Everything that happened here, the causes and consequences, the beginning and the end of the battle, were all photographed and broadcast live.

At this time, it has been spread in the spirit world forum,

The tens of thousands of people in the world were once again shocked by Su Bai's deeds!

[This is still a human? ! Bai Ye's sword blows up the Resurrection Square! 】

【OMG! What kind of horrible secret is Bai Ye that can make his state explode a hundred times? ! 】

[To Baiye's words-be a man! Please give me a little gaming experience! 】

[White night boss is awesome! Brothers, our white night boss is doing something in the spirit world again. It's a big deal! 】

[What kind of monster is Bai Ye? 】

[Sell the fanboys and self-made videos of the white night boss, the heroine can replace your own image! 】

[After watching the video of today's Big Night, I was full of inspiration! White Night·Sura Killing God·Weight-size figure is newly released! 】


In a short while, the spirit world forums became popular.

The small forums of the major stars also occupy a popular position.


And in another resurrection square in Cotai City.




"Tsk tusk, what a shame!"

"Killing me!"

"Look at them, their faces are so dark, so don't laugh at them. Otherwise, be careful they will come to war with you!"


Here, everyone in the Li family is resurrected here.

As soon as they were resurrected, the surrounding players discovered them.

Those laughter above are naturally mocking them.




Li Shenxu, Li Yangwei, and all other Li family members clenched their teeth and rattled their fingers.

Suppressed with difficulty, there was no chaos.

"Father! Let's hunt him down!"

Li Shenxu's eyes were blood red, and his voice filled with resentment: "He has just fallen into a state of apparent weakness, and he has fallen into weakness! He can't go far!"


Li Yangwei was also full of anger, and of course he agreed at this time.

Acted immediately.

They have the means to pursue the breath.

Soon, he came to a field.

And the tracking of breath, after arriving here, it was cut off.

"His breath disappeared..."

One person reported.

Li Shenxu opened his eyes and roared: "Nothing? Nothing?! Where else can he go? Has he disappeared?! Lei Tribulation hasn't finished yet, can he go offline?!"

"Master, he... is indeed breathless..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Li Shenxu's incompetent roar resounded here.

They lost Su Bai's position.


Outsiders talk about Su Bai.

The Li family is looking for Su Bai.

And Su Bai...

The current situation is not so good!

When the state receded, a huge sense of emptiness and weakness arose.

Su Bai has never felt so weak before!

It's almost like the whole person has taken time!

It's not simply weakness, it's the feeling that the soul is weak.

It's so uncomfortable!

I want to sleep, but I can’t. I have to leave here quickly.

Otherwise, just wait to be humiliated by the Li family.

Take the pill to sum up the rest.

He flew to the outskirts first.

But in the outskirts, there is no strength at all.


At this moment, the last trace of the eyebrows fainted.

This little strength urged Su Bai to turn into a **** light and flew out.

It's like a blood escape, passing directly through the space.

There is no direction, just far enough.

After using this little power, Su Bai went into a coma directly.


Tianlei is not over yet!

Su Bai was moving extremely fast now, and he was completely traversing space.

Thundercloud will not be bombed at this time.

But when Feida stops, she will definitely continue...

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