VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1089: Mother-in-law?!

Soon, the handover of spirit coins was over.

After getting this done, Su Bai planned to leave.

Ling Xinyu took a subconscious step forward and asked: "Where are you going?"

"This one……"

Su Bai stopped and looked back and thought for a while and said: "I want to send it out. It is enough for the players who received the reward to clean them up. I am still lazy to do it, and find a place to rest first."

BUG hasn't been saved yet.

Su Bai planned to wait for the savings twice before taking action.

That is to say tomorrow.


Ling Xinyu pondered for a while, and then calmly said: "This wanted has too many rewards, it's very important, you need to supervise it a little bit."

"In addition, the four of them are not ordinary forces, they should be strained, and you shouldn't leave at this time."

"Well, you stay in my clan for the time being."


Although what she said was reasonable, Su Bai was still taken aback.

The elders of the Taiyin Saint Sect were also stunned.

what's going on?

Sovereign stays?

Still keep a man?

"Sect Master, is this inconvenient?"

"Sect Master, what do you keep him for? He is a man..."

There was immediate objection.

Of course, I didn't say it face-to-face, because I was afraid that it would brush Su Bai's face.

They were all transmitting to Ling Xinyu.

Ling Xinyu's enlightenment, quickly thought of an explanation, and transmitted to all the elders: "Relax, I will arrange him next to my residence, don't worry."

"Secondly, he seems to know Shuang'er. He once approached Shuang'er in the Swordsmanship Bamboo Grove, and even revealed Shuang'er's name.

"So, I want to explore one or two."

So this is ah!

Listening to Ling Xinyu's words like this, the elders were relieved.

Although Bai Ye is strong and terrifying, its strength is still not as strong as the Sect Master.

Here is the resident of the Taiyin Sect.

If you live next to the sovereign, you don't have to worry about anything.

Even so, the elders didn't say much.


Su Bai was still thinking about it.

Of course there is no problem where to live.

The problem is...

Su Bai couldn't understand why this Sect Master wanted to keep himself?

No reason!

I can't. I discovered the relationship between myself and Ling Shuanghan...

Thinking of this, Su Bai's heart jumped!

This is not impossible!

If this woman is more suspicious, she might indeed guess on this.

and so……


Got it!

Otherwise, I can't understand Ling Shuanghan's identity, and I don't know if there will be anything wrong with her.

Just take advantage of this time to see if you can get familiar with it and dig out Ling Shuanghan's identity.

"Okay, then I'll be bothering you!"

Thinking this way, Su Bai agreed.

Ling Xinyu came to Su Bai's face and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to a place of rest."

Su Bai was strange again.

She unexpectedly came to take herself to a resting place.

Isn't this just calling a disciple casually?

Even if it is important, it only needs an elder.

It always feels weird, something is wrong.

"Uh, good..."

Su Bai couldn't understand.

And Ling Xinyu was waiting again, so he nodded and agreed.


As soon as he nodded, Su Bai gave a puzzled hum.

His eyes fell on Ling Xinyu, who was not far in front of him, and his nose moved slightly.

There seems to be a dark fragrance floating.

It seems that there is still a sense of familiarity!

Where did you smell it?


Why is it gone again?

Su Bai was startled, the faint special fragrance suddenly disappeared.


Ling Xinyu's heartbeat is so fast now!

On the face covered by the scarf, Hongxia gradually emerged.

Careless, forgot to cover this...

Almost exposed!

Fortunately, the harvest is fast, he should have found nothing?


With a light cough, Ling Xinyu forcefully pretended to be indifferent: "Young Master Bai?"

Su Bai returned to his senses, shook his head and said, "It's okay, let's go."


After that, Ling Xinyu led Su's out of the hall.

Go to the rear.


She flew up with Su Bai and went straight to the sky.

In the end, he stopped at the tip of a vast snow tree.

At the tip of the snow tree, a huge palace is supported by snowflakes and clouds.

Bluestar's billions of luxury villas are not as good as in case!

It's really spectacular and magical!

"You can rest here. It's up to you how long you want to stay. Just tell the maid before you leave."

Ling Xinyu led Su Bai to a courtyard and said to him.


Su Bai nodded indifferently, swept around, thoughtfully: "This is very different, is it where you live?"

Ling Xin said, "I rarely come to the Supreme Realm, and I don't live very much."


Su Bai said, and then there was nothing to say.

However, he still wanted to ask about Ling Shuanghan.

Originally, I wanted to get acquainted with it, so I tapped and asked.

But unexpectedly, Ling Xinyu took herself directly to the place where she lived.

The maid here is afraid that she can't talk nonsense, and she doesn't dare to talk nonsense.

and so……

Su Bai looked at Ling Xinyu.


Ling Xinyu was beside him, only one meter away.

Seeing Su Bai's view, she hummed to show her doubts.

"Sect Master, I have something to ask you." Su Bai said.

"What...what's the matter?"

Ling Xinyu was startled and panicked in his heart.

He can't see anything, right?

No way?

Su Bai didn't notice her strangeness, but asked: "I saw a woman in your forbidden bamboo forest. She is very familiar. Can you ask who she is?"

Ling Xin said: "..."


I didn't see anything.

Ling Xinyu breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down a bit.

She thought about it.

Was wondering, do you want to explain Ling Shuanghan's identity to Su Bai.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

He probably is still worried about Shuang'er.

After speaking out Shuang'er's identity, he can also be sure of Shuang'er's safety.

If you don't say it, you are not sure what he will do.

Moreover, if he has any doubts about himself, he will be able to dispel his confusion after saying it.

It is impossible for him to guess that as Shuang'er's biological mother, he and him...


Ling Xinyu shook his head fiercely and screamed in his heart.

Why do you always think of such embarrassing things in your mind!

Dip it a little bit, think about it a little bit, and it will automatically play in its entirety...

"Uh? Can't you say it?"

Seeing her shaking his head, Su Bai was a little disappointed, thinking she didn't plan to tell herself.


Ling Xinyu regained consciousness, allowing the Taiyin power in his body to flow and calm down.

Then, she kept a calm tone and said: "She is my daughter."


Su Baihu's body was shocked, shocked!

This woman in front of you is actually the mother-in-law? !

What a surprise!


Su Bai suddenly remembered that he had seen a lot of information before.

Said to be the contemporary lord of the Taiyin Saint Sect, who became pregnant thousands of years ago.

Almost taken abducted by Taiyi Palace.

Therefore, Su Bai felt that the Taiyin Sect was a good choice.

And now, at this time node...

Ling Shuanghan's age seems to be more than 3,000!

It's just right!


What a coincidence!

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