VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1043: Three deaths! Hostile explosion!

"...My slot!!!"

"Hold it!!"

"This...this this this..."



At this moment, the players who came to watch the bustling Du Jie from far away were all dumbfounded.

When the big formation unfolded, they were stunned.

The mouth is wide open and the eyes are straight.

This unfolding is too unexpected!

Until now, until Su Bai took the initiative to attack, it was because of some players' roars that all players returned to their senses.

Even when he was sober, he was staring, quite shocking.

"Damn! Is there an enemy who stumbles?! It's a good time to choose!"

"What a powerful formation, it covers such a large area! What a special... It's a supreme monster! Hold the grass!"

"What kind of opponent is this, it's too cruel, I'm really willing to start!"

"Bai Ye is about to collide with that supreme-level monster!"

In the valley.

Su Bai and the zombies receive foreign exchange!

The ten supreme-level ghouls have different methods, blasting towards Su Bai!

For this, Su Bai...


Shen Yin, the Lunar Long Knife in his hand slashed fiercely.

All the blood on the body rushed along the blade, turning into a brilliant **** sword light and cut it out!


Immediately, there was a violent roar from the space, which was the roar of the extremely heavy blade smashing the air.

Stabbed! ! !


The **** sword light flashed across the space, causing the space to vibrate and roar constantly!

Its speed is three points faster than the speed of a ghoul attack!

In a flash, it blasted into the gray mist.


BOOM! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

In the gray-white fog, strong blood was transmitted, and even the clouds above were dyed red.

That huge roar is no more than thunder!

The ten ghouls were all wrapped in blood.

-2,873,476,400 Spirit Crit

-2,867,452,854 Spirit Crit

-2,882,576,842 Spirit Crit

-7,154,646,752·Spirit·Fatal! ! ! (7.1 billion)

-7,183,691,000·Spirit·Fatal! ! !


The damage is terrible!

All of them are over 2.8 billion!

This was because Su Bai had soared in strength, and he had to have the powerful attributes of Luoyue Sword to help him.

Under such horrible damage, these monsters are naturally all dead! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The gray mist also vanished under this blow!

The middle-aged man's eyes widened: "What?!!!"

"How is it possible!! Impossible!"

Li Shenxu couldn't believe it, and was furious with incompetence.

He made perfect preparations to greatly weaken Su Bai's power, and he still used the dark to beat the light.

This unexpectedly failed, and Su Bai was hit by dozens of supreme monsters in one second!

how can that be? !


The heart shed vitality and Su Bai was resurrected.

With a sweep of his eyes, he felt calm after seeing the threat wiped out.

There are still a few weird things to be solved,

The red scent, the tsunami-like ocean below, the formation that fell on the earth.

But none of these were close to him, and the thunder in the sky was about to fall.

Looking up, Su Bai was about to avoid.

This time it should be absorbed, but the body can't be paralyzed during the battle!


The thunder from the sky fell, and Su Bai quickly flashed sideways.

Passed smoothly.

Thunder strikes the earth.

Before Su Bai panted, his pupils suddenly contracted at this time, and the warning signs in his heart rose.

He felt a huge crisis in secret!

Just near, just by your side!


Su Bai opened his eyes wide, and the light in his eyes flashed.

Exploration Skill: Sky Fish Eye!

He could see through the eyes of the [Mythology] grade sky fish, and Su Bai saw something in an instant.

Just a few meters away, a big meat worm was swimming towards him!

The crisis comes from it!

Bone Gu!

At this time, Gu Worm didn't know Su's discovery, and was still swimming.


"Tear it!!!"

With a backhand knife, the slender blade was cut out by a thousand knots, and the terrifying blade light wiped out the big meat insects.

Even the juice is wiped out!


Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this thing's defense power is not high, but I didn't expect to bring such a big sense of crisis to myself.


At a distance of tens of thousands of meters, there was a painful hiss.

The Li family, who controlled the body, fell to the ground and coughed up blood and suffered injuries.

Squeezing the pain, he reported with the middle-aged man and Li Shenxu: "No! Master! Bai Ye didn't know what to do, he saw the hidden Gu worm! The worm is dead!"

Li Shenxu: "!!!"

From afar, Li Shenxu looked at Su Bai from a distance, the muscles on his face twitching and his eyes fired.

This Gu worm, he has spent a great price!

Now... Su Bai was killed!

"What are you waiting for?!!"

Li Shenxu yelled at the middle-aged man in the chat channel: "Thunder! I'm not your mother!"

"I, I, I already threw it out earlier!"

The middle-aged man quickly said.

Li Shenxu continued to roar: "The horse detonated! What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for him to run away?!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The middle-aged man nodded quickly.

In fact, it was almost time to detonate just now.

But when Su Bai killed the Supreme Ghoul in seconds, he was taken aback, his mind was shaking, and he forgot.


One thought fell.

In an instant...

"Honghong Honghong Honghong !!!!!!!"

"Boom boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom boom..."


Inside the formation, a terrible explosion occurred!


Its power is more terrifying than a nuclear bomb hydrogen bomb, but it is confined within a range of 2,000 meters.

Also detonated more than 50 at one time!

This superimposed huge roar, shock, as if natural disasters have wiped out the world!

Su Bai was no longer in sight.

Only the sky of smoke flew up, covering everything.

The waves continued to rise without incident, and swept away monstrously.

The red breath was outside the bomb area, and at this time it drifted rapidly into the area where the aftershocks roared.

"Grass! This is the Thunder Thunder!"

"More than fifty at a time, too willing!"

"It's such a big deal...what kind of hatred or grievance is this, it can be done like this..."

"White night is dead! Bai was blinded by such a high-level tribulation, and wanting to have this level of tribulation again, I am afraid it will be difficult."


All players who were watching the battle could perceive the vibration of the explosion.

Some players recognized it, they were speechless, and some regretted it.

In the smoke and dust, Su Bai is indeed dead!

More than once!

Su Bai died once when 50 thousand meteorite bombardment thunders exploded!

When the aftermath of the explosion shocked, Su Bai died for the second time!

In addition to the previous use of the blood explosion, Su Bai died three times in a short period of time!


The heart grows green, and Su Bai is resurrected.

He stood in the air with no expression on his face, his eyes as cold as ten thousand years of ice.


At this time, the thunder from the sky fell and hit him.

Stabbing! Stabbing!

Click! Click! !

The electric arc flickered on his body, and Su Bai glanced down.

Except for the long knife in his hand, the armor and equipment on his body were worn out, and some cracks appeared.

When resisting thunder, he did not wear this main armor.

But when those Wanyu Thunderbolt Thunder exploded, the sense of crisis was too heavy and it must be used!

However, it was still unable to stop it, and instead there was a slight crack.


Seeing his cracked armor, suddenly, a very heavy hostility exploded in Su Bai's chest!

The violent killing intent filled the mind, tens of thousands of times stronger than the previous ghoul!


"Cack bang bang bang!!"

"Zheng Zhengzheng!!!"

The teeth were clenching, the hand holding the long knife clenched tightly.

The muscles burst, trembling, and the knives rang.

Su Bai's face slowly changed.

Still handsome, but his expression is unusually plain An Ran, gradually becoming fierce, bloodthirsty, and full of offensive intentions!

The eyes change, red light appears, alternating with black pupils.

Every time it flashes alternately, the red light is vigorous once!


In the middle of the eyebrows, a scarlet symbol appeared...

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