VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 900: Are you still here?!

Kilometers away.

These escaped players are now puzzled and terrified.

Originally thought that Su Bai was killed by a thunder, but he actually dropped the second and third thunders in succession!

What does this mean?

This means that Su Bai is not dead, and he even suffered two thunders well!

This is incredible!

"He is still alive?!"

"How outrageous!"

"Don't panic! There should be some defensive means, so stay alive."

"He can't do it, don't be afraid!"

"Huh! Look at your panicked...Uh...I rely on!"


"He... Bai Ye is here! He is here again!"

"Fuck!!! Run!"

"My Nima! Bai Ye, you idiot!"

"You are coming!"


Halfway through the ridicule, they were all startled, and rushed back.

Because Su Bai suddenly jumped out of the thunderbolt group formed by the aftermath of thunder and lightning.

One step is to cross a hundred meters and chase the past!

Looking at this frenzied posture, the thoughts are undoubtedly revealed.

Of course, the players in the direction of Su Bai know that this is to use them as lightning protection!

At the moment, they all yelled, then oiled the soles of their feet and ran wildly.

However, there are too many of them.

At the same time, although the spirit world is large, it allows so many players to run at full speed...The building is not so open yet.

Therefore, Su Bai easily caught up with a giant tortoise.

"I said your father!"


Amid the roar of anger, the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky hit the giant tortoise.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

Su Bai calmly absorbed the exploded arc on the side, and this arc would not have any effect.

After plundering the arc fiercely, he swiftly stepped forward and caught up with another one.

"You are so stupid! It would be even more terrifying to rob the thunder in this way, idiot!" The one who was chased by Su Bai was an ant, but it was bigger than the hill.

Seeing Su Bai flying to his side, he immediately cursed.

There will be a few seconds between each robbery thunder, so it has the opportunity to curse.

When the scolding came out, it also started.

Although I don't want to attack Su Bai, so as not to be implicated by thunder thunder, but don't do it now, it will be used to block thunder later!


It swung an ant's claw several times larger than a cow, and blasted towards Su Bai.

The strength is good, before the claws arrive, there has been a storm, and he is definitely a guy who has been spiritualized and has risen several levels.

But Su Bai is not afraid of anything.

Facing a paw several times larger than his whole person, he also blasted out a punch.


Su Bai didn't use his full strength, but when he shook his fist, it was as fast as lightning, exploding the air!

The violent wind blows out and rustles.


Seeing this horrible movement, the giant ant's eyes widened, but the power had already been released and could not be collected, so he could only increase his power a few more and blasted Su Bai fiercely.

Soon, in the blink of an eye, the two came into contact.


The result is naturally one-sided!

Even though Su Bai was covered with wounds, the claws of this giant ant were still cracked by his bombardment, and the entire claws were cracked!

But it didn't fly, Su Bai held it, paused for a moment, and threw it into the sky.


Old Su Bai is proficient, and the time is just right. As soon as it was thrown on, Jie Lei crashed down.

The giant ant is not like Su Bai with a good fortune, after being smashed, it will be desperate almost instantly.

"Stab it stab it! 呲啦呲啦!!!"

The aftermath passed down and enveloped Su Bai.

Because of the Thunder Spirit's elemental heart and the power that was gestating, Su Bai's body was actively absorbing lightning.

This is much more convenient!

These aftermaths are also completely unable to cause damage to Su Bai, and will be directly absorbed.

"Well... Pull another thunder, I should be able to suffer another thunder!"

Su Bai silently calculated according to his physical condition.

Then, continue to step forward, chasing the players running around the ground.

Seeing Su Bai coming over, these players became even more anxious, running faster.

This scene is really funny!

Su Bai was alone, chasing the players all over, it was funny.

There is no way, there is a sky thunder hanging in the sky, and even some big guys dare not mix in.

Su Bai is chasing him, Fu Qingqiu is about to die.

Su Bai couldn't communicate to her, so she didn't know what Su Bai meant.

"Stupid! What are you doing?! I told you to stop!" Fu Qingqiu gave Su Bai again, very anxious.

Her sister is no exception, she is also transmitting: "Little guy! No! If you do this, it will greatly increase the difficulty of crossing the catastrophe!"

No matter how much he is, the promotion is promoted.

What is needed is that the thunder is long-lasting, so that it can absorb more power!

If luck is really lost, Su Bai doesn't care. There are more than two hundred points anyway, and Mo Zixi is there anyway.

However, the eldest wife is so worried, she still has to reply.

Su Bai took out "Mind Unbounded" from his backpack. This was something that Fu Qingqiu gave him to communicate. Of course he used it now so close.

"Don't worry about your eldest wife, I know it in my heart, it's not a big problem, it's very stable!"

"No more, I'm busy!"

Pass a few sentences out briefly, put it away, Su Bai speeds up to chase.

Fu Qingqiu: "..."

Su Bai's answering Fu Qingqiu gritted his teeth with a black line on his face, and he was even more worried.

Raising the power of Jie Lei is a big deal!

You don't take it seriously!

Fu Feishhuang who couldn't receive Su Bai's reply made it even more uncomfortable, like sitting on pins and needles.

She was unusually optimistic about Su Bai, and she didn't want Su Bai to die.

If this fails now, the ninth-order spiritualization will definitely be knocked down, and an imperfect eighth-order spiritualization will be obtained, and the loss will be too great.

However, at this time, Fu Feishhuang could not help either.

If she goes to help, it will also inspire Lei Jie to increase his power, and will also make Lei Jie count her!

"Damn brat, he didn't listen to me!"

With a bite of Yinya, Fu Feishhuang's foot was annoyed, and he could only press down and panic inexplicably.

I can only believe that Su Bai can survive successfully.

"He did a lot of miraculous things, right now?!"

Fu Feishhuang thought so in his heart.

At this time, Fu Qingqiu was the same. The two sisters were still very similar and connected.



The roar resumed, and another player helped Su Bai block the thunder.

After absorbing the aftermath, although he continued to pursue, Su Bai did not hide.

Next thunder, he wants to eat the thunder by himself.


In just two breaths or so, with a bang, Jie Lei fell!

Carrying the power of terrifying thunder and lightning, it hit Su Bai.


The body became violent, the wound reappeared, and the blood that was fully recovered fell sharply again.

But not dead, this robbery thunder took it.

Fifty percent is absorbed by the gestational power, 20% is absorbed by the Thunder Spirit Elemental Heart, and 30% is consumed and absorbed by the body.

"Tons, tons..."

Take out the consumables to use, and quickly return blood back to blue.

Although the body is numb, there is also a slight dull pain, not very comfortable.

But Su Bai is still very happy, so it seems that every time other players block three mines, he can completely absorb one robbery!

"Ha ha……"

Su Bai smiled playfully, and continued to pursue the fleeing players without stopping.

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