VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1056: Yin Zang, Resting Accumulation, Formation·Sky Sea, Dharma·Return

Su Bai has started!

I have the experience of lighting up the word "dry" and bombarding "open the door" last time, this time it is naturally not a difficult task.


The pubic interface is expanded.

The power of yin and yang enlarges the stars.

It appears as a huge picture of Tai Chi and Eight Diagrams.

There are three laps.

Counting the first circle from the outside, the eight gates are opening, rest, birth, injury, death, scenery, death, and shock.

In the second circle, Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, Dui, the Eight Big Trigrams!

In the middle is the yin and yang fish.

They swim slowly, spontaneously absorbing the yin and yang forces of heaven and earth.

During the wandering, there was occasional chaotic fog, and the magnificent vision turned out.

Although the two yin and yang fish are not particularly large, they are not even solid and their light is not vigorous.

But, Su Bai feels...

"It feels like these two yin and yang fish will be the strongest when the eight gossips are fully opened!"

This thought came to him in his mind.

After a little fantasy, he calmed his mind.

There is business to do now.


Open the door, as well as the word "dry", which is one area with the door open, are shining and exude a brilliant light.

The six big hexagrams and the six gates are all dim.

Dry words and open the door to exude light.

And this time the protagonist is:

【Kan Gua】


At this time, the third lap of the Hugh Gate was full of spiritual energy.

It's ready to open!


Taking a breath, Su Bai thought.

The spiritual power in the body is surging, and it slams into the door of Xiu.

At this time, he has already reached the full quota, and the various attributes of his body are super powerful, and his spiritual power is extremely surging.

This bombardment...


Shut the door, open!

The word "Kan" in it suddenly lit up with brilliant light!

It's that simple!


It's the same as before [open the door].

After the break door was opened, Su Bai's whole body glowed with brilliant yin and yang rays.

This light formed a huge portal in the sky.

When the door is opened, there will be surging power infused into Su Bai's body, and his attributes will rise!

"It's such a big movement again..."

Among the clouds in the sky, Fu Qingqiu whispered softly, astonishment could not be concealed in her crystal clear eyes.

After speaking, he waved his hand to help Su Bai conceal his movement.

The Divine Land is also currently carried by the Small World Tree. Such a big movement can be sensed by some strong people.

Let's have fewer branches!

Fu Feishhuang was also standing beside Fu Qingqiu.

Fu Feishhuang looked straight at Su Bai on the ground.

However, if you look closely, her expression is actually a bit straightforward.

Obviously, she is now in a daze.

To be honest, Fu Feishhuang himself felt that something was wrong.

It's weird, always caring about Su Bai.

At first, I felt that Su Baitian was strong, curious and concerned.

Later, Su Bai brought more and more shocks to her, and became more and more curious.

Then, he became a little concerned unconsciously.

Of course, the explanation of this concern in Fu Feishhuang's heart was that he didn't want to see such a genius fall.


The expression in Su Bai's eyes just now was quite irregular!

Dare to watch...see...


Fu Feishhuang bit his lip and suddenly felt a little unspeakable.

There is rarely embarrassment.

"it's wired……"

I scratched my hair, a little confused and perplexed.

As a militant madman, he really has no experience in this area. It's like an old virgin and straight man named Gou Zuozhe who doesn't know anything, he doesn't know anything.

Pulling away, back to the topic.

On the ground.


The huge portal in the sky trembled and opened with a roar!

A gorgeous waterfall of yin and yang power suddenly flowed out of it, and it poured into Su Bai's body.


Su Bai squinted his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

The surging power melts into the body and is very comfortable.

I also clearly felt that I was growing violently. This feeling was quite refreshing!

On the system information, the following prompts are constantly refreshed:

【Ding! The door of rest is first opened, the power is denying, your spirit·life attribute +100000]

【Ding! The door of rest is opened at the beginning, the power is denied, your spirit·power attribute +100! 】

【Ding! The door of rest is opened at the beginning, the strength is denied, and your spirit and physical attributes are +100! 】

【Ding! Hugh...]


Life is +100,000 per second.

Four-dimensional +100 per second.

Double attack is also added, +100 per second.

Double defense is also this value!

The improvement is so much per second, and it continues, which is so cool!

It will stop after about ten minutes!

This wave of promotion is too explosive!

Life has directly increased by 100 million!

Four-dimensional, double-attack, and double-defense are all increased by 100,000!


I knew that promotion was so terrifying. When there was no superior level, I could completely reach the four-dimensional limit by opening this [Shut Door]!

"Well...not even, I'm a bit disadvantaged."

"After all, after I entered Supreme, Siwei immediately improved a lot. This is good."

However, after another thought, it is better now.


At this moment, the huge portal in the sky shrank and fell into his body.

"Ding! You successfully opened the second door of the career [Yin Yang Zhang Xing Tian] [Close Door], light up [Kan] Gua!"

"Your [Xiumen] birth skills: [Yin Zang] [Xiu Yun]!"

"Your [Kan Gua] birth skills: [Array·Tianhai] [Fa·Return]!"

Gained a few more skills!

Kang Kang property.

It should be very strong, right? !

Su Bai looked forward to the newly acquired skills.

First of all, there are the two skills of [Human].

1. [Yin Zang]

【Yin Zang】

Passive skill

Grade: LV1

Effect: When passively activated, it increases the speed of life recovery and spiritual power recovery by 200%. Since then, it will increase by 1% every 1 second, and the upper limit will be 300% in total.

Details: In the normal state, the power of self-breathing is latent cultivation. After entering the fighting state, the power of the yin-hidden is released and blessed.

Note: Each time this state is activated, it can last until the end of the battle.

Note 2: At the next activation, an interval of at least 10 minutes is required. If the duration of the last battle exceeds 10 minutes, the interval between the next activations will also increase (50% of the battle time.)

Ah this...

This first passive is quite fierce!

Increase health and spiritual power recovery by 200%, up to 300%!

too strong!

Su Bai calculated the speed of his reply.

Every second, his life is about 500,000 points, and his spiritual power is about 100,000.

This seems to be a lot, and it is indeed a lot.

5 million in 10 seconds!

Without Fu Qingqiu's efforts, it would be difficult for Su Bai to have this speed of response.

However, the battles placed in the spirit world, especially the higher-order battles, the speed of recovery is somewhat stretched.

It is not a weak chicken to be able to climb the peak in the spiritual world.

There must be a hole card at the bottom of the box!

Even if it was a battle between equal ranks, if Su Bai was hit, he would have overturned and would lose tens of millions, hundreds of millions of lives.

It's only 500,000 response speed per second, isn't it that small.

And now, as soon as he enters the state of combat, he soars by 200%!

Skills will continue to be upgraded in the future!

In the later stage, Su Bai believes that the growth of this skill must be great!

Can do 10 million per second!

Even more than 100 million in 1 second!

This is too fierce, so cool!


Suppressing the excitement, Su Bai continued to look at [Xiumen]'s second skill.

2. 【Xiu Yun】

Like [Open the door], it is a passive and an active one.

This [Xiu Yun] is naturally an active skill.

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