VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1070: Things at the bottom of the lake

After a while, Su Bai went down to a depth of 50,000 meters!

When he got here, the yin fish in his body was very active, running endlessly.

The power of the lunar yin on the body is also surging and boiling.

If you don't boil, if you are not active, your body can be frozen by the extremely strong Taiyin power in the lake.

The more difficult problem is that the power of the body is too strong.

This is too unbalanced!

The body looks like...

There are signs of turning to the female body again...

"...Forget it, no one is there anyway, get on now!"

Su Bai shook his head.

Whoosh! ! !

A little bit faster.

The more you descend, the more the power of the primordial yin in the surrounding water becomes stronger.

More and more pure and advanced!

By this time, it was almost comparable to the power of the primordial yin in Su Bai's body.

Not to mention ten percent, at least eighty percent!

This is also good.

Originally, Su Bai was surrounded by the dark power left by Zheng Bailian, suppressing his strength.

Now, it's gone.

A little further down, it will be completely gone.

Sixty thousand meters.

Seventy thousand meters.

Eighty thousand meters.

90,000 meters.

One hundred thousand meters!

When it reaches a terrifying depth of one hundred thousand meters...

The surrounding power of the yin is already ninety-nine percent of the power of yin in Su Bai's body, pure and advanced.

You don't need to absorb it, and you can turn it into your own power with just a little turn.

And now, Su Bai's solar power was completely suppressed by the power of the yin.

Even Shura's power fell silent!

The power of the lunar yin is full!

The power of pure primordial yin flows all over the body!

If Su Bai's current physical condition is a little bit more illusory, it would be...

Taishang Xuanbing Body, Extreme Yin Holy Body, Tianyin Body...

In addition, because of the imbalance between Yin and Yang, the Tai Yin Qi is reversed and overwhelms the solar energy.

So, Su Bai has become...


"Making evil..."

Looking down, Su Bai frowned.

Is it possible that there are only zero and countless times for women's clothing?

No way!

Quickly find the things in this strange lake, and then force all the Taiyin Qi out of the body.

To cheer up, Su Bai continued.

This ghost lake is too terrible!

After one hundred thousand meters, you say it's about the sea!

Feeling grotesque, Su Bai dived quickly.

After diving for another kilometer, his eyes lit up.

In the dark water, I finally saw something.

It is now at the bottom of the lake.

The bottom of the lake is not big, only hundreds of meters.

There is no silt.

Covered with a layer of round pebbles.

In the center of the pebbles, there is a stone box with black talisman paper.

"Finally found you!"

Su Bai was excited.

After seeing this stone box, the familiarity in his heart became even heavier!

An instinct told Su Bai that the aura he felt before was in the box, his thing!


Su Bai fell.

When he was about to step on the cobblestones, he paused.

Only now has it been discovered that there are peculiar symbols carved on the cobblestones.


Su Bai uses probing skills.

Learned that there is a powerful formation here!

Pebbles and black rune paper are all part of the formation.

"There is no sense of danger..."

Although he saw the formation, Su Bai didn't feel the danger.

It stands to reason that the formation left by the boss, I really wanted to move it long ago, and I couldn't even see it myself.

Try it.

Anyway, I have one more resurrection time!

Su Bai thought, fell down and stepped on the pebbles in front of the stone box.

Nothing happened.

That's it...

Su Bai stretched out his hand and tore off the black talisman paper on the box.

Still nothing happened.

The only movement was that when he touched the talisman paper, the light of the power of primordial yin flashed in his hand.

Then it was pulled down smoothly.

Su Bai felt relieved and stretched out his hand to open the stone box.

Extremely heavy!

It feels more sinking than a thousand-meter mountain.

Fortunately, it is not impossible for Su Bai to overturn a thousand-meter mountain now.

"Kang Dang!"


After Su Bai saw what was inside, he was shocked.

A black quaint stone.

Half the size of the palm.



There are rough and shallow carvings that seem to be eroded by wind.


A little fish!

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