VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 889: Return to Godland

God-level, ignites the fire, can destroy the stars, and overlook all living beings.

Even though he is so strong, Su Bai also has something that makes them all care about: [This White Night, is it the ‘White Night’ that created the profession at the beginning? ! 】

Before Su Bai vetoed it, it suppressed many people's suspicions.

But after showing off their skills, there will inevitably be more suspicious people, and the suspicion that was once suppressed will come back.

This question is very important, and many creatures are curious.

Not only players who have entered Mengzhou, but also the creatures of the ‘NPC’ that exist in Mengzhou also want to explore.

If you can figure out something, it is definitely a big gain.

In this way, this news will appear, it is normal: [This white night is the white night that created the profession of the beginning! 】

After the initial excitement, the world gradually became chaotic!

It's a mess!

In the ten billion divisions of the spiritual boundary, a pair of eyes were looking for Su Bai's figure.

The wind was surging, only waiting for Su Bai to appear in the public.

At that time, it will inevitably be aroused by many attentions, and many forces and strong will end!

At this moment, Su Bai was...


God soil.


Very quiet, no one.

Many Blue Star players are approaching level 99, but if you want to finish the Tongtian Tower, it will take some time.

Tongtiantai, in front of the phantom of the Little World Tree, is the towering Tongtian Gate.

In this quiet time, Tongtianmen suddenly appeared like waves, and a group of people walked out of it.

It is Su Bai and them!

However, they all changed their heads, and they all wore hats.

At the remains of the disaster, Su Bai could not know the outside world.

But when you think about it with your toes, you know you're worried about it.

There are too many girls around, so I have to take into account their safety, and at the same time I have something to do, I don’t have time to fight.

So, I changed the line to hide and disguise.

As for why you return to the land of God...Where is the safest place for spiritualization?

That must be God's soil!

There are two gods here, one of them is his wife.

Moreover, I came back because I had something to do.

"Oh! Can you come back so casually?" After walking out, Mu Mu glanced around, a little surprised.

Other girls feel this way too.

Just like the previous Su Bai, he thought that once he went to the spirit world, he would not be able to run to the gods at will.

"Yes, just send it."

"Of course, if the strength is too strong, you need to block the strength when you come down."

Su Bai explained two sentences.

"Oh, like this!" Mu Mu nodded lovely.

"Brother, are you going to be spiritualized now?" Xia Cha asked curiously at this time.


Su Bai groaned a little, then shook his head, "Don't worry, there are some things to do. At the same time, I have been in the trial for several days. I want to rest and perform spiritualization in the best state."

"Oh." Xia Cha nodded.

Next, the group borrowed the teleportation array on the Tongtian platform to teleport to the Tongtian Pagoda in Daxiaguo District.

After arriving here, they were surprised by the prosperity here.

A few days ago, it was a desert, with only one huge Tongtian Tower.

Now it's different. The ground is covered with masonry and there are buildings around it.

There are shops, restaurants, equipment, weapons and other shops.

The biggest and most familiar one is: [Ye Luo]

It is luxurious and covers a huge area!

Shangguan Qingshang is really amazing to build such a big mall in these few days.

"Wow! Sister Qing Chang is too capable!" Looking at Luo Lou this night, Xia Cha stared in surprise.

And Su Bai walked up and said, "Go, let's go and take a look, and find a place for Yi Nuan and the others to live in."


"it is good!"

"I haven't seen Sister Qingqing for several days, so I miss it..."


Not long after, arrived in front of Yeluo Tower.

At this time, looking around the world, there will not be any shops opened by players, which will be bigger and more prosperous than Yeluo Tower.

Therefore, at this moment, there are really many people in Yeluo Tower.

After entering, I didn't see Shangguan Qingshang immediately, so Su Bai called her.


It was picked up immediately after beeping.

Listening to the call of longing, Su Bai smiled gently and said: "Qing Chang, I'm back, now here is the entrance to the first floor of Yeluo Tower."

"Huh? Ah!!!"

Excited with joy, the phone was hung up.

One minute later.

In the box.

Shangguan Qingshang brought Su Bai and the others to this wing.

It has been half a minute since we met, but Shangguan Qingshang's eyes are still like water, and they are so nostalgic, nailed to Su Bai, unable to move away.

I haven't seen it for three days, but I miss it so much. This is the girl in love!

"Sister Qing Chang, why is there such a big change here?" At this moment, Mu Mu crawled on the window sill of the box, crying crisply.

"Because several big countries and continents have come here and participated in the construction." Shangguan Qingshang explained.

In that case, Ye Luo Tower was probably built by these guys.

Well, these are not important things.

Next, Su Bai said: "Qing Chang, arrange a bedroom for Yi Nuan, City Lord Suxin, and Meng Shenxi."

"Okay." Shangguan Qing Changrou smiled and nodded.

Open your friends list, and you can just get started.

After getting this done, Su Bai was not in a hurry to go offline.

After thinking about it, he said: "Yinuan, you all seem to be level 99, right?"

"That is!"

Mu Yi Nuan suddenly looked smug, and pointed his thumb at herself, showing me a great look.

"Yeah, thank you brother, I'm here too!" Mu Mu came down from the window sill and stood in front of Su Bai grinning.

"Yeah." Mu Suxin nodded.

"And me, I'm here too!" Xia Cha said happily.

"Dad, Yingying too!" Xiao Luoying in the pet space also followed up with milky voice.

"Meow~ Thank you for your help, the slave house is here."

Mo Zixi hugged Su Bai's arm and twisted her body coquettishly. If she doesn't need to grind people, she is indeed a well-behaved cat.

Killing a monster in the ruins of the disaster is a huge amount of experience.

Su Bai deliberately brought them up to level 99 is no exception.

In this way, only a few of the girls around me were below level 99.

Meng Shenxi, don't count, her attributes are not clear now.

Yun Cixue, the blood cannot be activated, even awakening.

Shangguan Qingshang is suspected to be the same as Yun Cixue.

Xiaoxue is still asleep, so she can't improve. But it looks like he should be awake soon.


Su Bai nodded in satisfaction, and then made a move, Xiao Luoying appeared in her arms, "In this way, you can't go to the spiritual trial first, first upgrade the four dimensions, and absorb the star coins I gave you!"

"Don't be afraid of waste, you must break the limit in your body, and then consider spiritualization!"

This thing, like other spirit coins, is non-level.

Compared to Yun Cixue, who is inferior, it is only slower to absorb.

"Yeah, good brother." Mu Mu nodded obediently.

"Of course! I must catch up with the son!"

"The master is so nice~!"


There is no need for Su Bai to say this, they will all do it.

It's okay to be pulled away by Subai, but it can't be pulled away by others.

Otherwise, if you can't help at all, isn't it a burden?

It’s okay to just fight the mobs!

Next, after a short rest, the girls were very motivated and didn't want to fall behind.

All told Shangguan Qingshang to find a quiet place to absorb the Star Spirit Coins.

Meng Shenxi was coaxed by Su Bai to rest, and then, it was rare for him and Shangguan Qingshang to remain.

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