VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 804: The magnificent spiritual world

Listening to his words, Su Bai was a little surprised.

These monitors seem to be very friendly...and kind.

"Okay, I see, thanks for letting me know."

After thanking him, Su Bai put the bottles of Crossing Bridge Spring Spirit Liquid into his backpack.

"Go, come here."

After he received his backpack, Overseer No. 1 also said, leading the way.

Then the other monitors stopped staring at Su Bai stupidly, and stepped aside.

At this time, Su Bai saw what was blocked by a huge monitor.

That is a door!

Its material, shape and style are very similar to Tongtianmen.

However, it is bigger here!

More magnificent!

The ancient meaning is deep, as if through hundreds of millions of years.

"Wow! So tall!!!"

"Hmm... This seems to be very similar to the door in the sacred soil?"

"A little familiar?"

As Su Bai looked at it, Xia Cha and the others also looked up at the huge portal, and they were amazed.

"Ha ha……"

The Monitor 1 listened and said with a smile, "This door has a very straightforward and simple name."

"It's called the psychic gate! It means leading to the spiritual world."

"And now, it's time. Trials, you should step into this world!"

After speaking, it looked at Su Bai specifically, with deep eyes on the vines: "I also wish you, in this boundless world, you will make waves and reach the top!"

"Uh...Thank you..."

Su Bai thanked him strangely.

I always feel like being flattered.


With a light cough, Su Bai turned his head and said to the women around him: "Okay, let's go in."



"I don't know what the spirit world is like, I really look forward to it!"


They were all a little excited, and Mu Yi Nuan started rushing forward.

Su Bai and the others all smiled speechlessly, and then stepped forward to keep up.

Soon, everyone came to the psychic gate.

The portal is the boundless light, this is the light of transmission.

When Su Bai and the others walked into the light, it was as if they were submerged in the water.

The light trembled slightly, and they left the place and were teleported away.



Seeing Su Bai and the others leave, there was a moment of silence.

The expressions on the faces of the dozen or so monitors all felt a little dazed.

After a few seconds, the Overseer 1 said in a sorrowful tone: "I think it won't be long before this human race will shine brightly?!"

"Yeah! It won't be long!"

"How can this kind of enchanting genius person be silent!"

"Haha! Guys of this level, even if they deliberately conceal it, they will cause big things."

"It's hard to say anything else, but when he transforms his spiritual body, there will definitely be big movements!"

"Yes, yes! That's it! I feel it is necessary to pay attention to the rebirth fluctuations in the future."

"Indeed! His powerful strength, if he didn't fail when transforming his spirit body, he would definitely attract a powerful reincarnation calamity!"

"Tsk tut! Really look forward to it!"

"If he successfully transforms his spirit body, the declining human race may not have a future leader!"

"This... this is still bad. It seems that something has been left behind in the human race, causing a retreat. Many people's talents are too weak to be unwanted!"

"This powerful genius alone may not be able to save the decline..."

"Hey, this human race is also unlucky. I don't know how many years, there is no leader who can be called the Master."

"As I said, not everyone can be an emperor! I have turned over tens of thousands of years of history, and I haven't seen any emperor in these tens of thousands of years."

"Maybe, this human emperor is just a fiction. Otherwise, why the human race obviously has powerful characters, but it is not called human emperor?"

"I don't know, the human race is still quite mysterious. Although weak, there are usually no creatures running to provoke, at most it is just a little trouble."

"In other words, there are several races, and the situation is very similar to the human race!"

"Yes, the same is true for the Dragons. This is also a super-strong clan! Unfortunately, their clan doesn't know where they are going. I haven't been there for a long time, and it feels like the current creatures are almost forgotten."

"Dragons...I don’t know how long ago it was. There is a rumor that their'divine ancestor statues' have disappeared! Now they seem to be looking for lost sacred statues all over the universe. Running around, don’t be afraid of being caught Feeling dead."

"This... I heard it a long time ago. I heard that there was a big wave in the spirit world back then!"

"Well, the Dragon Race has hit a higher level! Going to find the suspected place, it led to a big battle, and it lasted a long, long, long time!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, I also saw a few words. It is said that the blood of dragons and various ethnic groups floated down from the sky, forming today's vast expanse of blood that has nurtured hundreds of millions of lives!"

"With such a big movement, it seems that I still haven't found the icon of Emperor Zulong..."

"If you find it, the dragon clan will appear long ago. The current dragon clan, I'm afraid it's too weak to decline..."

"Shhh! There is nothing to talk about about the Dragon Clan. The big race that was maimed by the Dragon Clan still bears grudges, don't say more!"


"Let's talk about other things, I remember, there is another race that was once powerful decayed. What is it called?"


These monitors are gossiping.

From Su Bai to the human race, from the human race to the dragon race, it also involves the heavenly creatures...

Gossiping is so cool!

I'm a little bit disappointed in their own work.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to divide the mind.

Well, that's nothing to say.


Back to Su Bai's side.

This transmission does not reach the ground instantly.

Su Bai and the others were engulfed by the power of space and rushed through the space.

There is a strong sense of weightlessness.

Fortunately, in about half a minute, the weightlessness gradually disappeared.

At this moment, a group of white light also appeared in front.


With a bang, they suddenly passed through the past and came to a new and magnificent world.



"This...this is spectacular!!"

"Gosh... so... so big!?"

"Hi...Is this the spirit world!"


Immediately, an exclamation sounded from Su Bai's side.

And even Su Bai was not spared.

Although he didn't exclaim, his eyes were full of surprise and shock.

This spiritual world is really...

Amazing, magnificent!

Su Bai and the others didn't appear directly in the spirit world city, they were still some distance away.

At this time, they were in a void.

They are surrounded by a cloud of aura, suspended.

And in the far front, there was a huge tree that seemed to open the world.

That is the small world tree.

A huge and incomparable little world tree, rooted in the void.

The whole body exudes a misty and dreamy light.

This space is reflected like a world in a dream.

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