VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1106: Physical weakness

no doubt.

The most lively and concerned person in the Spirit World Forum now is Su Bai!

Everything about him is very eye-catching!

Moreover, with this large number of new posts, the news exploded one by one!


This is like dropping a trillion tons of nuclear bombs in the spirit world!

These posts quickly exploded.

Only a few minutes passed, and the whole spirit world knew it!

No matter where it is, it's frantically discussed.

"Fuck it, isn't it impossible?"

"Taiyi Palace is a top power, even the house was bombed so quickly?"

"I'm afraid this picture is not fake..."

"Fake you! I am in the realm of immortality, guaranteed by life, this is true!"

"It's so outrageous...!"

"Damn! Is the strength of the Sect Master of Taiyin so terrifying?"

"God! She hasn't been born for a long time, and she doesn't show her strength very much. I didn't expect it to be so terrible!"

"White night kills immortality? Why don't you say that ants ate elephants?"

"Bai Ye took out a strange knife and killed the immortal palace lord of the Taiyi Palace? Is it possible? The editor should also be more trustworthy!"

"That's it! Even if the strange knife can be used, can the white night drive it?"

"Haha! Believe it or not, no one begs you, sand sculpture!"

"This...I'm also in the immortal realm, and I'm still close to the One House. Everything that happened at that time was basically in my eyes. I know you don't believe it, but the fact is like this! Bai Ye took out a strange knife and really cut it. Meng Yi is dead!"

"You don't believe it? I don't believe it even more! I think I would believe this because I am afraid it is a horrible pen! But what I saw with my own eyes at that time! I saw Bai Ye hacked the Palace Master to death with my own eyes!"

"This is impossible!"


There are constant quarrels in the forum.

There are voices of creatures in the immortal realm, but it is still hard to believe.

This is too nonsense!

How could this happen?

The supreme killing of immortality is just a strange knife?

This is not outrageous, it is against the sky, okay? !


These have shaken the entire spirit world.

But the bigger thing is the death of Meng Yi's soul.

After waiting for a while, after this incident is exposed, it will be even more terrifying!

And now...

Ling Xinyu took Su Bai to a safe position.

In order to be completely safe, she also took out a small space and took Su Bai into it.

Putting Su Bai on the soft cushion, Ling Xinyu looked at him worriedly.

She had just probed Su Bai's body again, but she was still very weak, and couldn't find out the reason.

Moreover, it has deteriorated!

Ling Xinyu came to the conclusion that not only was Su Bai's own strength unable to recover, but his body's strength was beginning to lose and dissipated!

The speed is not slow!

In such a short period of time, Ling Xinyu found out that Su Bai's four dimensions had been reduced by at least 10,000!

Others, just more!

Especially the health value has been drastically reduced by one million!

If this continues, Su Bai is afraid that it is not possible to retreat to a mortal!

"How to do?"

Ling Xinyu was very anxious, frowning deeply.

She guessed that Su Bai was because of the strange knife.

It is estimated to be the cost of using that strange knife.

Ling Xinyu guessed right!

However, there is a slight difference.

This strange knife originally had no side effects.

But it's not what Su Bai can use now.

Even if there is the power of BUG to make it, for the current Su Bai, just holding it will have a great loss.

Just cut it down with a single stab and drained all of Su Bai's strength!

The smoke is too hard, now it hurts the foundation.

So, in the escape attribute.

Although he guessed the reason, it was useless to know the reason. Ling Xinyu didn't know how to restore Su Bai!

Random attempts, what if it makes Su Bai worse?


Taking a long breath, Ling Xinyu tried her best to calm down, making chaos if she didn't want to care.

She thinks fast, thinking about solutions.

"If it is said that he consumes too much, then... the most basic method, supplementation should be feasible?"

This is a very common and basic approach.

I don’t know if it’s useful for Su Bai, but it’s better than doing nothing!



Just thinking about this, Ling Xinyu glared, and she discovered that Su Bai's body suddenly spontaneously gave birth to suction.

It is like responding to the crisis system, and actively began to absorb the surrounding forces.

However, this is a small world and there is not much power.

At least it was far lower than the concentration of power in the immortal realm.

Just take it out!

Ling Xinyu was overjoyed and was about to take Su Bai out immediately.

But at this moment, a group of white light suddenly flashed towards Su Bai.

Ling Xinyu immediately stopped.

This group of white light appeared when Su Bai killed Meng Yi.

And now, being absorbed by Su Bai's body, he drifted towards Su Bai leisurely.

"Yes, this group of energy is pure and clean, and it is huge and terrifying!"

Ling Xinyu patted his head in reproach, and scolded himself: "Ling Xinyu, Ling Xinyu! How old are you, you can still get dizzy!"

When she blamed herself, Bai Mang also reached Su Bai's chest.

Did not fall into his body.

It's not that Baimang is conscious, but...

Su Bai's body instinctively sensed that this force couldn't contain it, so he could only absorb part of it like this.

What are the attributes of immortality?

Not to mention anything else, just four dimensions.

Hundreds of billions, even trillions!

Don't be too terrible about the power that this attribute turns into!

Su Bai's current four-dimensionality is only a few hundred thousand, how can this be accommodated.

It's the kind that can really burst!

With this group of pure power, the situation improved immediately.


The energy group trembled, and the dense white light that was as dense as fog and substance flowed out into Su Bai's body.

His body seemed to be extremely thirsty, greedily devouring these energy crazily.

The light ball hanging above his chest released its power faster and faster!

In the end, it was like a river gushing!


When the energy is pouring, you can hear the sound.

Su Bai's whole person was even more submerged by the brilliant white light.

After a few minutes.

The light group has shrunk by one third!

This is a little scary!

At least, Ling Xinyu was very surprised, his eyes widened.

This is too absorbable, right? !


She was worried that she would burst Su Bai's body.

But when he took a closer look, he found that Su Bai's body was just stable, and he didn't continue to lose money.

"Finally don't continue to lose money!"

"It took so much energy to stabilize and not continue to collapse, what the **** is that strange knife?"

"What is this guy's body made of?"

"The strange knife is so terrifying, shouldn't he be drawn into a man right away?"

Ling Xinyu muttered to himself, very curious and confused.

At the same time, it is also relieved.

Nothing else matters, Su Bai's physical condition is stabilized!

That's good!

Ling Xinyu waited quietly beside Su Bai.

At this time, even though Su Bai's body no longer dissipated power, he was still absorbing that pure energy.

When the absorption is saturated, it should wake up.

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