VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1091: The opponent's turn! Taiyi Palace purchases the full server announcement!

Su Bai felt a little guilty by her.

Besides, I also feel...

Something is wrong!

It's really wrong!

Su Bai really feels that this mother-in-law has been trying herself...

Without waiting for Su Bai to think twice, Ling Xinyu continued to say: "She has a good relationship, so of course it is to find out and do it. Keeping it is also a scourge."



I said mother-in-law, you obviously look like an iceberg fairy.

Why do you open your mouth and become a son-in-law!

"I'm leaving, your wanted commission has a lot of things to arrange, you can rest here."

Without waiting for Su Bai's reaction, Ling Xinyu swished away.

Vaguely, Su Bai seemed to see the light smile in her eyebrows.

He even seemed to hear a soft silver bell laugh.

However, it was only an instant.

Ling Xinyu was gone without waiting to feel it seriously.

"What is this called..."

"She turned out to be Ling Shuanghan's mother!"

"I also said to be myself..."

Su Bai had a headache and didn't know what to do with this relationship.

But in general, it was determined that Ling Shuanghan was not safe.

Since it is the daughter of the sovereign, it doesn't matter, don't be afraid.

Don't allow it, just steal it.

Furthermore, when you become stronger in the future, there is nothing to allow.

"It always feels like this mother-in-law is teasing me..."

Su Bai muttered in his heart, walked to the pavilion in the courtyard, sat on the stone bench, and took a rest.


The system interface opens, and the Spirit World Forum appears.

Before entering the Taiyin Sect, he was searching for information related to Ling Shuanghan.

What is displayed on the Spirit World Forum now is the search result.


When Ling Shuang was cold, he was an adult.

There must be some differences between the appearance at that time and the present, but it is sure to be able to see the appearance of the past.

Therefore, some things can still be found in the Spirit World Forum.

Su Bai looked at it slowly.

There is not a lot of information, so there are just a few in summary.

1. Knowing that Ling Shuanghan is the daughter of the spiritual sect master of the contemporary Taiyin Saint Sect, this has been known from the mother-in-law.

2. Know some of the reasons for Ling Shuanghan's exodus at that time.

According to the gossip in the forum, it fell into the void because of an attack by a monster.

Some people say that it was done by the guy who wanted to capture Ling Xinyu.

The authenticity of these two news is uncertain.

However, many players who spoke said that these two messages may refer to the same creature!


The third is what Su Bai thinks is the most important thing!

There were a lot of speeches in the post, and I was amazed at Ling Shuanghan's appearance!

Like some praise, admiration, etc., throughout the story.

These are not what Su Bai cared about.

What he cares about is...

Some people say that Ling Shuanghan and her mother...

It's exactly the same!

Except for the temperament one is mature and majestic, the other is young and ignorant.

The face, height, and body are all exactly the same! ! !

"Exactly the same?!"

Su Bai was a little surprised!

So awesome?

He was surprised at first, and then his heart burst out...

Something is wrong!

There is something wrong!

Ling Xinyu is exactly the same as Ling Shuanghan!

However, Ling Shuanghan was facing the wall and being punished in the bamboo grove.

So, who can run out to challenge Zheng Bailian?

How could Ling Shuanghan resist Zheng Bailian, Li Yangwei and Mai Yin? !

When I met'Ling Shuanghan' in Na Xuehu, she felt that she had changed a little at the time.

Very well-behaved, he won't yell at him to become Xia Bing.

I also feel that her voice is more mature, with a kind of elegance and sexiness that has been developed over the years.

However, when Ling Shuanghan met Ling Shuanghan again in the Swordsmanship Bamboo Forest, her breath and voice changed slightly.

Before, I was close to my mother-in-law and felt a special and slightly familiar fragrance.

In the conversation with the mother-in-law, there is always a feeling of joking about myself...

It's just like trying to understand and pretend to be confused, deliberately molesting yourself!

These are connected in series...


Su Bai gasped fiercely!

Scattered in the courtyard, the snowflakes on the ground were all turbulent.

Now, it seemed that there was a ray of thunder that directly exploded into Su Bai's head!

Blast everything into a paste!

Still violently stirring, the more disturbed, the more chaotic, the more chaotic!



Su Bai has never been so dumbfounded...

What is this called, is this too outrageous? !

Why didn't I recognize it at the time? !

The corners of Su Bai's mouth twitched.

To be honest, in retrospect, although there are many weird places, let Su Bai touch his conscience and say.

That is really unrecognizable!

At that time, the situation was abnormal, and Ling Xinyu could not keep calm.

Its breath, voice, and even habits can all be attributed to the differences and changes caused by those poisons.

Ling Shuanghan was exactly the same as her again, saying that it was carved out of a mold, and there was no problem at all!

Su Bai couldn't tell the difference.

Let alone not put together.

It's really indistinguishable when it comes down like this!

"This is really..."

Su Bai held his forehead with a tangled face.

I really don't know how to say this.

No wonder she wanted to block her memory at the time, because she was afraid she would see something.

And now, it can be seen, how to deal with this relationship?

give up?

Su Bai did not give up her habit of being a woman.

I just don't know what Ling Xinyu thinks in his heart, do you plan to forget it?

Moreover, Ling Shuanghan didn't know what to say.

"Take one step as one step, don't worry about it."

After struggling for a while, Su Bai wanted to start.

Anyway, the women of the Taiyin Shengzong are not allowed to be in love, and naturally no one will rob him of these two women.

So there is nothing to worry about.

There will always be a solution.

"Take a break, I don't want this anymore, look at the forum."

Su Bai opened the forum and wanted to see what happened under his wanted order.

In the reward regulations, it is stated that a complete killing video should be recorded, so that it is convenient to judge whether the wanted is completed.

It is also stipulated to upload to the spiritual world forum.

This is what Su Bai asked.

It's so boring to just kill people and get rewards!

Of course you have to take it out, put it in the forum, and show it to the public!

[Li Family, Li Mizi, Good Fortune Order, 3 single kills, with video! 】

[Qian family, Qian Linbing, supreme level, three team kills 5 times, with video! 】

[Maijia, Maibao comparable, supreme level, 4 single kills, with video! 】

[Disciple of the Taiyi Palace, Fang Xiangpan, Good Fortune Stage, a five-person team killed 7 times, with video! 】


It hasn't been a few minutes before and after this wanted!

The current spirit world forum has been hunted and posted throughout!

There are tens of thousands!

"It's so fast!"

Su Bai admired.

Sure enough, sending a wanted is a good choice.

If you rely on yourself and want to kill 10,000 people separately, you will get the year of the monkey!

Although the cost is a bit big, but this is not afraid.

I believe that after a period of time, these four forces will ask for forgiveness, and when that time comes they will make a fortune!

Take all your losses back ten times!

That's what Su Bai had planned.

Spread money and borrow thousands of squares as your own thugs, but you will never lose!


After a few more minutes, a system sound suddenly rang!

"Ding! The lord of the Supreme Palace, Meng Yi has purchased a full service announcement in the spirit world!"


Su Bai stood up suddenly and looked towards the sky.

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