VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 905: Horror Vision

That black thunder is terrible and weird!

These players just got close to a certain distance before they were beaten from the sky to the ground.

While knocking out one-third of their blood, they also cut one-third of their lucky value!

They don't care about the drop of health, anyway, they can recover with some medicine.

However, this one-third of the luck was cut off, it can be said to be unbearable pain!




These greedy people all look uglier than eating shit.

But there can be no other than anger.

As soon as my mind turned, I knew that these thunders were smashed because I was waiting to **** them!

The loss is a big deal, and a batch of painful people is so depressed that it explodes, and the anger is sudden!

But... who can I find?

Find the thundercloud in the sky to settle accounts?

Can only hold back!


Wait, that doesn't necessarily mean you can only hold back.

These guys who were struck by the thunder and lightning, some of them were flexible, their eyes flickered, and they looked at Su Bai with anger.

The things were given to Su Bai by Heavenly Tribulation, and on the way, they would be struck by lightning.


When Su Bai receives the things, when the thundercloud disappears, he can always grab it, right? !

They thought of this, and the greed that had just been smashed by the sky thunder revived.

But now is definitely not the time. These players are all retreating and dare not approach anymore.

With this wave of lessons learned, the untouched guy who is also greedy dare not move.

Halfway through the flight, he was taken aback, frightened and afraid, and quickly flew backwards.

I didn't have any thoughts at first, but now I was eating melons and watching the show.

"Hahaha laughed to death!"

"Tsk tusk tusk... these silly hives are really stupid."

"Hehe...Fortunately, I run slowly, and almost got struck by lightning."

"These guys...really miserable!"

"That's not it! It's hard to die if I want to absorb and improve a little bit of luck, I cut a third directly, it's too painful!"

"It deserves it, greed is in my heart!"

"This thundercloud is interesting, it will take the initiative to attack treasure grabbers..."

"What a peculiar thing! The treasure will be dropped, which is rare!"

"It's really rare. In other words, what are those bunches of light?"

"The distance is a little far away, and I can only feel a little breath, feeling pure and strong spiritual power of heaven and earth."

"In that case, is it for this human race kid to be promoted?"

"Huh...why didn't that kid say anything?"

"He didn't move after the tribulation ended. It is estimated that it is time for the power in the body to change and fluctuate."

"Yes! This is when the body's strength is transformed after the complete spiritualization."


The onlookers talked about Su Bai from the catastrophe.

Since the end of the catastrophe, the thunderclouds glowed with visions, and the phantom beasts came to treasure. During this time, Su Bai just stood in the air, without moving.

Experienced players pointed out the reasons.

To put it simply, it is Su Bai's spiritual body that is transforming power spontaneously.

To be more blunt, the panel is now being updated to update the power in the body!

During this period, although the person hasn't moved, the body and the space around the body have big movements.


Su Bai's whole person is glowing, and the power in his body is transforming.

Spiritualization is not just about reshaping the body. When it is completed, all his attributes are fluctuating and increasing rapidly.

Su Bai's feeling now is just very cool!

He can clearly perceive that the strength of his body is constantly increasing, and everything is growing wildly!

Don't be too comfortable with this kind of rapid lifting.

At this time of explosive growth, Su Bai's body glowed due to power fluctuations, and his side also appeared.

First of all, the light of blood-red power gradually lit up. This was the power of Shura.


The blood was evaporating, and quickly enveloped a sky, like a sea of ​​blood.

As the blood gas became thicker and more brilliant, a strange situation appeared in the blood gas.

The stars fell, the sky turned upside down, and the blood gathered in the void into a sea of ​​stars.

One is fighting and fighting in a sea of ​​blood.

This is what those players call the ‘vision’!


"His! I seem to feel the murderous aura! Bloody!"

"What a terrible vision..."

"This is? It feels a bit familiar, is it... the breath of Shura Dao?"

"Looks like it is! Moreover, this human race is the Shura profession."

"This vision is a bit shocking, murderous!"

"Could it be that his blood is the Asura survivor?"

"It feels like...Huh? There are even more?!"

"The second vision! What is this...?!"



Originally, the onlookers were already shocked by the vision around Su Bai.

However, a second vision was born!


The space around Su Bai vibrated, it seemed to make a sound of water, and then black and white light suddenly appeared.

In the light of the light, a pair of little fishes swim with them.

One black and one white, this is the power of the yin and yang profession!

They wandered around Su Bai in the air, and every movement of them could trigger a magnificent scene.

The sun and the moon alternate, the yin and yang rotate, the world is natural!

Compared with the Shura profession, it is no less than surpassing, and even more convincingly.

"This vision is also very strong!"

"The power of curiosity, I haven't seen it!"

"It's really unique, it blends the opposing yin and yang into one!"

"The visions caused by these two forces are extremely extraordinary. Where did this kid get it?"

"This black and white Pisces is so mysterious, I don't even understand..."

"Damn it! Why does he control such a powerful force!"

"It's really upset!"

The onlookers looked at the two visions surrounding Su Bai, with shock on their faces.

Su Bai hadn't picked up the things from Heavenly Tribulation, so no one on the side dared to approach Su Bai, everyone was far away from him.

However, the aura from these two visions can be clearly perceived by anyone.

For a time, there are few people who can keep calm.

No matter the strong or the weak, they all agree that these two powers in Su Bai are powerful and mysterious!

And this is not over yet.

When the yin and yang power came out, there was no other movement around Su Bai for a while.

I thought it was over, but after a while, Su Bai's heart jumped.

In the body, strength has increased tremendously.

At this moment, Su Bai suddenly felt that something was emerging from his body.

Very strong hunch!

This hunch also became reality in the next instant.


Su Bai suddenly burst into brilliant golden light all over his body.

A huge figure flew out of Su Bai with the sudden appearance of golden light.

Flew to a high altitude in an instant, and then a roar sounded.


The voice is very majestic, with terrifying coercion.

Those onlookers who were a little closer, shivered at the sound. The whole body was soft, and the power in the body was instantly silent and dormant.

A little further away, the body is also stiff, and there is panic in his heart.

These are just because of a roar!

But after seeing what the roaring was from, the huge space fell into silence.

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