.

I'll talk about it when the immediate matter is resolved.


Looking at the tasting crystal embedded in the pit, Su Bai thought, a turbulent blood flame appeared on his body.

Suddenly, his breath changed drastically!

Originally lazy and unconcerned.

At this moment, it was only slightly serious, but it exuded a super vigor and full of pressure!

A long way away, many players and local creatures in the spirit world felt their hearts throbbing, and unconsciously became nervous.

Thousands of meters away are the gods.

Originally, they were paying attention to the battle between Fu Feishhuang and the three gods.

It was very intense from a distance.

The power of horror was radiant, and the brilliant rays of light scattered 10,000 meters, illuminating the sky.

Every move is pervasive and devastating, powerful and terrifying!

If anyone is injured, the spilled blood can crush a building!

Or be blasted on the ground, blasting a thousand zhang big rift valley.

This is the terrible war of the gods!

Even if the strength is suppressed, it can be called an extinction!

Therefore, Su Bai can be regarded as inconspicuous here.

But at this time, some gods still moved, looking away from the battle of the four gods, and looked at Su Bai.


There was a sound of astonishment, and a powerful **** muttered to himself in confusion: "His power aura is very condensed and strong! His judgment rank is probably not low, at least...it is supreme!"

This self-talk has attracted more attention.

Many other gods turned around, staring like the sky, staring down.

"Oh? Really!"


"It seems that he has a profound background, and he has even stepped into several great realms after being spiritualized."

"Is it too much?! Are you afraid that it will cause potential problems of insufficient foundation and insufficient depth?"

"Weird, I think for a while he is just fading, and for a while I think he is above the real spirit!"

"Interesting, something has affected my exploration!"

"Yeah?! I can't check his attributes yet?!"

These gods made judgments on Su Bai's rank.

Rank is something that will come after spiritualization.

It's like the rank of BOSS, perfect, epic, legend and so on.

Most Torinos have no rank.

Is such that:

[Level: One Robbery·LV1]

【Class: None】

After the Nine Tribulations·LV9, one step further is to fade away.

And those with extraordinary talents will advance as soon as they become spiritualized, and have a rank.

The lowest grade is from [Faing Fan].

Therefore, this can be seen to a certain extent the talent of a player.

Those gods who have seen it will be so interested in discussing and examining Su Bai's rank.

However, what is interesting is that the gods are also uncertain about Su Bai's specific level.

Waiting for something like trying to probe Su Bai's attributes, but found that the probe was blocked!

What power covered Su Bai and prevented the spread of information.


Back to Su Bai here.


Standing on the monster's body, Taste Ershi frowned, looking at Su Bai at this time, he actually felt...horrified!

This is unreasonable and outrageous!

Taste the strength of Ershi, it is much higher than taste the crystal!

And now, just a rigid spirit is enough to threaten oneself? !

Even if the talent is terrible, it shouldn't be so!

"What realm has he reached?!"

Taste Ershi questioned in his heart.

I also tried to probe, but I couldn't see anything.

Taste your eyes worried and tangled.

Worry: Tsing Jing who is afraid of using various hole cards is not Su Bai's opponent.

Tangled: He wants to shoot, but he has scruples. He is very strong. If he passes, it will be a big problem to be hostile by that god!

Before he tangled up, Su Bai moved brazenly!


The body flew down, extremely fast, causing the air to roar and burst.

Before reaching the earth, there was a storm like an arrow.


Tingjing was embedded in the ground, still dizzy.

But at this time, he was enveloped by the murderous sword wind of Ling Yu, and his whole body was cold, and he instantly recovered.

Focusing on his eyes, he immediately saw Su Bai coming with a huge epee.

In a moment, my mind went blank!

Su Bai jumped down from the sky, as if killing a god!

The terrifying momentum and coercion suppressed Tsing Jing's mind.

After all, Su Bai has a lot of passive enemies that can suppress his own.

At this time, Su Bai stimulated his skills.

The blade of the heart.


The sword burst into blood like a blazing sun, and the dangerous aura doubled.

The horrible sword aura was scattered, and it had already been cut to the body of Wei Jing, and the bare skin was torn apart.

But he still didn't move, nor could he move!

Su Bai's hostility and suppression, Taste Jing suffered completely.

In terms of his strength, he couldn't stand it at all.

He is too weak!

Even if the super strong form is stimulated, it is still too weak in Su Bai!

and so……


-15796989·Ling·Critical Strike (15.79 million)

The damage was 15.79 million!

Doesn't it look too much?

Getting used to the damage done by the Mortal Realm, and looking at this meager tens of millions, it is indeed not enough.

However, let the players and creatures in the spirit world see this damage...

"Hold the grass!!!"



"One thousand... over 15 million?!"

"This, this... is too fierce?!"


"Hiss... scary! Obviously just now spiritualized, but it can be done like this!"

"Yeah! Too outrageous! I've never seen such a strong guy! I have just been spiritualized, but he is like a spiritual master..."

"No, you haven't seen a live video about him?!"

"That's different! The skills in the video are special, and the enemy is too weak!"

"Yes, and the damage done now is really terrible!"

"Think about it, he has just completed his spiritualization! It's no surprise to be surprised."


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