VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 847: Blurred life experience

"Boom boom boom!!!"

When Su Bai was still a little immersed in this moment, a roar sounded.

The sound was terrifying, sounded from far away and passed to this point.

Enemies come from all directions!

It is a monster with a dark atmosphere all over, its body is huge, its shape is weird.

They present the most extreme evil state, indescribable!




The war begins!

The figure is as powerful as the sky!

Turning hands is a cloud, covering hands is rain!

In the wave of thunder and lightning!

One thought flame burns the domain of ten thousand stars!

At the fingertips of Jinmang trillions, kill everything!

When swinging the sleeves, the huge stars gather and become the line of defense!


Seeing all this, Su Bai was silent after experiencing the battle ‘in person’.

This battle is too amazing!

That huge figure is even more terrifying! Strong enough to guard against the sky!

It is hard to imagine how this kind of creature would fall?

When Su Bai was shocked, the battle continued.

The number of monsters that appeared from the stars was unknown.

Even if a lot of them are killed, they are still appearing!

However, the battlefield is also changing.

That figure was extremely powerful, and the monsters he killed were retreating.

He is alone, pushing the battlefield continuously, trying to get into the nest of monsters.

"This kind of character will lose? Will it die?"

This confusion appeared in Su Bai's mind again.

In this matter, the scene suddenly changed.

It seems to be missing a paragraph, just jump directly.

It is still outer space, but the monsters in space are very rare and very small.

At the same time, there are no stars here.

Only one!

This star was printed with huge fist marks, causing it to fall apart.

It can be seen that all the creatures on the stars are dead.

The blood gathered into the sea!

"Remains of Spiritual Disaster!"

Su Bai immediately recognized that this blasted star was the remains of a spiritual disaster!

He immediately concentrated and looked carefully.


Suddenly, a ball of fire flew down in the sky.

high speed!

In an instant, he flew from nowhere and fell on this star.


In the sound of the huge explosion, hundreds of thousands of feet of sand flew up from the stars directly into space.

The vibration continued on the broken stars for a long time before the dust began to slowly fall.

However, Su Bai's line of sight was not in space at this time.

Has come to the stars, appeared on the ground.



In the dark sight, he heard an extremely mournful cry.

The voice was hoarse, even weak.

Sad and tactful, heartbroken!

In this weeping and crying, the vision gradually appeared brilliance.

Su Bai could see a human figure.

After another two seconds, I saw the details.

In front of me, was a crying girl with red eyes and pear blossoms.

Very petite and small, clear tears are constantly overflowing in her crystal red eyes.

His small nose was already red, and his face was extremely sad.


"No! It's ‘Bea Fighting God!’"

Su Bai whispered in his heart.

This petite girl was very different from the Bea he knew.

The girl in this echo, wearing a brilliant golden armor, carrying a broken spearhead.

The aura on his body is very tough and sturdy, and there is a persevering heroic spirit between his eyebrows!

She seems to have been seriously injured!

He kept bleeding from his chest, and his breath became weaker with crying.

But in this way, she still looks like a hero who has never stopped fighting and will never give up!

Therefore, Su Bai immediately felt that this was what Bea called the "Bea Fighting God"!

It's hard to imagine what kind of pain it is that makes a woman with these characteristics cry like this.

So much so that sorrow was gradually born in Su Bai's heart...

It was so contagious, he could clearly feel the grief of this ‘Beya Fighting God’.


"The emperor... Beya is useless! Beya is useless!!!"

"Woo...oooo...Bea is useless!!!"

"Damn Beya!"

"Beya is ashamed of the emperor!"

"Bea is useless...uh..."


After seeing her clearly, I also heard her.

Don't listen to the words "Bea is useless".

In this way, the meaning of the words portrayed on the ground is the same as we have seen before.

It seems that now is the bottom of the valley before it comes?

Is Beya holding the emperor she said, or holding the ‘hair tie’?

Is the emperor really dead?

That strong character died?

Su Bai had a lot of confusion in his heart, but they couldn't be resolved.


But at this moment, Bea Fighting God also wiped her nose, her expression resolutely desolate, "My lord, Bea will follow you!!!"

After speaking, she stopped crying, her teeth bit her lip and moved.

Su Bai's vision is to follow something, possibly a hair band.

In short, Bea has now put the ‘maybe a hairband’ on the ground.

Su Bai's vision also changed, lowering his vision.

Then, I saw Beya using the spear in her hand to dig a hole.

The ground seemed very hard, and Bea was also seriously injured.

Therefore, Bea digs very hard.

With every click, blood will spurt out of his chest.

However, Bea did not care, as if she wanted to die.

It is also possible that he knows that he is powerless.

After digging for a long time, she gradually dug a simple pit.

Then, the thing attached to Su Bai's field of vision was buried in it.

I can't see anything.


After a long time, the world in front of me gradually changed and became white.

In the blink of an eye, it was a familiar figure.

Beiya, Mo Zixi.

They all looked confused, rubbing their eyes, seemingly dazzling because of the previous colored light.

All in all, there is nothing special about expressions.

It is estimated that only oneself saw the scene just now.

Thinking like this, Su Bai lowered his head and saw that the light from the hairband was even dim.

Su Bai: "..."

Is this over?

How did Beya die?


Then...who left behind the "Beya God's Blood" and "Emperor Blood" in the spear-shaped mountain?

That being powerful and surpassing everything is the emperor, really dead?

The Bea that I know is the reincarnation of "Bea Fighting God"?

Why do I see this information?

Is it possible that I am a descendant of an emperor, so I saw it?

Even more because of this, Mo Zixi will follow her, so she chooses to recognize the Lord?

This...a bit weird!

Although there is no memory of the parents at all, this development is too weird, right? !


Su Bai had a headache, too many questions and too few answers.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" At this moment, Mo Zixi also saw Su Bai's entanglement, and asked aloud in worry.

"I'm fine..."

Su Bai shook her head with a headache, comforted her, and at the same time relieved the women waiting in the sky.

My own life experience seemed a bit weird and excessive, completely confused.

Yun Cixue once called herself a strange name.

"Human King"!

In addition to the human emperor, there is also a special occupation "Sura" on him!

Here comes another ‘Emperor’ who controls the power of the nine elements!

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