
Su Bai fell into the water.

It feels utterly cold as soon as I enter!

He was completely frozen and could not move.

The lunar air in the lake is too huge and too pure!

Fortunately, the Taiyin fish in the body becomes active, and the power of the Taiyin circulates through the body.

The freezing and stiffness disappeared instantly.

Mobility is restored.

Su Bai glanced at him and then at his back.

At this time, he was resurrected, so the injury on his back quickly recovered.

But what makes Su Bai extremely upset is...

The equipment has been split again!

I was wearing women's clothing before, but when I was fighting, I changed my equipment to defend myself.

As a result, the newly repaired equipment was cut to pieces again!

The huge gap, from the shoulder armor to the top, to the bottom of the buttocks.

Therefore, the shoulder armor, tops, and bottoms are basically abolished.

The original bonus, defense and other attributes were only one or two.

The attributes of the suit are even more straightforward!

"Why don't you take the skin off of your entire family, and write my name backwards in the future!"

Su Bai squeezed a fist, very upset.

In addition, there is another problem.

That Zheng Bailian's attack was weird!

At this time, there was still a dark aura entwining Su Bai's body.

This thing is weird, it will suppress the state and the activity of the body's strength.

It won't be completely immobile.

But at least 70% of his strength has been reduced!

Fortunately, there is also the power of activity.


Su Bai held his breath, swam in the water, and dived.

I'll talk about the weird things on my body later.

Dive first to make sure you are safe.

Otherwise, who knows if the three people outside can come in.



After seeing Su Bai fall into the lake, Zheng Bailian immediately yelled and chased Su Bai.

This doesn't need her to say.

Both Li Yangwei and Mai Yin moved quickly towards the lake.


"Boom boom boom!!!"

Without warning, the three stopped in the transparent air.

There was a loud crash.

Lying in the transparent air, the front of the body is flat!

It's like hitting a thick and transparent wall, unable to make an inch.


Zheng Bailian's eyes widened and his mind was dazed.

How come there is an enchantment suddenly? !

Why would she be fine when she fell, and the barrier did not appear at all? !


Li Yangwei also stared, subconsciously exclaiming.

However, before they finished speaking, the transparent wall in front of them flashed suddenly.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

With three roars, Li Yangwei and the others were bombarded directly by the transparent enchantment!

Click, click, click! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

On the snowy ground, three deep ravines appeared instantly.

Spread hundreds of meters!

And along the way, the snowy trees broke and the small hills exploded...

laugh! ! !

In the end, the three of them were buried deep in the snow, tens of meters deep.

In the snow, their bodies appeared.

The invisibility talisman was directly destroyed!

This enchantment shook, hurting more than 30 billion!

Li Yangwei and Zheng Bailian's blood volume directly bottomed out.

Mai Yin even lost his life, but fortunately, there is a means of resurrection.


Zheng Bailian flew out of the deep snow, regardless of the serious injuries on her body, immediately flew in the direction outside the forbidden area.

While flying, he shouted: "Go! Go!"

Such a big movement here also inspired the enchantment to come out.

The people of Lunar are not aware of it, unless the whole school is blind and deaf!



Li Yangwei and that Mai Yin are also clever.

Before Zheng Bailian spoke, she flew out of the snow and followed.

"His! Parting, idiot!"

Zheng Bailian roared again.

Afterwards, the three hurried to run separately.

This is a forbidden place for others, it is the home court!

Moreover, it is heard that there is a strong man from the Taiyin Saint Sect ran down.

You must leave quickly, otherwise there is a great chance that the ship will capsize!

However, they didn't wait for them to run far.

Whoops, the sky shoots several brilliant ice rays.

Very fast!

This place is beneficial to them and caught up with them in a flash.


Zheng Bailian raised her eyes and glanced at the sky, and her heart sank suddenly.

But not slowing down, but accelerating!


These few ice lights stopped in the sky.

The ice crystals spread out, revealing their figures.

There are five people, all women.

Among them, a woman stood at the forefront.

The appearance is extremely beautiful, the temperament is graceful and mature, and the body is awe-inspiring.

Under the ice blue snow robe, the exquisite figure is vaguely visible.

Obviously the person with the highest status among the visitors!

She glanced at the three people fleeing in the snow forest, and finally fixed her eyes on Zheng Bailian, who was shrouded in the dark mist.

"Ha ha!"

She sneered and spoke, her voice was like a ding-dong of spring water, but she was very cold: "I thought it was the mouse that ran here. It turned out to be the Lord Zheng!"

"I also brought two younger brothers, why, what is this going to do?!"

"Since it's here, don't run away, explain to the deity!!"

After speaking, she stretched out her hand.

Rumble! ! !

The entire Lunar Forbidden Land is trembling!

The snow was rolling, and the heavy snow of goose feathers set off a terrible storm.

Every snowflake is like a knife, carrying a mighty force, sweeping towards the escaped three people.

At the same time, a layer of ice light covered it.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A huge barrier rose up, enveloping the entire Taiyin Holy Land.

Can't escape!

If you still want to run, Snowflakes will swept over with an unceremonious bombardment.

Seeing this, Zheng Bailian, Li Yangwei and Mai Yin all looked gloomy.

"It's really bad luck!!"

Zheng Bailian cursed inwardly, but she could only stop.

The other two, Li Yangwei and Mai Yin, could only stop awkwardly when they saw this.

The three of them flew from the ground and came into the air, wanting to look at each other in the sky.

But flying up to a certain height, it was suppressed by the huge enchantment that enveloped him.

No longer allowed.

In this way, the women in the sky are looking down on them.

This is to kill their arrogance first.

After understanding this, the expressions of the three Zheng Bailian were of course gloomy and unhappy.

But soon, they don't care about this anymore!

Because they saw the woman standing in the front.

"Ling Xinyu?"

Zheng Bailian was shocked and asked blurted out: "How come you come to the Supreme Realm?!"



Li Yangwei and Mai Yin were shocked when they heard the three words Ling Xinyu.

Both eyes flashed back.

Ling Xinyu.

The contemporary suzerain of the Lunar Saint Sect of the spirit world!

Now I don’t know how much strength it is, anyway, it’s very strong!

Regarding the achievements and legends of this woman, they are really thrilling!

【Ling Xinyu】

It has been famous for tens of thousands of years!

Born in one of the 100 families of the human race, the Ling family.

Home star [Jinghong Star].

His real name is [Ling Xingyu].

After feeling too masculine, it was changed to [Ling Xinyu].

Although it has been changed, after Ling Xinyu grows up, his strength can be called Ling Nian Xingyu!

Overwhelming geniuses, invincible at the same level, but can compete with each other!

Always walk alone, break into many dangerous places alone, retreat all over.

In the broken spirit world, she is one of the few who is expected to become a god!

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