VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 827: Deliberately


The light formed a dazzling pattern, floating towards the boulder.

As if submerged in water, into the boulder.

After a few seconds, the boulder gradually lit up.


The boulder began to shake.

The place where the self-dazzling pattern number sank, cracked.

Within a few seconds, a hole was formed in the bright light.

Before the dazzling light faded, before Su Bai and the others could see clearly inside the cave entrance, a voice rang out.

"Yo roar! How are the rookies!"

"Now let me give you a good news!"

"On the seventh trial star fragment, two teams have discovered a big secret!"

"According to my uncle's careful observation and judgment, I am afraid that there are things left by people of the ancient power level in this great secret!"

"The specific location, I have kindly marked it on your map!"

"Go! Go and find the great secret in the mountains!"


After the voice had finished speaking, millions of players scattered on the various fragments. There was a bright spot on the map.

For players on other Star Shards, unless there is a special displacement method, it is useless.

When the running chart ran over, the day lily was cold.

But for the players above the seventh fragment...

This is quite useful!

All of a sudden, the players above the seventh star fragment boiled!

"The Great Vault?!"

"Um...what could it be? That voice won't cheat us, will it?"

"This voice should be regarded as a guide, instructor, etc. in the spiritualization trial. Therefore, he said that the big secret store, I am afraid that there are really many good things."

"Chong! I once knew that there are many guys who have gained great benefits in the Spiritualization Trial, and they soared into the sky!"

"Tell us with such a big fanfare, naturally it is impossible to play us!"

"Hi! Someone triggered the big treasure so soon?!"

"The Seventh Star Fragment... Well, let me see mine... Damn! I happen to be on the Seventh Fragment! Go!"

"Brother, shall we go and see?"

"Patriarch, we?"

"So close? Charged!"

"Big Secret Store! This name is extraordinary, there must be a big baby!"

"Humph! I want to explore!"


The players on the seventh star became restless.

It was still a bit unclear, so I don't know how to start.

I only know how to find monsters, hunt them, and get demon pills.

But not all monsters burst demon pill.

And now, this so-called ‘big secret’ has pointed the way!

The goal came immediately!


Spear-shaped mountain.

Listening to the voice echoing in the sky, Su Bai raised his eyebrows.

"Huh??" Bea opened her mouth, dumbfounded.

"Wow! This is deliberately exposed again!" Xia Cha yelled after a moment of stunned.

"Hey! It's disgusting, but fortunately, we are one step faster than others!" Mu Yi Nuan whispered.


This is obviously intentional to expose this location.

"Well... it's not a big problem."

Su Bai shrugged, looked at the entrance of the cave and said, "Don't worry, you can just cut it if you dare to stretch your claws, let's go in."


Beya was stunned again for Su Bai's "big talk".

In my heart, I obviously felt that Su Bai's words were very arrogant and uncountable.


Inexplicably, quite agree!

There is no objection to it at all!

This guy can really do what he said!

It's really necessary not to put other players in the eyes!


After screaming in her heart, Bea didn't think much about it.

She immediately became excited.

At present, Beya cares most about this mountain.

She could clearly feel it, with a familiar and cordial atmosphere.

And when the eyes adapt, you can see the things inside the hole.

Of course there is nothing at the entrance of this cave, just a passage.

"Go around! Big bad guy, let's go in!"

Beya couldn't wait to go in, but Su Bai didn't move her feet, she didn't dare to be faster than Su Bai.

What if it is regarded as anti-water and slapped to death?

"Well, let's go, be careful, and play your role as a demon clan."

Su Bai nodded and moved forward, at the same time alert.


Bea nodded her head hurriedly, very excited.

Although I was very excited, I didn't forget about it.


Except that the entrance at the beginning was a passage, shortly after deepening, there were all chaotic forks.

At this time, Su Bai was helpless, after all, there was no detailed map.

Bea is also choking.

She just relied on the perception in her heart to give directions.

Crisis and traps will inevitably occur on the way.

However, Beya, as a demon clan, has great advantages here!

This little girl looked unreliable, but it did make a difference.

She can feel many hidden crises.

Either it can be avoided, or it can be warned in advance.

There is no problem with Su Bai again.

Therefore, the speed of their penetration is very fast!

In just over ten minutes, Su Bai and the others had gone deep into the mountain.

But at this moment, the Tianjiao who rushed to this place are still some way away.


Before reaching a closed stone door, Bea stopped.

It is a hundred feet tall, with carved carvings on the surface, with peculiar relief patterns.

It looks unusual, but I have seen several similar doors before.

It is a means of confusion, and there is nothing to be surprised.

After groping and observing for a while, I learned that Shimen Beya could not unlock it.

Should have left and searched again, just like the doors I saw before.

But here, Bea was wrong.

Can't let go, feel that leaving is a sixth sense of missing.

Faintly, it also seemed to feel that there was a strong and kind atmosphere floating behind the door.

"Shhh! I feel something behind the door, wait for me."

She pointed her finger vertically to collect the body, and Bea felt it intently.

Seeing this, Su Bai and others naturally kept quiet.


After a few moments, Bea took a deep breath and exclaimed, "Ahead!"

"Just ahead! I feel the great elemental power!"

"Open this door, we should be able to see the treasure inside, which is called the Great Secret Treasure!"

This is naturally a good thing, but...

Su Bai asked Beya if there was a way to open the door, but naturally there was no way.

So, getting inside became a problem.


Su Bai held his chin in contemplation, thinking about how to open this door.

After a while, he said: "You stand back a little, I will try to split it."

Beya can't do it, so only violence is used.

Although it is not a good way, there is no other way.

The women backed up one after another, and at the same time cast their power to protect themselves.

This is naturally to protect herself. There is a mystery on the gate, but Bea can't see what it is, and I don't know if there will be any attack methods after the gate.


At this moment, the blood flame of Ming Luo reignited on Su Bai.

The current state is naturally not the peak, if the normal state is not counted, this is the weakest level of strength.

Try to see if you can blast through this seemingly thick stone gate with one sword.

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