VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1037: Become a god, everything can be known!

No one should bother.

But just in case, Su Bai flew up and took a tour.

I really didn't see anyone here.

In the roar of the Qi machine just now, everyone except him should have been sent out.

Su Bai fell back to the lake.

Reach out and touch.


The barrier that had just been hidden reappeared, blocking him in front of him.

"Try it..."

Su Bai thought to himself, triggering the BUG, ​​trying to enter.

But at this moment...


In the quiet space, there was a sound of the door opening, and suddenly it sounded without warning!


Su Bai took a breath and stared at the small hut by the lake.

That door...

Actually opened!

I don't know what's inside, there is a very brilliant light coming out, reflecting the sky and the earth.

And in this brilliant light, a transparent figure came out from the hut.

It was as transparent as a soul, and it was still wrapped in light. With Su Bai's eyesight, he couldn't see clearly.

There are creatures here? !

Old Ding and the others never mentioned this!

Thinking about it, the Hundreds of Human Race don't know!

How long has this shadow stayed here?

Su Bai was shocked.

At this time, a voice sounded: "The time has not come, let's leave first."

Su Bai recovered from the shock and asked: "The timing? What timing is needed?"

"Let's leave first."

The shadow did not answer Su Bai's question, and still let Su Bai leave.

"Can you explain some of my confusion?!" Su Bai didn't want to just give up.


The shadow was silent for a while, and the voice sounded again: "Become a god, everything is known!"

Su Bai: "..."

Then there is no way.

You must reach the **** level before you can enter.

But this is not a simple matter!

I didn't see those gods, their attributes were simply outrageous.

At every turn, there are millions, tens of trillions...

As a god, it is normal to have this attribute, otherwise how to have earth-shaking power.

But for those who want to become gods, this attribute is too difficult to do!

"You are still too weak!"

"Some things, even if they are not revealed in memory, can cause disaster!"

As Su Bai struggled, Transparent Shadow explained to Su Bai in detail.

This involves more mysterious.

But this shadow, there is no need to lie to yourself if you want to.


Su Bai sighed helplessly.

The thought that I probed into, I can only go bankrupt.

After all, his own strength is not enough.

When I reach the **** level, I can uncover a bunch of problems in my body.

"Well...I'm leaving, but..."

Su Bai is about to leave, but there is one last question: "Can you tell me who are you?"


The shadow was silent again. Su Bai didn't expect it anymore, but it said: "I, just a shadow, sweep the tomb here and wait."


Tomb sweeping...


"Who is waiting for?" Su Bai asked.


This time, Shadow explained quite decisively.


Su Bai was taken aback, then scratched his head, "Is it possible that I am really a descendant of the Queen of Humans?"


The shadow chuckled lightly, not knowing what it meant, only feeling the vicissitudes of life.

It didn't say anything, but said: "Leave and come again when you become a god."


Can only leave.

Su Bai triggered the BUG again, preparing to return himself directly to the spirit world.

But at this moment, the shadow said again: "I will send you."



A mysterious formation appeared beside Su Bai, it was a teleportation formation.

"You stand up, wherever you want to go, just mute it in your heart."


A giant city in the ring-shaped spiritual world!

No upper bounds.


Su Bai Teleport appeared.

Rubbing his forehead, the dizziness of transmission slowly disappeared.

Going to the ancestral land of the human race has not been small.

Although many things are still in a fog, it is not without the direction of hard work.

Become a god!

Everything has to be a god!

"You have to work harder!"

Su Bai muttered to himself and opened the friends panel.

Select Shangguan Qingshang, dial the video over.

"Hey! Husband!"

"Husband, are you okay?!"

It was quickly connected, and Shangguan Qingshang and Yun Cixue appeared in the video window one after another.

"I'm fine, where are you?" Su Bai smiled, and then asked.

"We have passed three levels, it shouldn't be long."

"Is everything safe?" Su Bai said again.

Shangguan Qingshang: "Hmm! It's okay! Grandpa Ding said that no one would dare to mess around this ancient road, and the journey was smooth!"

Su Bai rest assured: "That's good, I am waiting for you in the spirit world."


After hanging up, Su Bai beeps again here.

At first glance, it was Ding Lao.

After picking it up, Ding Lao's face appeared: "I said that the posterity, you really beat people in the ancestral land?"


Su Bai smiled and nodded.

Old Ding: "..."

Ding Lao's face showed obvious speechlessness and shock, and he shook his head and said: "You really have eaten a bear heart and leopard courage! Audacious! Do it in the ancestral land, or do it to the gods..."


Su Bai smiled and said: "I wanted to fight with the gods before, but unfortunately I didn't have a chance."

"It's enjoyable, isn't it?!"

Old Ding rolled his eyes, and then Chunchun asked: "The power of the gods is extremely terrible! Because they are in the ancestral land, they don't dare to make a move. Don't be so reckless in the future! That's just looking for death!"

"I know, thank Ding Lao for his warning." Su Bai nodded with a smile.

Of course he knows this.

If it weren't for being in the ancestral land, he would definitely die if he dared to attack God blindly.

Although the gods are not allowed to kill the spirit world indiscriminately, they do not restrict the killing caused by the following crimes.

At this time, Ding Lao asked curiously: "By the way, you shot in the ancestral land and didn't die?"

"No, I'm alive and well." Su Bai shrugged.

Old Ding: "..."

He was speechless.

This white night is really special, and there are so many mysteries on him!

"Okay, don't say it."

Old Ding sighed and shook his head, and said: "Your two friends are very safe, and you will be back in half an hour."

"Trouble Ding is getting old."

"Little things!"

hang up.

Su Bai went to the spiritualized area of ​​the spirit world, waiting for the return of the two daughters there.


Hundreds of returning spaceship fleets.

Another news is spreading.

The old faces of all ethnic groups looked at each other and looked weird, while hundreds of young people were talking.

"What? Bai Ye died without being punished by Ancestral Land?!"

"This is impossible!"

"Huh? Bai Ye has safely returned to the spirit world?"

"There is no reason for this..."

"What's this? You don't want to think about the situation in which he had been byes 20 times in a row before!"

"Um... I didn't think about it, he's okay, and it's a bit easier to accept!"

"This guy, what a freak..."

"Originally, the small world tree returned, and the big world reopened, I still want to gain a reputation! Looking at it now, I am afraid it will be the green leaf against which it is set."


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