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Chapter 1061: I want to be wanted... the whole Li family!



be quiet!

Quite quiet!

Li Yangwei, the main hall master and the Nan elder were all observing Su Bai strangely.

Su Bai didn't speak, let Li Yangwei let them watch.

However, Li Yangwei did not see anything from Su Bai's expression.

The look in his eyes is as waveless as an ancient well, without turbulence, and a sense of weakness.

With this plainness, and the faint aura under the plainness, Li Yangwei felt a little weird and weak.

On the contrary, he himself felt a little guilty for some reason.

"This woman is not ordinary!"

He speeded up a few times, Li Yangwei smiled and bowed his hands apologetically: "Girl, I'm very sorry, but I am clumsy in my eyes, Meng Lang is too."


Su Bai turned his head silently and continued to walk upward.

The smile on Li Yangwei's face froze.

What an arrogant little girl!

With a crooked word in his heart, he also continued to go down with the main hall master.

Soon, both waves disappeared on the stairs, and Su Bai and the Nan elder came to the second floor.


This wave of confrontation is quite exciting!

It feels more refreshing than fighting a big battle!

The situation just now is really rare. It is impossible to say that there is no sense of tension.

He is now in the assassin's lair!

If you reveal your identity, I am afraid that you will be caught without waiting for yourself to come up with a bargaining chip.

It's just that Su Bai can suppress these tensions well.

"Miss Xia, please come with me."

Elder Nan brought Lin Su Bai to a quiet room.

Said it is a quiet room, but it is like a garden.

The ceiling is directly the sky, the courtyard has flowers and plants, and there is a pavilion in the middle.

There is also a fresh floral fragrance in the air, which is quite elegant and charming.

Walking in is like walking into another world.

"Come on, good tea!"

The maid appeared and retreated after the tea.

It's getting started.

Elder Nan smiled and said, "I wonder if Miss Xia has any commission to publish?"


Su Bai did not say immediately, but in silent thinking.

Seeing Su Bai meditating, then Elder Nan did not urge Su Bai.

Su Bai was thinking about what he saw and heard just now.

Judging from meeting Li Yangwei, the main hall master, and what he heard, Li Yangwei was afraid that he had reached an agreement with that main hall master.

The main hall master promised in his words that he would not stab Li Yangwei behind his back.

Think about it a bit more, it's not difficult to guess the meaning.

This is Li Yangwei's worry that someone will give him a head start and want him and his Li family to be wanted.

In Li Yangwei's thoughts, this person may be himself or... Fu Qingqiu and Fu Feishuang in the land of God.

Therefore, he has such an arrangement.

Things really are just as Su Bai thought!

After just a few words, he guessed the reason!

After I understand this, can I still post the wanted Li family here?

Su Bai wanted to post here for two reasons.

One, he has no time to monitor and review the progress of the wanted.

Second, posting in the Taiyi Palace can be quite a good disgusting Li family!

But now, there are some unforeseen factors.

Temporarily suppressing these thoughts, Su Bai looked at Elder Nan on the opposite side and said, "Elder Nan."


Elder Nan said with a smile.

"I want to ask, what is the goal of your Taiyi House?" Su Bai said.

"Money, kill." Elder Nan said concisely.

"Is that money first, or killer?"


Elder Nan smiled slightly and took a sip of fragrant tea, "It's not easy to say, but anyway, it has no conscience."

"Besides, Meng Zhouli's death is not really dead. Miss Xia can rest assured that we can do it."

He probably thought that Su Bai wanted to be wanted for the old, the weak, the sick and the young.

Su Bai was not satisfied with this answer.

Shaking his head, Su Bai said, "Elder Nan, let your main hall master come to see me."


Elder Nan's expression changed, and his voice was slightly heavy: "Miss Xia, not everyone can see the main hall master."

Wow, wow...

Su Bai didn't say a word, and came out again.

Far more fierce than before.

On the contrary, Elder Nan frowned, and his voice became slightly cold: "Miss Xia, do you think you want my main hall master to come forward with this little star spirit coin?"

Wow, wow...

Wow, wow...

Su Bai hadn't spoken all the time, as more and more star coins were emitting bright stars.







In just a few breaths, Elder Nan's expression changed very obviously.

The slight anger from the beginning turned into an angry speechless.


Silence becomes doubt.

Doubts turned into surprises.

Surprise turned into dumbfounded.

Confused into shock!

Finally, when Su Bai stopped, he took a deep breath.

In the courtyard, a large mountain of star coins was piled high! ! !

The shining starlight that exudes is just like the stars, extremely dazzling and splendid!

This has to be...

"One hundred million... one hundred million..."

He looked at Su Bai and was speechless.

There are millions of them, which can be received by the elders of the outer hall.

Tens of millions, that kind of commission must be taken care of by the inner temple elders.

Over 100 million...

This kind of resident in the high-level area is not good, after all, the people in the high-level area are powerful, and capital accumulation is also easy.

But in the supreme realm, who is the Lord of the Palace? !

"Elder Nan, go."

Su Bai awakened him lightly.

"Oh, okay, okay! Let's go down here, but Miss Xia, please go upstairs and talk to a better quiet room?"

"No, it's fine here. Besides, I have limited time."

"Okay, I'll go now!"

Elder Nan hurried to find the main hall master.

Look at the smile he piled up, his sharp movements, where is the anger before him.

Where there are benefits, then the money can make the ghosts go ahead.

The ancients do not deceive me!


Soon, the door was pushed open.

Elder Nan, as well as the rich middle-aged woman who had just met, the main hall master of the Ji Ling Palace, came in.


As soon as she entered, her eyes brightened, looking straight at the huge Lingbi Mountain piled up in the courtyard.

However, he quickly turned back and looked at Su Bai.

"Oh! It's really useless to be too old!"

Walking towards Su Bai, he smiled and said, "Girl, such a great guest, I can't recognize the old lady, so I don't have any eyesight."

These words are actually asking who Su Bai is.

"You don't have to recognize me."

Su Bai kept his cool personality and said, "I have a big business to hand over to you."

"But for you, it's very difficult to handle, it's difficult to choose!"


The main hall master smiled, and sat opposite Su Bai, "Girl, you say, we are too big to have a big business, I'm afraid it will not be much."

"Girl, don't worry, if we do business, I'm afraid there is no business!"

"Don't be afraid of difficulty, don't be afraid of big! For us, there is nothing hard to choose!"


Su Bai was silent for a moment, and then said: "I want to be wanted... the whole Li family!"

"Li family? Which Li family?" The main hall master asked with a smile.

Su Bai: "One of the 100 families of Human Race, the Li family has only one family."

Hallmaster: "..."

Elder Nan: "??!!!"

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