VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 884: One wave fertilizer!

-15,098,184,760·Critical Strike (15 billion)

-15,118,150,710·Critical Strike (15.1 billion)

-37,795,375,000·Fatal! ! ! (37.7 billion)

-37,795,375,000·Fatal! ! ! (37.7 billion)

-15,212,751,142·Critical Strike (15.2 billion)

-15,124,484,354·Critical Strike (15.1 billion)




"Outrageous... Outrageous... Outrageous!!!"

"The minimum is 15.1 billion! The maximum is 37.7 billion! There is still such a large range!"

"I really want to say that this is fake, but this, really can't be real! What kind of evil is this!"

"Is this a monster!!!"

"It's over... This human race is really terrifying! Blocking the door..."

"It must succeed! It will definitely succeed!"

"...We have also witnessed the birth of a great history! There is a human race, with one person, blocking the door of hundreds of thousands of players!"

"Lord's spirit coin! It's all over!!"

"Nima's! I bet ten thousand lings! This must be gone!"

"Distressed! Ma Dan! Distressed!"

"Hahaang told you not to bet on the Big White Night! I bet 100 stars in this wave, and I made a profit!"

"Damn! You didn't come out with this Baiye, what is your name, Baiye boss..."

"Fart! Now Bai Ye is my boss, okay?! Where can you find someone more ruthless than this human race?!"

"Don't talk about the human race, looking at the billions of races in the big world, there may not necessarily be a guy who is stronger and more talented than this person!"

"Hahaha! I told you earlier, wait for our white night boss to show our true strength, and keep you scared!"

"Huh! It was a good mockery before, right?? Right? Huh?"

"Come on, repeat your previous questioning and ridicule?"

"Unexpectedly, there will be key immortals in aliens! At the moment, key immortals can't escape the world?"

"Cool! It's so cool! It's so cool!"

"I'm No. 1 in the white night, for generations to come, invincible in the world!"


With the surprise of that knife ahead, although it is still shocking now, it will soon become lively.

After this wave, Su Bai was overwhelmingly blowing.

Now the player of Blue Star, that is called a raised eyebrow.

Su Bai is powerful, suppressing and killing all alien players, and they feel proud.

While the alien players were shocked and surprised, they complained endlessly.

This wave of losses is huge!

After all, 99.9999999% of the players failed to block Su Bai.

Back to the topic.

After throwing out a whole blood, Su Bai stood there.

Looking at the wide-eyed and frightened players, they grabbed their palms again.

"Wow, wow!!!"

Throughout his body, blood flow began to emerge again, and blood glowed vigorously, and gathered in the center of the palm.

In this scene, the eyes of the players who watched it almost stared out.

Such a terrifying skill can be used immediately a second time?

No matter what they think, Su Bai said indifferently: "I am not a very patient person, at least when facing you, no!"

"Finally, give all of you a chance to choose!"


"Otherwise, all die!"

Hundreds of thousands of players are indeed too many.

Because some players are too big, 300 meters can't actually kill a lot.

However, Su Bai can still kill them all!

Speaking very firmly!

The bug on the wrist has been used eight times since three days have passed.

I have never had a chance to use it.

If too many guys don't know what is good or bad, use it!


Su Bai started counting down again!

At this time, all players panicked.

The most powerful player, the player who once robbed on the road, also panicked!

Under the terror attacks that Su Bai fought, no matter how arrogant the guy was, he would feel frustrated and fearful.

"How to do how to do?"

"Hi! Boss, what should we do?"

"How to choose?"

"This human race, we can't fight at all! He completely crushes all of us!"

"He is no ordinary person, his strength is too terrifying!"

"This is much stronger than many spiritualized guys! We can't fight!"

"Oh...surrender...if you hand it in, hand it in..."

"Surrender! You also know how uncomfortable it is to replenish the missing material after you die once..."

"Master! We have an extra number of deaths, do you want to fight with him?!"

"No need to fight! His state at this time is terrible! Strong and strong! We are not enemies at all, let's make it!"

"This person... I remembered it!"

"What a cruel fellow! Even his compatriots do not show any mercy!"

"Huh! I surrender! Terran, I remember you!"

"Surrender! I will not forget today!"

"Brother, what you did today has already been seen by the human race, you rob me and wait, are you afraid to attract the human race to punish?"


There were frequent noises and questions, and most players succumbed.

This result is not unexpected.

When the comparison of strength was completely outrageous, Qiang Qian had no effect and would only kill him.

Even some guys, because of certain things, natural treasures, special props and so on.

You can die once or two or three times without worrying about the loss of mysterious substances.

Even with the means of resurrection...

However, they didn't want to fight with Su Bai anymore.

It is a situation of death, there is no hope of victory, and the gain is more than the loss!

Of course, not all players give in.

Some guys who have exploded tempers and can't put them down do not surrender.


"Orcs will never be slaves!!!"

"Suffer to death!"

"I would rather die than surrender!!!"

He roared and attacked Su Bai.

Su Bai's handling method is very simple and rude.




Three **** blood exploded like three **** suns exploding on the earth.

The whole world is quiet!

The blood explosion that covered the world for about a kilometer did not kill many players.

It probably killed two to three thousand in a second.

However, watching unscrupulous, careless, and casually rubbing'blood bullets', especially Su Bai, who started to condense blood cells in his hands after losing four, really scared all players.

Is this skill really cool? ! !


All the remaining players are scared!

Including some players who didn't give in, were afraid and gave in.

"Don't blow up, don't blow up!"

"I surrender……"

"I admit it!"

"Hateful! Take it!"

"Huh... I surrender!"


Putting the cruel words, surrendered, and left the green hills, not afraid of no firewood.

The next step is very simple.

The rules have been set long ago, and after surrendering, all the things obtained in the remains of the spiritual disaster must be handed over.

Thus, all players throw out what they have obtained.

A lot!

All kinds, everything!

For example, the inner alchemy of animals, herbs, flowers, special liquids, fruits, etc.

Like online games: create a BUG every ten hours, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) Online games: create a BUG every ten hours. The literature update is the fastest.

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