VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1115: The girls are coming up~

This idea, just think about it.

This kind of prompt has not been seen before.

When I merged the yin-yin career that I created, it popped up.

I didn't care at that time, and I was directly fused, and almost exploded!

Almost blown up a career created with a lot of effort and a few bugs!

It was the two goddesses who took action and used a lot of good things to stabilize.

And, as a result, the Eight Doors and Gossip Mechanism was born, allowing Su Bai to slowly unlock all his powers little by little.

Therefore, it will not be opened for the time being.

With the speed of your own ascension, it shouldn't be long before you can rise to detachment!

As for the remaining 0.2% energy...

Just try to see if the elements in the body can be absorbed by the gods and yin fish.

Su Bai tried again, aroused the power in the immortal spirit, and then touched the long and dim commoner gown with many cracks.

The result is still very smooth!

The commoner gown trembled, as if the hungry and thirsty land saw water, and instantly absorbed 0.2% of its energy.

Not bad!

Su Bai took out the remaining two groups of supernatural spirit elements.

The same, the two groups were given to Yinyu and Elemental Cloth for absorption.

Then, the two things were silent.

No surprises.

These two things are probably god-level, detached, that is, they are just stuffing their teeth.

After getting it done, Su Bai got up and prepared to leave.

At this moment, a communication came in.

At first glance, it was Xia Cha.

"Brother, we are in the spirit world!"

After connecting, Xia Cha's first sentence shocked Su Bai.


Su Bai was surprised and immediately asked: "Where are you? I'll pick you up!"

No wonder Su Bai was nervous.

Xia Cha and the others had appeared beside Su Bai in the spirit world.

Now coming up alone, Su Bai worried that they would be seen by the four forces and then retaliate.


Xia Cha knew what Su Bai was nervous about, and smiled: "Don't worry, we all pretended to be!"

"That's it."

Su Bai was relieved, not so urgent, but still said: "Tell me your position."

Xia Tea Ceremony: "We are in the Spiritual Realm, District 53458, at the Central Resurrection Center."

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Su Bai said, and hung up the communication.

Looking at Ling Xinyu next to him in a blink of an eye, without waiting for him to speak, Ling Xinyu said first: "Do you need my help?"

"no, I'm fine!"

Su Bai waved his hand and smiled gently: "Today you are also very tired, you should go back to the sect to rest first."


Ling Xin nodded smoothly.

So she was fooled away by Su Bai, and she just accepted the ring gift from Su Bai.

Just kidding, she hasn't boarded her own thief ship yet.

Can't let her go to see a bunch of her own girls now~


Spiritual realm.

53458 partition.

Su Bai came to the central resurrection point, and after a few glances, he didn't see anyone.

However, there was a faint sense of connection, which prompted him to walk in front of a group of people.

These people have weird clothes in ancient times, with their heads and tails hidden.

"Wow! Son! How did you recognize us!"

As soon as he approached, one of them let out an exclamation sound.

The sound is familiar, clear and sweet, and has a strong sense of vitality.

It can be felt that the owner of the voice is an optimistic and energetic girl.

Of course it is Mu Yi Nuan!


After Mu Yi Nuan finished speaking, a voice immediately sounded: "Fun Yi Nuan! Didn't you say it all, let me tease my brother first!"

The voice is also very nice, with a youthful atmosphere unique to a girl.

In addition, there are some strange spirits.

One can imagine a naughty and charming girl.

Summer tea!

Later, there are.


A crisp, slightly tender and milky voice sounded.

Mu Mu.


Slightly groaned, but stopped talking.

Mu Su's heart.

Although she also wanted to greet her cordially, the lord of the city didn't have a thick skin.

Even if he was dragged by Subai in a multiplayer game several times, he still couldn't let go.

Yun Cixue and Shangguan Qingshang did not come.

They were still resting in the sacred soil, and at the same time they had to wait for Su Bai's notice to come up.

In short, after greeted each other, the women raised their faces hidden by the cloaks.

Amazing for a time!

I haven't seen it before long, and I feel much more beautiful!

In everyone's clear eyes, there are many thoughts, shallow or thick.

Su Bai was in a daze.

If possible, Su Bai also wants to stay with them all the time.

But along the way, the more we see, the more future crises we know, and the more mysteries to be solved.

It's not for Su Bai to lay down and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way!

And they could have been by Su Bai's side, but because of spiritualization, they delayed their pace.

As a result, after only a short period of time, I left them far away...

It is to slow down and wait so that they can grow with themselves.

Or do you try your best to open up the world, wait for the top, wait for everything to be resolved, and then experience the beauty?

Su Bai suddenly fell into thinking.

After seeing Su Bai stunned in Xia's coffee table, he was a little strange.

"The son?"

Mu Yi Nuan stood on tiptoes, stretched out her fair and tender hands, and dangled in front of Su Bai: "My son, what are you in a daze?"


Su Bai was swayed back to his senses, suppressed the thoughts in his heart, smiled and shook his head.

After speaking, he asked: "Xia Cha, Yi Nuan, Mu Mu, Su Xin, are you suddenly coming up to the spirit world?"


"For me, for me!"

Mu Mu rushed to answer, pinched her waist with both hands, and said invitingly, "Brother, we have met your requirements!"

It turned out to be like this!

Counting the time, they were afraid that it was only yesterday.

However, having said that, I haven't talked about Xia Cha's problems one by one.

I saw it before and forgot.

So Su Bai apologized and said, "Wait, you guys, I'll contact the next one first."

"Don't worry!"

Xia Cha came over and sold Guanzi mysteriously: "Brother, we have a surprise for you!"

"Huh? What kind of surprise?" Su Bai asked in surprise.


Xia Cha did not speak, but gestured with her eyes.

After that, Su Bai was shocked!

Shocked indeed!


There was a flash of inspiration on Mu Yi Nuan, Mu Mu, and Mu Su's heart, suddenly exuding a powerful aura!

Obviously, beyond the ordinary world!

It's not rigid, at least it's mortal-level!


Su Bai is really dumbfounded!

What's the situation?

Didn’t you come up to be spiritualized?




Seeing Su Bai's dumbfounded expression, the girls laughed.

Leaning forward and backward, the blooming branches trembled.

After a while, they stopped and explained to Su Bai.

It turned out that they had completed spiritualization as early as yesterday!

Mu Yi Nuan, Mu Mu, and Mu Suxin were lucky enough to be assigned to a spiritual trial site.

The three people work together, and each of them has four dimensions, which is very close to the attribute of 200,000.

This is invincible!

Passed the trial easily, and each gained some great inheritance.

Then the Ninth-order Spiritualization was successfully completed.

They almost eat the treasures of heaven and earth, and it is certainly not a problem to complete the perfect ninth-order spiritualization.

After that, just like Su Bai at the beginning, he took the money improperly, and the krypton gold was upgraded.

So soon I arrived at Xiefan.

After listening, Su Bai has a question.

He asked strangely: "What about you, Chacha?"

"Speaking of this, I feel helpless."

Xia Cha stretched out her hands helplessly, and said speechlessly: "I want to go, but the guy who assigned it said that my attributes are too strange and won't be assigned to me."

"It's up to you, brother, you can definitely solve it!"

"It must be solved, too, I want to follow my brother!"

Xia Cha smiled brilliantly, looking at Su Bai obsessively and admiringly.

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