VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 800: Let's continue to cheat people!

He rubbed his head against Su Bai's face.

After that, Su Bai's expression changed the most when he saw Meng Shenxi.

There was a clear blush on that white face.

He didn't dare to look up at people, and walked to the side shivering.

After several seconds, I heard the familiar sound of biting spirit coins again.


Su Bai smiled slightly, it is rare to see Meng Shenxi have such obvious emotional expression, she is still shy, really cute!

He was comfortable here, and all the creatures on the ground have been seen.

Suddenly, it was called an imbalance!

That is uncomfortable in my heart!

We were beaten up by two women, and you guys were talking and laughing on it.

This is too far from our eyes!

This really makes these alien creatures frustrated!

Seeing Su Bai's eyes, they were full of jealousy and hatred.

However, no one came to find Su Bai.

Nothing else, I gradually understood that I couldn't catch up with the flaming giant bird!

At this time, alien creatures were gradually born and retired.

Although unhappy, although embarrassing, but it is totally useless.

So many people were dragged by two women.

Although there was no loss, there was no loss on the other side.

The flaming giant bird can't catch up, there's no fight.

Within a few breaths, alien creatures began to retreat.

Su Bai raised his eyebrows, his figure flashed, and suddenly disappeared from Xiao Luoying's back.




At the moment, I don't know how many alien creatures who are paying attention to Su Bai trembled.

This is so abrupt and sudden!

Too fast!

In the blink of an eye, people are gone!

Where did he go? !

Who did he shoot to? !

What is his strength? !



When these questions appeared, I also heard the sound of the sword cutting through the body, and a scream.

When Xun Sheng looked over, he also saw the terrifying damage that had arisen.

-2,000,014,225·Fatal! ! ! (Two billion)







Of all the alien players who saw Su Bai hurt, none of them could remain calm.

These two billion damages are too terrifying!

Su Bai picked up the three promotion orders on the ground and looked at Mu Yi Nuan in the distance and said, "Yin Nuan, I am ready to take action, otherwise people have to run away."


Mu Yi Nuan stopped, but the person was still spinning in the air, and at the same time said: "Okay! You can stop them, son, hey, I'm so tired, so dizzy..."

She used the hammer blindly before, and then she shook herself a little dizzy.

Mu Suxin: "..."

Silent, Mu Suxin stretched out his hand to support Mu Yi Nuan.

"Hehehehe...Sister Suxin, you are so kind!" Mu Yinuan was silly.

"Okay, I've never seen you fight like this, let's go up." Mu Suxin said in an angry tone, pulling Mu Yi Nuan back to Xiao Luo Ying's back.

At this time, the alien players who lacked the target of attack naturally all focused on Su Bai.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere began to sink.

However, many alien players have blinking eyes and some hesitation.

Su Bai's previous damage was too much!

Therefore, even with so many siege, they still have no confidence.

No matter what they thought, Su Bai was already thinking about it and making a big move.

"Wow, wow!!!"

The resplendent blood appeared and condensed into a blood-colored lake beside Su Bai.

When these blood gas appeared, I don't know how many alien creatures' pupils contracted.

There was a chill and trembling all over, this is the body's warning!


"Go and go! Withdraw!"

"Something's wrong! Something's wrong! Let's go!"



For a time, many weak alien players chose to retreat.

But this time, Su Bai was also ready.


Amidst the roar of thunder, this place seemed to explode the blood-colored sun!

Too vigorous!

The dazzling blood, if you want to blind your eyes.

The movement is even more fierce, like the explosion of stars!

The surging energy engulfed a 300-meter range up and down in an instant!

Engulfed 90% of the players gathered around!

There are some alien players far away, barely lucky to survive.

But it was also shuddering, his body was suppressed by Yu Wei, and it was difficult to move.

Only after a second or two, the blood dissipated, did they feel relieved.

But at this time, what they saw once again made them immobile!


All alien players within range are dead!

A promotion order emitting orange light fell on the ground!

But no alien players care.

Their eyes firmly nailed the damage value that slowly faded from the body of the dead alien player.

-6,341,513,000·Critical Strike (6.3 billion)

-15,853,782,500·Fatal! ! ! (15.8 billion)

-6,422,457,174·Critical Strike (6.4 billion)

-15,900,041,475·Fatal! ! ! (15.9 billion)

-6,319,812,923·Critical Strike (6.3 billion)


Not to mention that the remaining alien players here are stupid.

The monitors on the Zenith platform are all stupid.

They were all shocked!

Looking at these injuries, no monitor can remain calm.


"It's too ridiculous!"

"A newcomer can hit tens of billions of damage!"

"His! What level has this human race reached?!"

"What is the accumulation of this? What is the damage caused by it?!"

"This is too scary! This is not something new players can play at all!"

"Who is he? With such a strong strength, how can he come to the trial at this time?!"


Be amazed!

The monitors can't calm down at all.

They are not unable to do this harm.

After all, they have all come to be monitors, and their strength cannot be weak.

However, it depends on who typed it out!

This is obviously a trial player, who can do such outrageous damage!

This can no longer be described as a monster, it is a monster!


"You collect the promotion order, I will settle the remaining ones."

Su Bai looked at the remaining alien players beside him and said.

After that, Mu Suxin and Mu Mu both flew down, and began to collect the promotion order.

Su Bai attacked.

Many alien players regained consciousness, screaming to run and beg for mercy.

But without exception, they were all shot by Su Bai.

"How many are there?"

Su Bai put away the dropped promotion order, and then came to Mu Suxin and Mu Mu.

Mu Suxin said: "I found 127 here."

Mu Muze said: "Brother, I picked up 151 here!"

"not bad!"

Su Bai nodded in satisfaction and said, "Adding the 25 pieces I picked up, there are more than 200 pieces!


Mu Yi Nuan crawled out of Xiao Luoying's wings and laughed, "Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong, let's continue to cheat others!"

Su Bai smiled and flew up with Mu Mu and Mu Suxin.

Continue to go fishing.

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