VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1108: Supreme Tribulation!

Lifting Su Bai up, the two of them came out of this small world.

After thinking about it, Ling Xinyu took out a teleportation disk from his backpack.

The capacity was poured into it, and the bright aura wrapped her and Su Bai.

After a few breaths...


Ling Xinyu and Su Bai disappeared here.


Immortal Realm.

The far north, the deepest place.

This is a land of snow, covered in white everywhere.

Big trees and mountains are covered with snow.

There are also abnormal icebergs where ice crystals grow and condense.

Although everything looks cold, it also has the cold beauty of ice and snow.

In the domain of ice and snow, there is a huge sect!

The area is also very large!

From the sky above, this is not like a sect, but like a huge city and county!

Here, there are many tall towers, buildings, and ancient temples.

Each one is very tall.

Some are located in the snowy field, some are located in the iceberg, and some are suspended on the snow mist.

Some more are carried by towering snow trees.

In the center of these buildings, there is a huge ice crystal square.

Among them, there is a long sword of ten thousand feet ice crystal standing.

On the body of the sword, there are four characters engraved:

【Lunar Holy Sect】

Although graceful is looming, but the handwriting is full of heroism and demeanor!

Here is the largest sect residence of the Taiyin Saint Sect.

And Ling Xinyu brought Su Bai back here.

In fact, he should have come back long ago, but he was delayed because he was worried about Su Bai's physical condition.

After returning, he took Su Bai directly to a secret place, without anyone's attention.


As soon as I arrived, there was a roar in the sky.

A huge thundercloud appeared.

In the savings.

Su Bai's advancement is almost over, and after the complete advancement is completed, Lei Jie should also come.

"What an extraordinary Lei! It is many times higher than normal promotion!"

Seeing the huge thundercloud appearing in the sky, Ling Xinyu couldn't help but marvel.

Then, she frowned.

Su Bai is still not awake, what about Thunder Tribulation? "

"It seems that I can only help him solve it."

"Trouble, if I come, what if he gets stronger in the future..."

Ling Xinyu had a headache.

She wanted to help Su Bai withstand the robbery, it was definitely not difficult.

But for things like Ascension Tribulation, don't let outsiders come, the follow-up will be very troublesome.

It is inevitable to increase the difficulty of crossing the robbery in the future!

But now, there is no other way.

Ling Xinyu knew that Su Bai was very powerful and could resist thunder.

But now he is asleep, how dare she let Su Bai fight thunder like this.

"Forget it, let's talk about the next thing later, and solve the immediate problem first."

Ling Xinyu shook his head, no longer thinking about it.

Ready to help Su Bai deal with the thunder robbery.


Not long after, Su Bai's body roared like thunder.

The power aura on his body rose violently, and the attributes of all parties were soared!

At this time, for the supreme!


At the same time, the thunderclouds in the sky also exploded.

Leiyun is almost there.

Ling Xinyu no longer paid attention to Su Bai, but looked at Leiyun, ready to respond.

At this moment, the sleeping Su Bai's eyelids trembled.

In the groggy, he felt the power of thunder and lightning.

If it is the same as before, at this time it is in a state of weakness and no supplementation, he will not feel it, and will not wake up.

But now not only has the loss been replenished, but also has been upgraded.

Of course Su Bai would have a faint feeling.

He is still very sleepy and wants to rest.

But unwilling in my heart, I struggled and wanted to wake up.

Lei Jie can't be missed!


After the first robbery thunderbolt, he also woke up.

When he opened his eyes, the light in his eyes was exquisite.


At this time Ling Xinyu hadn't attacked yet, and Su Bai flew out immediately.


Thunder and lightning hit Su Bai's body.

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