VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 817: Block the door, robbery? !


After Su Bai said this, the Linghua assistant paused again, and then continued: "In short, Linghua is to promote your'spirit' to a level."

"You have entered this world as'spirit', and your body is naturally composed of'spirit' changes."

"I should know this?"

The "spirit" mentioned by the little helper of Linghua is still easy to understand.

It is nothing more than the two meanings of soul and spirit.

"I know that." Su Bai nodded and said.

The little Linghua helper also nodded, and then said: "Then, the role of Linghua is very important!"

"First of all, not everyone's'spirit' can be elevated to be as perverted as you."

"Secondly, the power in the spirit world is too strong, and the ordinary'spirit' is too weak. It is easy to explode to absorb the power of the spirit world."

"In addition, if the'spirit' is too weak, it will not survive in the spirit world, and will feel extremely oppressed and uncomfortable."

"And spiritualization is the best way to solve these!"

"How to put it, spiritualization is to temper your'spirit' once and evolve it once!"

"It's like forging a container."

"The stronger and larger the container, the more things you can hold in the future!"

"Before you, it was wrong! Cross it out!"

The little Linghua helper originally pointed at Su Bai, but immediately changed the direction and pointed at Mu Yi Nuan and the others: "It should be before you. The'Ling' is like a small ceramic bottle with very few things."

"And if the spiritualization is successful, the ceramic becomes a solid metal, and it also expands, at least it can hold a hundred times more things!"

"Is this easy to understand?"

Mu Yi Nuan: "..."

Mu Mu: "..."

Mu Suxin: "..."

Xia Cha: "..."

Yun Cixue: "..."

Although the little helper of Linghua said very hard, he explained very clearly.

But in the minds of the five women, there is such a thought full of dangdang:

[What is the experience of being mocked by a robot? 】


Su Bai coughed twice, looked at the faintly resentful eyes of the women, and immediately changed the subject: "That's all about spiritualization?"

"That's not, there are still some very important things."

The Linghua assistant shook his head, then turned to look at Su Bai, and continued: "Continue with the container I just mentioned."

"This exercise is not only a question of accommodation, but also a way forward."

"After arriving in the spirit world, upgrading is not as simple as the lower world."

"Oh? How to say?" Su Bai's heart moved, vaguely feeling that this matter is very important.

"The'spirit' determines the upper limit that can be upgraded. The'spirit' is not strong enough, and you can't get up to some levels, understand?!"


Su Bai nodded slowly, understanding what it meant.

This is very interesting!

Unexpectedly, there are so many things related to spiritualization.

Not spiritualized, you cannot stay in the spiritual world for long.

Can't absorb things from the spiritual world.

Even, it can no longer continue to improve!

And how the spiritualization is, it is also important!

It's not perfect, it won't be able to upgrade in the future.

Tsk tusk, play normal games, this is a very good place for krypton gold.

If ten percent is perfect, Krypton wouldn't be considered Krypton if he didn't make 1,000 percent.

Unfortunately, this is not an ordinary game...

If you want to get krypton gold, you can't get it!

But, Su Bai is different.

Regarding this, he is not very worried.

So after feeling a bit in my heart, I no longer care.

"Is there anything important to say?" Su Bai continued to ask.


The little Linghua helper yelled and projected a surprised and curious expression, "You don't seem to be worried?"

"I'm not worried." Su Bai shrugged.


After a two-second pause, the Linghua assistant nodded in agreement, "Yes, you are a genius at the evildoer level, this perfect spiritualization is a piece of cake!"

"As long as you collect enough spiritualizing power, it should be directly perfected."

Sighing at this point, the Linghua assistant suddenly said: "Ah yes, tell you about the power of Linghua."

"This stuff is also easy to understand. As the name suggests, it is the power to help you become spiritual."

"It's like firewood. When tempering the'spirit', ensure that it has enough firepower."

"In the relics of the spiritual disaster you are going to, there are many elixir, heavenly materials and earth treasures, and legacy treasures, all of which contain spiritual power."

"For people of your level, remember to collect more of these things!"

The little helper of Linghua said in a solemn tone: "I would rather have a lot of them than you can use, and definitely not miss a little!"

"The strength of the'spirit' and the difficulty of spiritual transformation are different for each player. It is difficult to have an exact value."

"Therefore, the power of spiritualization can be more, but definitely not less!"

"Don't be afraid of anything. In the spirit world, there is a fight! Especially the most important spiritualization!"

"If you want me to say, just wait at the exit of the spiritual disaster ruins!"

"Take your sword, tell everyone who comes up with the ruin, turn in everything, and send him to death if you don't turn it in!!!"

The little Linghua helper suddenly became excited, his expression full of excitement and excitement, and he asked Su Bai to be a robber.

This guy is very interesting.

Although it looks like a robot, I am afraid it has its own wisdom.

Well, compared to the huge spiritual world, this is not a strange thing.


When Su Bai listened, he also smiled playfully, "Don't say it, this is a good way."


The Linghua assistant suddenly stopped, and Kaka turned to look at Su Bai, "Isn't it...you really dare to do this?"


Su Bai raised his eyebrows and said strangely: "Isn't this what you suggested? What's wrong? Afraid?"

"Nonsense! I'm a robot, what am I afraid of? I'm afraid they will find me and tear me apart?!"

The little helper of Linghua suddenly vetoed it loudly, and then the projected light flickered, "Cough cough cough...what, my body suddenly became a bit overheated, I have to go back and check it."

"I've said everything that should be said, bye bye!"


The little Linghua helper got stuck for a long time, then twisted around and turned his back to Su Bai, "By the way, you have to be so courageous and fatter that you don't know the height of the sky...cough cough cough, no, no, I that's not what it means!"

"Ahem! Anyway, you have to really dare to block the door, to block a lot of the same enchanting level guys..."

"You must remember my good, don't pull me out! People have to be ethical!"

"Love you, what!"


After speaking, I turned off the holographic projection and slipped away.

The women on the side looked weird.

After a few seconds, Xia Cha curled her lips and vomited, "I said I'm not afraid, so I hurried away."

"Hahaha... this guy looks so funny with a guilty conscience!" Mu Mu said with a smile.

"Hehe... this bulging thing is a bit interesting, and it's very close to my idea!" Mu Yi Nuan smiled, she agreed to go to block the door.

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