So comfortable!

This prompted her to hold Su Bai tighter and tighter.

As if to blend into Su Bai's body!


Su Bai was strangled a little uncomfortable.

At the same time, when the hot breath of'Ling Shuanghan' was blowing between the ears and necks, he was really a little worried.

If you are an old husband or wife, you can start directly.

But Su Bai also discovered that there is a lot of poison in "Ling Shuanghan"!

Can't mess around.

"Frosty, sober!"

Su Bai's hand fell habitually, and he slapped the slap again on the'Ling Shuanghan' fart.

This is to make her sober.


Ling Xinyu whimpered, his eyes widened.

She was completely stunned!

But the body was trembling, very trembling.

The various poisons in the body rushed wildly, triggering a violent reaction.

The sharp pain from this made her sober.

In his eyes, various emotions such as shame, embarrassment, anger, confusion, and comfort appeared immediately.

It was a mess, just like her current state.

Beifang bit her lip, and she didn't want to worry about Su Bai now.

Reluctantly let go.

Force yourself not to care about Su Bai's actions just now, and not to care about your body's greed.

Efforts to transport her Taiyin technique, absorb the power of Taiyin that is constantly escaping from the surrounding lake and Su Bai's body.

Suppress and dissolve various toxins in the body.

"Zheng Bailian! Taiyi Palace!"

When resolving, Ling Xinyu's heart was also raging.

There are dozens of high-level poisons in this mess, and the shame just now is due to Zheng Bailian's gift!

Holding a breath, Ling Xinyu tried to resolve it.

Su Bai was very worried about her, and asked, "Shuanghan, why did you get so many messy poisons? What should I do? Do I need anything? How can I help you?

"I will do it myself……"

Ling Xinyu suppressed, and said with difficulty: "I need...I too... the power of the yin...!"

"Okay! I get it!"

Su Bai nodded.

Then, he hugged'Ling Shuanghan' and sank.

In the lake below, the power of the yin is stronger.

At the same time, Su Bai also began to force a large amount of primordial power stored in his body.


There was a clear chill on his body, and the temperature of the surrounding area dropped sharply.

Ling Xinyu took a deep breath, and the power of the primordial yin that emerged from Su Bai's body was absorbed by her.

Then, to suppress various toxins in the body.

good results!

Even at the beginning, I can feel the toxins being suppressed a little bit.

If it continues, it won't be long before it can be resolved.


Ling Xinyu absorbed it and let out a sigh of relief.

He kept absorbing, but raised his head and looked at Su Bai strangely.

Su Bai hugged her and frowned.

Seriously and quickly went deep into the bottom of the lake, he didn't want his own woman to have an accident!


Looking at Su Bai's serious profile, and seeing the real care and concern, Ling Xinyu was a little stunned.

who is she?

Why are you here?

How did you know Shuang'er?

What's more, the body contains such a high and large amount of power of the taiyin!


She is so beautiful!

There is also a vaguely special domineering, heroic aura, so strange, I feel that this temperament appears more in men...

If this is a member of my sect, how can it be possible to catch the mind of the little girl in the whole sect...

Why haven't I seen it before?

Ling Xinyu suddenly thought too much, his body slowed down and didn't pay attention to it.


Su Bai frowned and lowered his head, then saw her straight eyes.

Raised his hand and flicked his finger.



'Ling Shuanghan' exclaimed, staring at Su Bai with a rounded look.

Who knows, Su Bai reprimanded her: "What a daze! Don't solve the physical condition quickly!"


Ling Xinyu was consciously ignorant, but he felt like he was slapped in the head, which was really shameful!

As the current Sect Master of the Taiyin Saint Sect, he was hit forehead!

Speaking out is really a big laugh!

After gritting his teeth, he gave Su Bai an annoyed look, and then concentrated on suppressing the body's toxins.

With Su Bai's power and the power in the lake, it was barely evened out.


There is too much poison in her!

Dozens of varieties and varieties!

They are all extremely powerful poisons, otherwise they won't take effect on her.

So, the result is:

Ling Xinyu persisted for ten minutes.

During this period, Su Bai took her down tens of thousands of meters.

It is precisely because of more supplements of the power of the primordial yin that Ling Xinyu can hold on for so long.

Ling Xinyu took a lot of Baodan and managed over thirty kinds of wickedness.

There is no imminent danger to life.

But the problem is, there are still more than ten kinds of strange poisons!

Can't force it, can't solve it!

too difficult!

Now, she was weak.

The strength of his body is less than one ten thousandths, and he can only rely weakly in Su Bai's arms.

At this time, Ling Xinyu's situation is very bad!

His body was so hot that he twisted and trembled unconsciously in Su Bai's arms.

After observing for so long, Su Bai also understood.

Among her poisons, there are two biggest problems with poisons!

First, the peculiar, super high-quality magma fire poison!

This is what Zheng Bailian used to destroy Ling Xinyu's Taiyin power.

Can't be expelled!

Will gradually pollute the power of her primordial yin.

Second, spring poison.

This thing actually has a synergistic effect with that magma fire poison!

The deeper the fire poison, the more terrifying the spring poison!

It's too difficult, and I don't know that it was the trivial guy who made it!

Except for these two, the other toxins are deadly.

The rest are mostly toxins that suppress, cause qi and blood confusion, make spiritual power inactive, weaken the body, promote spring poison, and promote fire poison.

These problems are not too big, the most important ones are fire poison and spring poison.

"Fire Poison..."

Su Bai muttered in a low voice.

Maybe he can solve this thing.

There is a fire spirit elemental heart in his body, which may be absorbed.

Just do it!

Su Bai grabbed the wrist of'Ling Shuanghan' and tried.

Control the fire spirit element heart in her body to absorb the fire poison in her body.

This operation is quite difficult.

The power of various toxins in'Ling Shuanghan''s body is too mixed.

Moreover, this method is so mysterious, Su Bai can't, and the operation is more difficult.



The fire spirit element heart in the body responded actively.

Su Bai's hand emitted a brilliant flame, spreading to Ling Xinyu's body, absorbing the power of the fire poison in his body.

Slowly, the fire poison began to decrease.

After a few minutes.

The body was too hot, and his brain became a paste, the extremely uncomfortable Ling Xinyu finally eased a little.

Looking at Su Bai's face with confused eyes, his mind was confused.

I don't know if it is due to spring poison or what is the cause.

She now...the worried person in front of her...

So tempting!

Faintly sharp eyebrows, white cheeks, tall nose, lips, neck, collarbone...

Everywhere, it seems to be exuding fatal temptation. Confusion!

Let Ling Xinyu's mouth dry!

I really want to... take a bite!

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