VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 895: I have never seen this scene!!!

At least, many players behind him can't see it.

In their eyes, it was Su Bai, no, it should be said that it was a bounty for walking.

Right now, they were all howling ghosts and chasing them up.

And this strange movement naturally attracted the attention of roadside players.

"What the hell?"

"So many players chasing one person...Huh? Ok... so familiar!"

"Damn! It's White Night!"


"He dare to come out?!"




It's lively! ! !

Behind Su Bai, followed a bunch of players!

This movement is getting bigger and bigger, arousing more and more attention, and more and more follow.

There were eyes from all directions, and after recognizing Su Bai, he came over.

At the same time, the news about Su Bai's appearance spread out at the speed of light.

Right now, the entire spiritual world began to tremble.

"What? He dare to show up?!"

"What?! White night appeared?!"

"Ha! Good fellow, I'm not brave..."

"Go! If I don't kill him, I can hardly understand the hatred in my heart!"

"Master, there has been an inexplicable thunder robbery in District 12, shall we go too?"

"What about thunder robbery? It's not against me, why don't you dare to go?!"

"Could it be the thunder tribulation caused by the white night? I think it's better to stay steady."


"The robbery in the 12th area is too weird. Although we are past, we are on the edge of the 12th area. Don't get too close!"

"set off!"

Countless players and families began to gather in District 12.

Although there is a huge thundercloud hanging here, but Leiyun does not target them, so he has no scruples.

Of course, there are no smart people.

Some guys felt that this thundercloud was probably caused by Su Bai.

Some are careful to watch the situation outside the 12th district.

But players who have a big hatred for Su Bai will not care about these.

I just want to kill Su Bai, find his face, and win the treasure!


Seeing the players approaching in all directions, Su Bai sighed.

I am really welcome!

It's beyond imagination!

Well, that's good too.


After running for a while, it stopped.

At this time, he was in a square, which was very large with a radius of 10,000 meters.

This seems to be a martial arts field, at this time it is a good place to overcome the catastrophe.

"You can't run away!"

"White Night! You know what we want to ask and what we want!"

"You can't leave! The Violent Ape Family has come, to wash away the shame!"


When he stopped, players from all directions also gathered around.

However, he was afraid of Su Bai's big move, so he all shot out from three hundred meters away.

Many of them don't need to kill Su Bai at this time, just drag them.


Su Bai was too lazy to reply, but with a thought, he shook the huge, star-like spiritual power in his body.

This last one trillion spiritual power will complete the training of the ninth level!


This roar was born from Su Bai's body.

The power of terrifying spiritualization exploded on his body.

Su Bai's spirit body, which had been tempered eight times, exploded again!

Like a ball of light, it blows up in all directions.


"what's the situation?!"

"How could it explode? Isn't he already spiritualized?!"

"This is... the power of spiritualization? Is there such a huge spiritual power?"

"Hi! What is he doing?!"

"It stands to reason that only the first spiritualization will explode and reshape!"

"Is it possible to run away?!"


Seeing Su Bai exploded, everyone was shocked, thinking that Su Bai had slipped away with a secret method.

But soon, some players exclaimed: "No, he didn't run! Look at the scattered light particles!"

This time the explosion will not waste the previous exercise.

Not remodeling, but ‘grinding’, ‘evolving’ and ‘hardening’ with cells as the unit!

This is a stronger way, more thorough!

The power of trillions of spirituality envelops every cell and condenses into light particles, evolving and advancing.

At this time, the sky is full of these shining and magnificent ‘light particles’, like stars shining here.


However, it also exudes a breath of terrifying power!

This trillion-level spiritual power is terrible!

The surrounding players, other players, and players floating in the distance all had their pupils contracted, and their hearts were greatly shocked.

In their hearts, many questions lingered.

"This is still spiritualization?!"

"Which level is this? How could there be such a terrifying momentum?!"

"A great amount of spiritualizing power! What kind of evildoer is this that needs so much when it is spiritualized?!"

Soon, these questions got some answers.

Jieyun in the sky answered it!


Suddenly, the thunderclouds in the sky also exploded!

The thunderclouds that were originally accumulated burst open, and the dazzling thunder and lightning instantly illuminated half of the spirit world!

Not disappear, but advanced!

When Su Bai began to step into the ninth level, Thunder Cloud also advanced!

After the explosion, a huge thunder vortex began to condense.

And, it kept falling down until it was less than 30,000 meters away from the horizon of Zone 12.

At this moment, this thunderous sky is too terrifying!

It's so huge, and it's so low.

Moreover, the thundercloud vortex composed entirely of thunder is like an eye!

This sense of oppression is too strong!

The creatures in Zone 12 can barely breathe, feel numb all over their bodies, and are terrified. They dare not just thunderclouds anymore.

In addition to this, there are differences.

In the huge thunder vortex, nine groups of special thunder and lightning began to condense.

Each of these nine groups of lightning is a nine-color light.

It also exudes qi that is visible to the naked eye, linking with Su Bai.

This is marking Su Bai!

By this time, all witnesses understood!

"This... turned out to be the Nine Color Tribulation Thunder of the ninth-order spiritualization!"

"Hi! This human race has actually stepped into the ninth-order spiritualization!"

"God! Why are there nine groups of nine-color robbery thunder?!"

"Impossible! Impossible!"

"Nine-order spiritualization, obviously there is only one group of nine-color robbery thunder! He actually has nine groups?!"

"How is this going?!"

"Is it possible that his spiritualization is so much stronger than all the world?!"

"Unbelievable! It's unbelievable! I have never seen Nine Color Tribulation Thunder appear nine at once!"

"This human race is terrible!"


These are shocked shouts from ordinary people.

They don't have enough eyesight and experience, so they are so shocked, so disoriented, and so pale.

And from the upper end of the Little World Tree, there are many lights and shadows projected down, which are the gazes of god-level figures.

When these eyes saw the huge thunder vortex, they would shake directly!

When you see the nine groups of nine-color robbery thunder inside, it will directly freeze!

When you see the sky full of light particles in the martial arts field, you will be shocked when you understand what massive spiritual power it is!

They won't be ashamed, but the shock in their hearts is like an overwhelming shock!

As a god-level powerhouse, I have seen more scenes.

But now, all the gods who are watching over must say something like this:

[I have never seen this scene! ! ! 】

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