VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1079: Who is Ling Shuanghan?

"It's hanging."

Ling Xinyu said coldly.

Even if they are irrelevant people, these three companies will be uncomfortable.

Should the apologize be like this?

Bringing a bunch of people who are far beyond what the Supreme Realm should have, is this an apologetic appearance?

The three families of Li, Qian, and Mai wanted the Taiyin Saint Sect to hand over the female body that had changed before Su Bai.

So when he came to pay for the crime of trespassing, he also showed his strength slightly in order to get Su Bai smoothly.

But this deliberate display of strength made Ling Xinyu very upset!


The disciple had to retreat.

Then, Ling Xinyu looked at the elders: "Elders, go and stay secretly, maybe there will be a fight!"

"In addition, you have to guard against the dark!"

Speaking of this, Ling Xinyu's eyes were extremely cold, and his murderous aura could hardly be suppressed: "Taiyi Palace, I am afraid it will also follow, hiding it!"



The elders were startled, and immediately raised caution.

Having dealt with the Taiyi House for so many years, I deeply know how powerful the latent technique of the Taiyi House is!

At this time, no one wants to say to hand over the white night.

This matter is no longer a question of whether Su Bai is here or not, but a question of the Taiyin Sacred Sect being beaten to the face!

What's more, although the Taiyin Saint Sect was founded by women, it is not weak!

Deeply know that compromise can't get a good result!

Today, if you are forced to hand in person, tomorrow, someone will openly accuse them, saying that the Taiyin Saint Sect has taken an inch of their land!


The undercurrent of the Taiyin Saint Sect surged.

In the forbidden area in the snowy area, Su Bai also saw people coming.


He stayed for a while.

Those who came curled up, dressed in a snow suit, had a cold temperament.

The skin wins the snow, holding the familiar ice crystal long sword in his hand.

His face is also very familiar.

At this time, the usual cold and indifferent jade face was stunned.

Xiao. His mouth opened slightly, and he was surprised.

Clear and divine eyes, the original indifferent change.

Shocked, confused.

Among them, there are also emotions such as surprise, longing, and excitement.

The visitor even took a step towards Su Bai involuntarily.

However, she was awakened soon.

The emotion in his eyes became tangled, and then quickly changed, turning into an indifference that forced him to pretend.


The visitor turned around and Taxue quickly left.

It was like not knowing Su Bai at all.

Su Bai: "???"

Are you making trouble like that?

A few dozen minutes ago, wasn't it a good one?

Why are you leaving now as soon as you see it?

"Frosty Cold!"

Su Bai hurriedly called her, and stepped on the snow to catch up.

This person is Ling Shuanghan!

Moreover, it is really Ling Shuanghan!

She didn't want to see Su Bai, not really.

It has been many days since we last met!

She was known by Ling Xinyu as soon as she entered the spirit world.

Was scolded miserably!

Then, I was taken here to think about it.

By the way, refining the power of the primordial yin in the body.

In fact, Ling Shuanghan felt that his power of primordial yin was very good.

completely fine!

The more Su-Bai intermingled, the better!

The purer!

There is a faint feeling of stepping to a higher level.

Unfortunately, there are only two or three intercourses. If you come a few more times, you should really complete the ascending level.

In short, there is nothing Ling Xinyu said, it will gradually dissipate.

But she dare not say about this...

Just come over and forget it.

So, I haven't seen Su Bai for so long, and the moment I saw it...

Although I didn't want to admit it, at that time, Ling Shuanghan burst into a huge sense of joy!

Did he come here specifically to find himself? !

This thought echoed in my heart, my heart beat faster, and my feet moved by myself.

However, there is a formation here, afraid that the close relationship between himself and Su Bai will be known.

Afraid of being known by my mother...


Su Bai was chasing, Ling Shuanghan's heart was pounding, but he couldn't stop.

The same speed, wanting to get rid of Su Bai.

Of course, this is impossible.

Although Ling Shuanghan's suppressed strength has greatly improved since entering the spirit world, he can't keep up with Su Bai's rocket-riding hurricane.

A light flashed on Su Bai's feet, one step beyond the world!

Caught up.

Took her hand.

"What are you doing? Let go!" Ling Shuanghan waved his hand quickly.


Su Bai couldn't help but frown at this moment.

It's so different!

This Ling Shuanghan is very different from the previous Ling Shuanghan!

The clothes are changed.

The temperament is vaguely different.

The voice has also changed.


Could it be that they are Ling Shuanghan's sisters?

But what happened to the surprise, joy, and miss in her eyes just now?

Su Bai was a little confused.

Speaking of which, the current situation is also confused...

Zhen Ling Shuanghan was afraid that Ling Xinyu would be disadvantageous to Su Bai, so he did not dare to recognize Su Bai and avoided Su Bai.

The fake "Ling Shuanghan" did not dare to prove his identity because of the real Ling Shuanghan.

Su Bai knew very little about Ling Shuanghan's family.

I don’t know that she has a mother who is exactly the same except for her temperament...

Furthermore, preconceptions are very important!

He just saw a "Ling Shuanghan" and thought that "Ling Shuanghan" was Ling Shuanghan.

All kinds of information are asymmetry and preconceived, causing the current situation.

Su Bai thinks that Ling Shuanghan is really Ling Shuanghan's twin sister...


Released his hand.

I don't know what to say for a while.


Ling Shuanghan didn't dare to say more, for fear of exposure.

Show your feet lightly in the snow, and you're about to leave.

"Swish swish swish!!!"

At this moment, several rays of light descended from the sky and were falling around the two of them.

The light dissipated, revealing the people in it.

Su Bai relaxed and saw the Taiyin Saint Sect disciple costumes worn by these women.




The female disciple who came here respectfully bowed to Ling Shuanghan.


Ling Shuanghan nodded, feeling a little excited.

However, the excitement faded quickly, and she saw the embarrassment on the faces of these disciples.

It is estimated that it is not here to pick myself out.



Ling Shuanghan's heart tightened, and he asked a little hastily, "What are you doing here?"

"Go back to Senior Sister, follow the command of the Sect Master, and take Young Master Bai out." The women said, their eyes brightly focused on Su Bai.

Their eyes are full of curiosity, even faintly unique.


Su Bai smiled slightly and said hello.


With a light cough, Ling Shuanghan said, "Did the Sect Master say what to do to pick him up?"


Several female disciples looked at her suspiciously, curious as to why Ling Shuanghan cared about this.

However, they didn't ask much.

One of its disciples explained: "Sister Sister, I'm sorry, we don't know about this..."


Ling Shuanghan frowned, very worried.

Is it possible that the relationship between himself and him has been known by his mother?

"Senior Sister, let's go first."

While talking, those female disciples cast a formation on the ground.

"..." Ling Shuanghan opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

"Prince Bai, please."

A disciple stretched out his hand to signal.

"Thank you."

Su Bai calmly walked into the formation.

No one came to take him out, so he could only go out by other means.

He is not afraid of any ambush.

And when he was about to leave, a sound transmission fell into Su Bai's ears: "Don't expose our relationship!"

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