VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 910: The ultimate finale: power in gestation!

Back to the spirit world again.

Su Bai hung in the air, around him, spinning around nine magnificent visions!

He is at the center of these grand visions, and all visions surround him!

At this moment, Su Bai is like an emperor!

Master the strongest and most terrifying power in the world!


To be honest, Su Bai looked at these visions and felt very confused.

These visions are too strong, and there are several powers he doesn't understand.

The whole Su Bai himself is a little suspicious of life!

Where do these powers come from? !

I'm really confused. There are several powers coming out from nowhere...

"Oh...I don't know what to say to express my shock."

"Yeah! I... served it! I really served it!"

"This human race is too bad for the sky!"

"It's terrible, he has nine powers in him?!"

"Although there are a few powers that are very misty and can't be perceived at all, I think they will never be ordinary!"

"Yes! It must be strong enough to guard against the sky!"

"Ahhhhh! I am so envious, I am so envious that my lower limbs bleed!"



Everyone was envious, but suddenly someone exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, the exclamation was also ringing endlessly.

All the onlookers stared at Su Bai.

Even a god-level boss, there is not much difference.

Originally, there were nine visions on Su Bai, and after the ninth vision, there was no movement.

Therefore, everyone who was watching thought it was over.

But, who knows, this is not over yet! ! !

On Su Bai's body, another light flew out!

"call out!!!"

A ball of light flew out, floating in the air.

It emits a soft light, no special breath, but faintly covers all visions.

This is the power that is completely still gestating, and there is no trace at the same time, it is the power that Su Bai himself was born.

Therefore, it does not have any characteristics, just like a piece of white paper, waiting for the later splash ink painting.

"This is... is the nurturing power!"

After Su Bai lost his eyes for a moment, he immediately recognized it.

This group of forces helped him through this thunderstorm, of course he knew it.

But I didn't expect that this turned out to be the finale.

"Damn! Ten! Ten whole visions! Outrageous!"


"If this guy does not die, how far does he have to grow?"

"With so much power, how much does it cost just to cultivate?"

"This... forget it, I still won't retaliate..."

"It's too scary, I still can't...

"This last vision...couldn't it be something conceived in his body? It feels alike!"

"Yes, I also have this experience. I have nurtured a talent, and I don't know what he will do."

"Appeared as the last vision, and after the appearance, it will cover all the light...waiting to be born, it is absolutely terrifying!"

"Well! The deity thinks so too, really curious!"

"This... is also drunk. I felt a heavy frustration with a little humanoid..."


After ten visions in a row, all of them were shocked and complicated in their hearts.

Some guys who had been malicious to Su Bai had also retreated now.

It's not that I'm afraid of Su Bai now, after all, many people in Su Bai can kill him now.

Su Bai who is afraid of the future!

If this kind of enchanting cannot be suppressed at once, after a period of time has passed, then things will happen!

There are also some guys who are very temperamental, have deep hatred, and greedy guys, who are still holding sly.

At this moment, it is almost over!


The writhing power in Su Bai's body gradually stabilized, and the vision displayed between heaven and earth gradually faded.

In the end, everything was dim, and Su Bai was recovered.


When it was fully recovered, Su Bai's aura surged, bursting into brilliant light, and his aura was very powerful!

At this moment, the spiritualization is truly over!

All the attributes have been changed, and the promotion due to spiritualization has also been completed.

"Choo Choo Choo……"


Above the head, is the phantom of the beast with nine groups of light.

At this time, he let out a joyful cry and fell towards Su Bai.

It arrived in the blink of an eye, hovering around Su Bai, tweeting joyously, showing a cordial atmosphere.




Seeing this scene, the atmosphere suddenly settled down.

Many eyes were fixed on the nine light groups flying in front of Su Bai.

I don't know what exactly these nine light groups do, and don't need to know right away.

Just knowing that this is a gift from heaven is enough to cause desire and greed.

However, after looking at Fu Feishhuang and Fu Qingqiu who were not far from Su Bai, they could only temporarily suppress them.

The god-level powerhouse has not moved yet.

Some of them want to take the nine groups of light, and some don't want to.

If you want, then you have to wait for the robbery cloud in the sky to disappear...

This robbery cloud is also weird, it hasn't dissipated until now, it seems that it has to wait until the things are pinched by Su Bai to dissipate.


Su Bai also looked up at Jieyun slightly in surprise, feeling a little strange.

But he couldn't see much yet.

"woo woo woo woo!"

At this time, among the phantoms of the beasts holding the light, there was a little guy like a puppy grinning cheerfully.

After Su Bai looked over, it suddenly became excited.

Jumping in the space in front of Su Bai, he looked very happy.

Before Su Bai had any reaction, it pushed a beam of light over its head, and its eyes were moving like a god, and Su Bai took it.

Su Bai didn't hesitate, stretched out his hand to pinch the light ball.


After pinching, the light dissipated, revealing the contents inside.

It is a ball of lychee-sized, silver-white liquid that emits thunder and electricity.

Just by looking at it, Su Bai could feel that another two drops of this liquid would be enough for the Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart to give birth to spiritual wisdom.

This feels very reliable, because that drop of emperor's blood contains some information, so Su Bai can judge it.


While Su Bai was looking at it, the little puppy-like guy whimpered happily, then ran over and licked Su Bai's face a few times before slipping away.

The other phantom beasts moved forward, pushing the light group they were supporting towards Su Bai.


Su Bai looked strangely and wiped the saliva on his face, wondering if the phantom was so real, even the saliva came out.

As soon as the distracting thoughts passed, he reached out and grabbed the light ball pushed by the next beast.

The third regiment.

Fourth, fifth...

Soon, all nine groups of rays of light arrived!




These phantom beasts screamed goodbye, flew into the sky, and sank into the cloud.

After the roar of Jieyun twice, it dissipated reluctantly.



Jie Leiyun disappeared, and the scene was silent, calm, and gradually depressed.

All the onlookers present saw what the nine groups of rays were.

You can tell at this moment whether you are tempted or not.

Even among the gods, some have moved their minds!

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