VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 793: All parties enter!

Gee tut!

This is so much!

In just two or three days, so many creatures entered the spiritual world!

Su Bai sighed again for the mastery of this game.

Then I realized that the words of eating gold eel contained a very interesting word.

[There was no large-scale trial before]

This passage is very interesting!

Su Bai looked at the eel and said, "The spirit world existed before the small world tree appeared and returned?"

"And you said,'Some stars can find their way.' What is this?"

"Well, also, in such a short period of time, there are so many creatures breaking into the spiritual world, I am fine."

"These questions, you tell me in detail!"

"Good lord!"

[Have never seen a handsome eel? ] Nodded, and said: "Yes! The spirit world is very old! It was a long time ago."

"It is estimated that it is the same era as the holy tree."

"As for the road, it's like this."

"The records I have read say that all the game worlds were beaten to death long ago!"

"Scattered into the entire universe! The same goes for the spirit world!"

"And some game worlds are fortunate enough to enter the spirit world without interrupting the connection with the spirit world."

"Such a long time has passed, and many strong players have been born in the game world."

"Therefore, in such a short period of time, so many creatures have entered."

[Have never seen a handsome eel? ] Stop and talk.

"Hmm..." Su Bai nodded, thoughtfully.

Don't say it!

This guy did answer a lot of doubts, helped Su Bai understand some history of the spirit world, and filled the world outlook.

Ask all the questions.

What to do in the trial has been clearly understood, and there is no problem.

"Uh...then what..."

At this time, [have never seen a handsome eel? ] I also understand, and cautiously said: "My lord, can we go now?"


After Su Bai pondered for a while, he waved his hand, "Okay, it's none of your business."

Both rookies can be killed or not.

Seeing that you have actually answered many of your questions, let them go.

"Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!"

[Have never seen a handsome eel? ] Excited, thank you quickly.

Then, hurriedly walked to its companion, trying to deduct his two little brothers from the stone.


"Boss! It hurts, it hurts!"

"Tap, tap!"

"My grass! Boss, I'm stuck!"

"Huh! Don't pull the boss out! It hurts!"

"No way, no way, no way! Boss, I can't do it!"

[Have never seen a handsome eel? 】Fate hard for a long time, the energy used to feed milk.

A few liters of slime were shot out of his body, and he couldn't get his two little brothers out of the stone.


Su Bai and others had not had time to leave.

At this time, looking at its laborious look, Su Bai looked strange and couldn't laugh or cry.

The ladies on the summer coffee table next to him were about to laugh!

This is too funny!

"Hee hee hee……"

Xiao Luoying chuckled her mouth and said, "Daddy is amazing!"


Xia Cha was also happy, Qiao Xiaoyan said: "Brother, you are really tougher!"

"Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk! The son is so strong!" Mu Yi Nuan sighed.

"Uh... shouldn't the two of them... keep getting stuck inside, right?" Yun Cixue.

"It feels... it's possible. Or after a few days of being hungry, you can lose weight?" Mu Suxin.

"..." Mengshenxi.


Su Bai coughed dryly, got up from the stone, "Okay, let's go, and hunt the sinful viper!"

"it is good!"

"Chong Chong Chong Chong!"

"Hurry up! Xiao Nuan, I really want to know what the spirit world is like!"

"Let's go!"


The group set off and left here.

Here, the three eels that eat gold are left.

"Huha! Huha! So tired! What kind of stone, so hard! I can't pick you out!"

"This... boss... how do we get out?"


"Forget it, just as the adult's wife said, hungry for a few days and see if you can lose weight!"


"Isn't it?!"



"Boom boom boom!!!"

"Boom boom boom..."

When Su Bai descended into this world, space channels were opening up everywhere in this world.

All kinds of creatures come in!

All players!

But the difference in shape is very big!

There is a humanoid shape, but the skin on the body is flushed, purple, or has a beast face or the like.

Naturally, there are orcs, but there is a huge gap with Blue Star's beasts.

These orcs are all wise, no different from humans, even higher.

Its shape is also strange, and language cannot describe it.

There are also plants.

Special vines, plants shaped like animals, big trees that can walk.

Even more special, it is...

Silicon-based biology!

That's right, it is the creature of the machine class!

There are humanoid silicon-based creatures, but also beasts, and there are different types, and their shapes are very unique.

These biological species, many races, and many creature forms are beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

Without seeing it with your own eyes, it is impossible to imagine that there would be such a strange creature!

Soon, just a few seconds after Su Bai entered, more than seven thousand trialers had all teleported and arrived!

Then there is the guidance of the ‘old students’ to the new ones.

The situation in Su Bai's place also happened elsewhere.

Of course!

But no one has the perverted strength of Su Bai!

Not much to say.

In short, the trial has officially begun!


In this world’s 100,000-meter headspace, there is a platform.

On this level, there are more than a dozen creatures sitting or standing or floating.

There are hundreds of windows floating in front of every creature.

On the window, there are teams of players!

These people are... well, how do you put it?


That's almost what it means.

They monitor the conditions of those who trespass to find out whether there are illegal methods.

For example, those who rely on money or items to buy a promotion order will immediately lose their qualifications for promotion, etc.!

Also pay attention to the safety of the tester.

Don't let the tester get lucky and get something that can kill the spirit.

Nothing else, but it's not allowed here!



Looking at it, suddenly there was a humanoid, a black-skinned female monitor with a sheep body snorted, and said coldly: "This official trial level has only been opened for a day or two!"

"How long?! This kind of oppressive atmosphere has appeared! They are also elderly?"

"Ha! What's the big deal about this, resentment, hatred is better!"

After she finished speaking, a plant creature resembling a tiger laughed and said: Otherwise, is there so much motivation to make them stronger? "



The other monitors said nothing.

There are four kinds of expressions.

Agree, disagree, noncommittal, totally indifferent.


The female monitor who spoke first shook her head, sighed and said, "This kind of boring bullying and oppression is simply making a joke and embarrassing!"

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