VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1081: Sixty trillion coins, is it enough?!

"Too much bullying!"

One of the elders seemed to have a very angry temper, and now he said to Ling Xinyu: "Sect Master, these guys are too much, they have to give them back!"


Ling Xinyu got up and was about to go out to fight.

Subconsciously ignored Su Bai.

If Su Bai is mentioned at this time, he must decide Su Bai's whereabouts.

Is that expelled or handed over?

Drive away.

not good!

Those guys outside seemed to have a way to chase Su Bai.

hand over.

It's even more impossible!

Isn't this showing weakness to those people? !

In short, this is a troublesome matter, and Ling Xinyu doesn't want to decide for the time being.


But some people didn't open the pot and picked which pot, and pointed to Su Bai and said, "Sect Master, what should Bai Ye do with that?"

Ling Xin said: "..."

The cheek slammed, she was gritting her teeth.

Fortunately, there is a scarf to cover it, and others can't see it.

Only the elder who asked Ling Xinyu aloud suddenly tightened his neck, feeling that the look in his eyes was a little wrong...


With a sigh of relief, Ling Xinyu didn't dare to look at Su Bai, "He'll talk about it later, take it down and settle down first!"

When speaking, Ling Xinyu's voice changed a little.

She was hiding her previous tone.

At this tense time, no one cares about these details.

Su Bai didn't know her identity, even if she heard her original voice, she still didn't understand what was wrong.



"Follow the order of the master."


Everyone listened to the order.

A disciple walked up to Su Bai and stretched out his hand to signal: "Master Bai, please!"

She wants to take Su Bai down.

And all the elders in the temple, Ling Xinyu also went out to respond.

Got to stop!

Su Bai did not move, but said: "Wait, everyone!"




If a person is weak, he will speak lightly. Even if he speaks out, he can't keep anyone.

But Su Bai is not "micro"!

What he did was enough for everyone present to regard him as an important person!

After a word fell, everyone stopped temporarily.

Looking at Su Bai with all his eyes puzzled.

Ling Xinyu also secretly watched over at this time.

Facing everyone's gaze and looking around, Su Bai calmly said: "After knowing that this place is the residence of the Taiyin Sect, I have an idea."

"After the contempt of those outside, this idea is firmer."

An elder said immediately: "To put it bluntly, in a hurry!"


Su Bai nodded and said bluntly: "I want to entrust you to post a wanted!"

"For the Taiyi Palace, the Li Family, and the Qian Family, oh yes, there is also a Mai Family that popped up!"

After the words are over, there is silence here.

The disciples who were waiting here all looked at Su Bai dumbfounded.

Even if it is the elder, it is also shocked, and feels that he is listening.

Ling Xinyu was even more shocked!

"What's the matter, didn't I close his memory so that he would not conflict with the Taiyi House?!"

"Why is he still talking about this?!"

Ling Xinyu was a little confused.

A lot of anger has risen, why are you so disobedient!

I told you, it's not easy to provoke, you still have to provoke!

"The ignorant is fearless!"

Amidst the shock, Ling Xinyu spoke coldly: "Do you know what you are talking about? Four big forces wanted at once?!"

"Who gave you the courage? Who gave you the courage?!"

"Courageous enough, are you capable enough?"

"Four powers, supreme and good fortune-level powerhouses are as many as dogs, and the above-mentioned transcendence can also be called out! There are also many more powerful people!"

"The strength is not enough, the situation is strong, what are you looking for?!"

Ling Xinyu is very angry!

The voice was extremely cold, with obvious anger.

When the words came out, everyone who was originally shocked by Su Baihua was shocked again!

His gaze shifted from Su Bai to Ling Xinyu's body.


Why is the sect master angry?

This kind of death can be completely ignored.

You don't even have to say it!

Moreover, these few sentences are on the surface of anger, but they always feel a deep meaning!

I always feel...Is this worrying? !

Right? !

Everyone thinks Ling Xinyu behaves strangely...

Is it because you appreciate Bai Ye's character, talent, or something, and don't want to see him fall like this?


Su Bai was also startled, a little confused.

Although Ling Xinyu's words were very rude.

But after living so long, good words can still be distinguished.

In the unceremonious words, it is obvious that there is concern and the importance of things to Su Bai.

Some didn't understand why she was like this, but it was also kind.

"Thank you for your concern."

Su Bai smiled and thanked him, then smiled and said: "The four families are no better than the ten thousand families!"

Do you dare to slap your mouth!

Ling Xinyu almost laughed angrily!

Moreover, I always feel that the title of ‘sect master’ is very annoying!

The anger in his heart rushed to his forehead, and he couldn't calm down at all.

Thanks to her practice of Taiyin practice well.

Even if he is very angry now, his external performance is still that cold and cold.

Without waiting for Su Bai to say anything, Ling Xin said coldly: "Wan Clan, do you want to use the Clan's power? What qualifications do you have?"

Elders: "..."

Disciples: "..."

They are silent!

When Ling Xinyu's little anger was poured out, the temperature of this hall had already dropped!

The awe-inspiring majesty weighed on everyone, making them frightened.

I don't know why the suzerain is so angry.

But anyway, it's always okay to avoid a bit.

The elders withdrew cautiously to the side, leaving the hall aside.

Look at the nose and heart from the side.

Although I am watching the excitement, it will never show that I am watching the excitement.

At this moment, even if he knew that the Sect Master was thinking about himself, Su Bai was a little unhappy.

Do you have such a big reaction? !


Su Bai did not speak, and directly projected a few things from the backpack.

Protoss Coins!

Tianling Coins!

Earth Spirit Coin!



"Kang Dang!"



Someone sucked in air-conditioning.

Someone got up and lost control of his strength and turned the chair over.

Someone crushed the handrail directly.

There was a violent riot, and the whole body was smashed into pieces, but fortunately, it converged in time.

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened and their mouths opened wide.

His eyes stared at what Su Bai projected.

Even Ling Xinyu!

She was no exception, her eyes were turbulent, and the face covered by the scarf slowly became shocked.

Protoss coin, one hundred billion!

Tianling coins, ten trillion!

Earthling coins, fifty trillion!

Except for the star coin Su Bai left 50 million, the other two, Su Bai is all out!

Say you want to do it. Your whole family will do it. Your whole family!

Not much money, I'm afraid I can't do it!

Tianling coins, earth spirit coins.

Even people in the spirit world need to use it.

And these tens of trillions...

Let's put it this way, the number of pure surplus coins of the Taiyin Saint Sect is not as much as that of Su Bai!

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