VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 898: Jie Lei doubled, luck fell!?

At this time Su Bai appeared, and the players in front of him naturally noticed it!

The breath on his body hadn't calmed down, his breath was strong and restless, so he was discovered as soon as he came.

"white night!!!"



At this moment, exclamation sounded everywhere.

They haven't thought of what Su Bai will do, but it is definitely not a good thing to be with Su Bai now!

Su Bai took a step, his figure flashed, and instantly appeared on the edge of a 100-meter boulder.

This is good in the spiritual world!

There are many players and creatures who are very big!

You don't need to do anything, just hide from others.


Although Su Bai's movement was small, it was not covered up after all, so the boulder heard the movement.

The pair of Shitong shrank and immediately understood Su Bai's intention.


The dazzling and dangerous thunder and lightning roared down again.

"Do not……"

Amid the screams of anger, Jie Lei hit the 100-meter boulder!

In a blink of an eye, dazzling lightning entangled it.

"Click, click, click!!"

Su Bai immediately heard the sound of the explosion of the stone, and then, his body was also wrapped in the aftermath of lightning.

I glanced at the boulder in a blink of an eye, slightly surprised.

This robbery was very peculiar and did not cause any damage, but the stone couldn't bear it, and it all exploded.

This thunder thunder has damage, but it will not be expressed in simple numerical values?

Perhaps, it has something to do with the ability of the slashed person!

Su Bai thought so in his heart, and then took a few more steps.


After two breaths, the third robbery thunder crashed down.

Su Bai didn't hit Su Bai and killed another thunder-blocker, so Su Bai absorbed a little aftermath.

There are so many players here, so many shields, it's hard for Su Bai to die.

If you want to say that...

Lei Jie is a bit embarrassed.

Not at all useful.

Su Bai thought so in his heart, but the players and gods who witnessed his actions didn't think so.

"Use others to block thunder?! How dare he?!"

"Isn't it?! Doesn't he know that using others to block the robbery will cause the thunder to be several times more fierce?"

"Such a shame?! Don't you be afraid that your luck will plummet!"

"Damn! He actually used this method?!"

"His thunder robbed too much, so he dared to do that? Are you looking for death?!"

"Good guy! How ruthless!"

"In this way, Lei Jie will not only double the difficulty, but also last longer! He wants to avoid the whole process by doing this, can you not make a mistake at once?!"


All the onlookers around and in the sky were shocked and surprised.

Su Bai's behavior can be regarded as detrimental to others!

It's been a long time since no one would do this.

Using others to carry the robbery will make the robbery stronger and longer lasting!

Even, it will cause a drop in luck!

If you lose your luck, it is really a lifelong legacy!


"White Night, what are you doing?!"

"Fuck! He's using us to block mines!"


"Fuck! Bai Ye, I tell you, using us to block the thunder will make your robbery even more terrifying!"

"Nima's! Don't you even have this common sense? Don't go back soon!"


Su Bai couldn't hear the distant voice now.

However, the voice of the player running in a panic in front of him can be heard clearly.

Seeing these players' resentment with gleeful eyes, Su Bai was a little confused.

This matter...

He really doesn't know!

I've done it before, and it doesn't seem to be a problem.

What thunder robbery doubled, I didn't feel it.

Lost luck?

His luck has always been high, no problem!

So this time, it is only natural to do it again.

"Broken! Why did I forget this!"

At the side, Fu Qingqiu suddenly recovered from the exclamation of the discussion from all sides.

The thunder robbery of the gods is completely different from the thunder thunder of the spirit world!

Divine Land is a world that escapes, with different rules.

The spirit world is strong and has reunited, so doing this will really cause problems!

"This...not good! You have to stop him quickly!"

At the same time, Fu Feishhuang was also startled, and then quickly recovered.

I'm used to staying in Shentu, but also because Su Bai has done this kind of stuff before.

Therefore, there is no immediate reaction.

"Stop, don't do this!"

"Little bad guy, stop! This will make Jie Lei double the power! It will also cause your luck to fall!"

Then, Su Bai heard two voice transmissions.

The first voice is full of air and has a slightly high tone, naturally revealing a kind of heroic air.

The second voice was gentle and warm, soft and tactful, revealing deep concern and love.

Su Bai was familiar with these two voices, and they were immediately distinguished.


Somewhat surprised.

The eldest wife is here, why is Fu Feishhuang also here?

This happened a bit suddenly, and it slightly shocked Su Bai's mind.


The thunder and lightning rose again, pierced the sky in the blink of an eye, and bombarded it down.

When Su Bai was shocked, this of course couldn't get out of the way!


The nine-color divine thunder bombarded Su Bai's head and instantly filled his body.

Crackle, prickly click!

The brilliant electric arc exploded, and a small electric arc spread across the body for a hundred meters.

For a time, it was almost like a huge thunder and lightning group of 100 meters, dazzling and bright, but also extremely dangerous!

It can be seen how strong this thunder is, even if it strikes the body, it can blow up so many arcs.


"Okay! Great!"

"Hahaha... Tell you to dare to use us to block thunder!"

"Hit you to death! It's best to make your ninth-order spiritualization destructive, unable to reach and perfect!"

"Huh! I was scared to death, I just thought I was going to die..."

"Mad, this human race is also a bit fierce!"


Seeing Su Bai's thunder, these players who were chased by Su Bai and fled in embarrassment all liked to laugh.

I was so embarrassed just now!

Although, if it is used to block the thunder, it will also increase the thunder tribulation, which will affect Su Bai's difficulty in crossing the tribulation.

But, who wants to be cannon fodder? !

The price of dying once is too great!


"Humph! If it wasn't for the existence of this thunder tribulation, I would definitely lead someone to kill you!"

"Better not die to me! Because, I will kill you myself!"

"Hehe...what if you get a huge amount of treasures and cause a vision?

"It's worthy of bloodshed, it's worthy of a branch from a wild land! I don't even know this kind of thing, huh, the consequences are you!"


Outside Zone 12, a large number of players and a large number of creatures are onlookers.

Among them, many are the families of players who were blocked by Su Bai.

Even if he couldn't kill Su Bai himself, it would be quite cool to see Su Bai's spiritual death died!


"There is still breath! Little bastard, hold on!"

On the edge of the martial arts field, Fu Feishhuang and Fu Qingqiu frowned as they watched Su Bai being wrapped by Thunder.

They almost rushed out to help Su Bai wave the thunder!

Especially Fu Qingqiu, with his hands clenched tightly, her eyebrows frowned, and her heart was extremely worried.

But fortunately, I can stabilize myself.

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