VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 839: Shocked Su Bai all year!

"Brother, how is it?"

"My son, what's going on?"

"Is it good or bad?"


As soon as it was turned off, the girls asked anxiously.

"very good!"

Su Bai nodded naturally, and said: "Don't worry, I got it... I got a special ‘transfer letter’."

It's too complicated to say, just talk briefly.

"That's good!"

"The son is going to be strong again... 嘤嘤嘤, I'm so weak!"

"Dad, Yingying wants to hug~~~"

"it is good!"

Su Bai picked up Xiao Luoying and walked to a ball of light in the main hall.

Inside the ball of light is Bea, she seems to have not absorbed it yet.

However, it feels like it should not be long.

Waited a while.

"Brother, don't you take the contents inside?" Mumula La Subai's clothes pointed to the hanging ball of light.

That was the last group, and there were three sacred trees inside.

It stands to reason that Beja should be able to take it out.

After all, this ‘sacred tree’ may be the sacred tree on Beya.

"Um... I will try."

Saying so, but Su Bai suddenly wanted to try, so he reached for it.

The result was quite unexpected.

He smoothly penetrated into the light group and retrieved three fruits.

Looking at the three luminous fruits in my hand, I was a little startled, which was a little bit unexpected...

"Uh...is there for me?"

At this moment, a weak voice sounded from the side.

Looking down, the ball of light has dissipated.

Bea, wearing a snowman suit, looked at Su Bai pitifully.

From the outside, she didn't change much.

To put it simply, Bea absorbed knowledge and a little power.

Too much knowledge can only accompany her to become stronger and gradually unravel.

Although the strength is small, but the quality is too strong, it can only be gradually unlocked with her strength.

So, it seems little changed now.

After looking at it, Su Bai said with a smile: "It's time for you to end this, I just prepared to embezzle it."

This is teasing her, not really.

Beya was stunned, until she didn't feel angry, she knew that Su Bai was joking.


Bea stood up with a smile, pulling the corner of Su Bai's clothes and swaying: "Give Bea one, okay!"


She also became cute and acted like a baby.

This is completely unlike her previous ‘bully’ appearance.

But let alone, it's really cute.

"Okay, here you are."

Su Bai smiled and threw a sacred tree to Beya.

He has a good impression of this little loli, so just give one.

"Hehehe...Thank you guys~~"

Beya took it with a grin and looked at Su Bai gratefully.

She was aware of the previous movement, so she knew that without Su Bai, she would not be able to keep these things.

Just one by myself, there is no disappointment.

Seeing her holding the sacred tree Tao Guo, Su Bai suddenly felt.

If this guy absorbs Dao Guo, how likely is it?

So, thinking so in my heart, the temptation can check.

【Holy Tree Road Fruit】

Level: None





Special: After the target ‘Bea’ is used, the chance of completing the spiritualization +50%, the completeness of the spiritualization +50%, and the strength of the spiritualization +50%. (This special attribute is invisible and unknowable. It is forced to observe by the skill "Sky Fish Eye" combined with its own.)

Using this girl, it can increase the probability, completion, and strength by 50%.

This sacred tree is indeed powerful!

Just because he is too strong, the consumption required for spiritualization has greatly increased.

In my own body, it is only 2%, which is really a huge difference.

After feeling a little, close the message.

Then, Su Bai said: "Okay, we leave here."


"let's go!"

"It's time to leave, stay longer, I'm going to be watched by unknown guys!"


The group left the main hall and went out of the mountain.

As he descended the stairs, Su Bai glanced back.

The only pity in my heart is that black cat.

She has very strong characteristics, it would be great if she could be used as a pet!

Unfortunately, it was gone.

It should be because the previous fight annoyed her, so she slipped away.

Of course, those players were suddenly unlucky, it is estimated that she did it.



At this moment, Su Bai shivered suddenly.

Just now, there was a sudden hot air blowing in my ear, making it itchy.

"Huh? What's wrong with Dad?" It was naturally Xiao Luoying in Su Bai's arms that first noticed the abnormality.

Then, the eyes of the women were watching.


Su Bai looked at his ear, it was Xia Cha.

"Huh?" Xia Cha tilted her head, looking confused.

Obviously, it's not her.

Xia Cha has more than one head on her own. If she wants to blow her ears, she has to blow vigorously. She must be able to hear it.

That's weird!

Su Bai frowned and looked around, but found nothing.

After waiting for a few more breaths, it was very quiet.


"Brother, what's the matter?"

"Su Bai?"

"The son?"

Seeing his strange behavior, Xia Cha Mumu and the others are all confused.

"Um... it's okay, it may be a gust of wind, let's continue walking." After a few seconds, Su Bai said.

Although it's okay, the girls are a little surprised, and they are also careful.

After walking for a while, a few people entered the cave and nothing happened.

Su Bai gradually let go.

Maybe it was Xiao Luoying's accidental snorting?


Just thinking of this, Su Bai won't be calm in the next second!

Another change!

This time it was too much!

Su Bai felt a soft and wet tongue and licked it on his ear.


Also circled around the earlobe.

At this time, Su Bai felt an electric current rushing up on his back, instantly spreading throughout his body, numb.

I rely on it!

Su Bai's eyes were like electricity, and suddenly turned to look.

Mu Yi Nuan: "Hey?"

This time, Mu Yi Nuan was next to Su Bai, and she squeezed Xia Cha aside.

Although Mu Yi Nuan can do such a second thing!

However, her height as Xia Cha restricted her.

After another glance, he still didn't see much.

Su Bai: "..."

Damn, what the **** is it? !

Could it be... the black cat?

Except for the cat, nothing else is possible!

What the **** is she doing?

If you don’t know your friend or foe, leave here quickly!


Summoning the flying sword and stepping on it, Su Bai said: "Come up, let's get out quickly."


"it is good!"

"What happened?"


Soon, they all got on the flying sword.

Su Bai drove Feijian and drove his car in the cave.

Fortunately, the cave is very large, no problem.


Every time he passed a distance, Su Bai shook.

No way, it's so off guard!




At first it was licked, and there were small tiger-tooth-like teeth biting at the back...

There were even soft fingers on Su Bai's neck and chin.


Shocked Su Bai all year!

If it hadn't been for a cat before, I thought I had encountered a female hooligan!

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