VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1101: Outrageously go to war!

And Ling Xinyu didn't even look at them at this time.

For the palace guardian formation, she had already prepared!

The power of the primordial yin has been accumulated in the hand long ago, and the skills have been brewing.

boom! boom! boom!

Cheerhan's Taiyin power emerged from her body and gathered in her hands.

In the blink of an eye, a huge ice crystal storm vortex was formed!

In the surrounding space, all breath energy is sucked in, and then torn apart by the vortex!

The power of this skill is terrifying!

The surrounding space is shredded, if you put it into a city, it may not be a problem to tear a city apart!

After the ice crystal storm vortex appeared, Ling Xinyu immediately threw it out!

The vortex was so fast that it smashed into the palace guarding formation in the blink of an eye!


Boom boom boom! ! ! "

Persevering for less than a moment, the palace guarding formation that had just been triggered was torn open by a huge gap!

Can't heal yet!

Senhan's power of the yin icy the light.

That gap, I am afraid it will take at least a minute to heal.


The ice phoenix **** its wings again!

In the sound of the violent wind, he passed through the gap of the palace guard in an instant.

After entering, the speed has dropped a lot, not tens of thousands of feet in a flash like before.

At this time, people from the Taiyi House also flew over.

They flew out of the palace closest to Ling Xinyu.

Someone came out of the palace a little farther away, but they didn't arrive so soon.

Seeing the exploded and unhealed guard palace formation, these people were furious.

This palace guarding formation, even Ling Xinyu needs to accumulate energy in advance to be torn apart with one blow, showing its strong defense!

But on the other hand, the cost of deployment is also terrifying!

The consumption of healing after tearing is even more terrifying!

Right now, some people want to curse.

However, Ling Xinyu didn't care about them at all.

With a thought, the Ice Phoenix flapped its wings.


The storm sounded, and a huge storm was born under the wings of the Ice Phoenix.

The Ice Phoenix carried Ling Xinyu and Su Bai, ignoring the surroundings, and flew to the depths of the Taiyi Palace.

But the storm under its wings swept in all directions very unceremoniously.

The Taiyin force in Ling Xin's body raged out and was involved in the storm.

In an instant, it condensed into tens of thousands of huge ice cones!

The storm mingled with cones of ice, raging.

The speed of spread is extremely fast, and the people who come the fastest will fly out in an instant.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"


"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

Some people were smashed into the ground by the storm, and the ground was smashed to pieces.

If it hits the palace, the huge palace with the smallest area of ​​10,000 meters will collapse in half!

There are also unlucky ones who were directly overwhelmed by the ice cone!

The damage that emerged from the body was a long and scarlet string!

Su Bai took a look.







Basically around 25 trillion!

Ordinary disciples will die if they are hit by several ice cones!

Some people who seem to be elders, special hall masters, and the like can resist one ice cone at most!



It's really scary!

Su Bai further realized the terrifying power of immortality!

When he exclaimed, the storm also blew to several palaces.

Hit it!


"Boom boom boom!!!"

The storm hits and the cone of ice falls!

The huge roar, the luxurious, magnificent and huge palace collapsed and disintegrated!

In just such a little time, three huge palaces have been destroyed!





All of a sudden, there were exclamations.

Those creatures who came to the Taiyi House at this time are now terribly frightened!

Immortal level is too difficult to reach, very rare!

At least, these players, NPCs, etc., are not many.

Can all resist Ling Xinyu's attack!

Of course there will be fear!

However, this is not over yet!

The ice phoenix flew all the way, the storm kept on, and the dust was everywhere!

The trees in the mountains that it passed by, the treasure medicine planted, the spirit beasts raised, etc...

Uproot and tear!

In such a short period of time, the original magnificent and luxurious palaces, verdant and immortal mountains, there are already many mountains, palaces are scattered, very withered and miserable.

A scene of ruins!

At this time, outside the Taiyi Palace, many figures are already watching.

Some of them are humans, some are beasts, and some are big monsters, and some are strange and strange, indescribable types of life forms.

All of them exude an unpredictable aura, naturally rippling with brilliant auras around them.

They are all immortal!

Those who are lower than immortality do not dare to look blindly at this time.

Afraid of being affected by a little aftermath.

To stay in the immortal zone, you have to be cautious.

At this time, these immortals are very shocking when they are watched.

There was a powerful and immortal shocking whisper: "This woman is too strong! She is alone in the Taiyi Palace!"

Although he talked to himself, whispered softly.

But immortality is extremely strong in all aspects, and the ears are naturally no problem.

Then, an immortal in the shape of mud answered: "It's not alone, haha... Didn't you see a little guy beside her."


An immortal shrouded in brilliant aura sneered: "New human race, Bai Ye! These days, the spirit world has been stirred up by storms, but what about strength? It's just... eh?"

Halfway through, he wanted to read Su Bai's information.

But he was stunned and realized that he couldn't see it!


He snorted coldly, and said, "I still have some luck, and I got a god-level treasure to hide the information! But no matter what, it's just a little guy with no superior."

He said it lightly!

However, there is obviously a sense of greed and jealousy.

Moreover, after the word god-level treasure appeared, the eyes of all immortals suddenly moved away from Ling Xinyu!

All the attention is on Su Bai!

When I probed Su Bai's message, I immediately understood why the immortal said so.

You can't even see the information, this concealed thing is immortal at least!

It is very likely to be a god-level treasure!

How can this not care? !

However, now there are many rules and restrictions, and then think about God-level items that are not available in the spirit world.

It is estimated that who sent it!

Therefore, although I wanted to get it, the big guys still managed to control the greed that shouldn't be there.

His gaze turned back to Ling Xinyu again.

The sigh is up again.

"This Ling Xinyu... has become stronger again! Obviously it has reached its limit, and it can become stronger!"

"What a strange woman!"

"All strength is lost, and if you rebuild it once, you will set foot higher!"

"When she was hitting the gods, it seemed that something went wrong, and her strength would fluctuate up and down. If she doesn't cultivate her skills now, aren't she afraid that her strength will suddenly decrease at this time?"

"By the way, why do you bring a tow bottle?"

"Bring this white night to do something? See the world?"


It's a long time, but it's just a few breaths of time.

And these few breaths of time, the Ice Phoenix carried Ling Xinyu and Su Bai across thousands of miles!

When it flew past, it ruined a dozen mountains and a dozen magnificent palaces!

However, this is only halfway through.

However, it stopped now.


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