VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 795: Hand in promotion order!

The information is quite interesting.

Especially the final label.

According to this label, this trial really encourages competition.

That being the case, Su Bai is not welcome!


With a clear sound, Su Bai pulled out the long sword from his back.

Although this movement was not big, it was too abnormal, and it attracted the attention of all the creatures present.

The excitement of the original fight was suddenly turned away, looking at the position of Su Bai and others.

Including the sinful viper, also hissing and looking over.


There was silence for a second, no one spoke.

Until Su Bai started to walk, the creature on that side couldn't stabilize.

"Hey hey hey!!! What are you doing?!"


"Go one step further and make you look good!!!"

"Brother, what do you mean??"

"His!! Hiss!!"

All the creatures in this team looked ugly, and when they were on guard, there was hostility in their eyes.

But that sinful viper had a peculiar performance.

It neighed, and the light in its eyes flickered uncomfortably.

Su Bai walked towards it, but it slipped back uneasy.


"How much damage do you think he can hit?"

"One punch can hit more than 6,000 points of spiritual damage. If this is converted into ordinary damage, it has to be six million, right?"

"I don't know if the skill was used or it was just a normal punch..."

"It's not good, but I feel... it can break hundreds of millions?"

"It should be able to break 100 million!"

Above the sky, the monitors watched this ‘live broadcast’ and speculated.

At this time, they were very curious about Su Bai and had been paying attention.

Of course, I found this unusual movement.

As for their guess...

Long ago, Su Bai was able to deal damage exceeding 100 million!

And this sinful viper is just a legendary BOSS of LV99.

Don't pay attention to it at all!


With a slam on the ground, Su Bai moved, ignoring the warning from the opponent.

This step directly exploded the solid ground and splashed sand.


When he saw Su Bai's sudden movements, the sinful viper hissed fiercely, his pupils faint.

At this moment, a faint green light appeared on it, covering the entire body.

This is a defensive skill, and the previous team has also been triggered.

Will greatly weaken their attacks!

However, for Su Bai...


In the dim vision, the long sword in Su Bai's hand suddenly burst into dazzling blood.

Heart-cutting blade!


The figure flashed in the air, and the bloodlight sword pierced into the head of the sinful viper.

-1,990,206,725·Fatal! ! !

Su Bai hasn't used BUFF skills, just the most common state!

However, 1.99 billion damages were still hit!

Needless to say!

The sinful viper with only 230 million blood was instantly beaten!

Even more blood will die!




"what? What?!"


When the alien team next to them saw the outrageous damage coming out, they were all dumbfounded.

The shock in my heart cannot be described in words!

Even the mighty monitors in the sky are the same!

They looked at each other and felt the shock in each other's hearts deeply.

"This is too strong!"

"Damn! Guessed over a hundred million and guessed less!"

"Oh my God! What a powerful guy is this!"

"This trick... so strong!!!"

"Tsk tusk tusk... the professional power he possesses is absolutely very strong!"

"This is definitely a personal thing!"

"Nearly 2 billion damage! This is a legendary BOSS!"

"It's worthy of being a character who can cross the border!"

The monitors sighed.


On the ground.

After the death of the sinful viper, only one thing was dropped.

A token emitting orange light.

【Promotion Order】

The three characters of this promotion order are greatly suspended in the sky of more than ten meters!

It also exudes a bright light, as if for fear that others will not see it.

Su Bai fell and reached out to grab the promotion order.

"Okay, let's go." Turning to look at the women and said.


"Okay, but you, son, let me beat you too."

"Mu Mu wants to fight too! Otherwise it will be boring to be around."

"Indeed, otherwise, wouldn't we make soy sauce..."

"That's OK, I'll find it to blame for you."

The group of people chatted and walked away slowly.

The alien team watched Su Bai and the others leave in a foolish manner.

After being stupid for a long time, he came back to his senses.

"Ah Siya! How come there are such people?"

"This damage... is difficult to fight even ordinary monsters?!"

"Hi...It's terrifying!"

"Fortunately, his speed is too fast, we didn't have time to shoot..."

"Remember, don't mess with this person! Definitely a super powerful character!"

"Okay, let's go quickly. The promotion order has just shed light, so there may be other teams coming!"

The team quickly left.

They were right. Not long after they left, several creatures came here.

A single creature came to act alone, and several creatures formed teams.

Of course, eating **** now can't keep up with the heat.


This trial has spared no effort to promote the competition!

Although the promotion order was on Su Bai, the promotion order actually made a faint light.

Sprinkle on the ground!

Even if it is put in a backpack, it is useless, it still emits light.

At first, Su Bai thought it could be used as lighting.

After walking for a while, I realized that something was wrong.

Stopped and turned to look.

The road I walked will leave dim light spots.

Mu Suxin also found out, frowning and lightly said, "These light spots seem to be deliberately revealing our position."

Xia Cha rested her chin and muttered, "According to what the big eel just said, competition here is very encouraging."

"Yes, it is like that."

Su Bai nodded, then turned around, and said, "Okay, keep looking. For us, this competition is nothing to worry about."

"Of course! Who can beat my brother!" Mu Mu said proudly.

"Hehe...Daddy is the best!"

All of them turned around and moved on, looking for the sinful viper to hunt.

However, after only a few steps, a voice rang from behind.

"Yeah? What a big tone!"

"Tsk tut, kid, hand in the promotion order, I won't kill you!"

"Have you heard? Obediently!"

"Swish swish!!!"

When the sound sounded, it also sounded with three breaking winds.

Three huge birds and finches with their feathers spread over ten meters, flew from a distance.

Falling on the tree next to Su Bai and the others, staring at Su Bai and the others.

This is coming directly to kill people.

Su Bai looked up at them and saw through the attributes.

There is nothing to say, much better than the crocodiles I have seen before.

But, it's just one dish.

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