VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1025: Li Jia Shenxu

Time passed slowly.

Although it is still bright here, there is no night.

It's all in the outside world, taking the time of the spiritual world as an example, it's already the next day.

After such a long time, Su Bai's BUG has been accumulated twice.

If it weren't for the competition here, Su Bai would go to those secret places to try.

As for the battle, it has been about twenty rounds.

Although he played so many times and the time has passed so long, there are not ordinary people present.

In the game again, recovery is easier.

Therefore, everyone's calmness is very good.

You can’t use the understanding of ordinary life to look at these transcendents that have surpassed mortals by tens of thousands, millions, and millions of times.

But now there are only two enchantments in the martial arts field.

That is, only four people are fighting.

The other participants either watched from outside the barrier or returned to the stands to watch the battle between the two.

This round of battle has just begun.

At the same time, there was no accident, Su Bai had a bye again!

In the live broadcast room.

It's been a long time, but the number of viewers is still overwhelming.

There is no decline, but steadily increasing.


"I'm new here, I heard that Bai Ye has been bye from the beginning to the present?"

"Yes!! Although it sounds completely unreliable, it is true!"

"Grass! This is really the heifer flying on the plane, the cow beeping off!"

"It's so...this white night is poisonous!!"

"Although he has not yet reached the final round, he will definitely have his bye to the final round!"

"Outrageous! Could he be the son of the system?!"

"This outrageous luck makes me feel that the system is not a problem..."

"It's an egg! I watched the live broadcast just for him, wanting to see his strength! However, I slept, and he is still sitting in the watching seat!!!

"Hey! This man is so weird, he has been in a bye from the beginning to the present!"

"Damn... this is going to fly straight to second place!"

"Even if you're beaten down later, it's impossible to fly directly to the second place!"

"My white night boss is amazing!"

"Ah...Although I am a Blue Star person and I know the power of the White Night Lord, but now, I am also a little shocked..."


It was quite lively in the barrage! ! !

No one paid much attention to the battle in the field, and most of the discussion was on Su Bai.

Even the hundreds of families present, whether they are the younger generation or the older generation, have their eyes on Su Bai.

After so many byes, they are basically numb.

However, the shock, shock, and curiosity in their hearts drove them to look at Su Bai and care very much.

This made the few people who were fighting, except Ding Pi, the others felt an unspeakable sense of aggrieved...

Obviously they should be the focus!

With these thoughts in my mind, the three of them fought harder, trying to attract attention.

In the two enchantments, they are respectively.

Ding Pi VS Li Shenxu, both are male.

Ji Lingfei VS Zhuo Zhenbo, the former is female and the latter is male.

Su Bai was mainly watching the game between Ding Pi and Li Shenxu.

This Li Shenxu has something!

This man looks young, and looks about the same age as Su Bai.

Wearing a silver-white battle armor, the brilliant thunder and lightning gleamed on it, bombarding the surroundings.

In the midst of thunder and lightning, his whole body exudes a strong pressure!

To be more detailed, just listen to the occasional sighs of people around you.

"Wow! This Li Shenxu is really amazing!"

"I heard that this is the genius of the Li family! It is really powerful!"

"It's amazing! No wonder the Li family has the face to brag about a junior in his clan who might become a human emperor!"

"Also supreme, this Li Shenxu is so strong! It is so strong that he has defeated the supreme Supreme Ding Pi of the Ding family!!"

"I heard that Li Shenxu is about to upgrade!!!"

"What? Is he going to be promoted to good luck? So fast?!"

"Even if it's not the time to upgrade, it is estimated to be fast, at the top! That's why he can crush it all the way!"

"That said, this Ding Pei has something to do, and it can last so long in Li Shenxu's hands."

"That does have something!"


According to other people's small talk.

Ding Pi's opponent, Li Shenxu, was the Li family genius that Ding Pi said before.

The strength of this person is indeed not weak!

A hand of thunder and lightning is very good!

Knife, armor, and attack all operate flexibly.

Even if Ding Pi was good at defense and seemed to have many soil abilities, he couldn't resist this Li Shenxu.

Although not counted as the retreat that others have said, but it is also stretched.

Su Bai was a little curious, so he checked Li Shenxu's attributes.

as follows:

[ID: Li Jiashen son of Xu]

Level: Nine Tribulations·LV9

Grade: Supreme

Occupation: Too Xuren

Title: The First Person in the Eternal Age

Race: Bai Guanxing/Human Race

Spirit·Life: 1927554465 (1.92 billion)

Spirit·Spirit power: 16542311 (16.54 million)

Spirit·Power: 254240

Spirit·Physique: 235512

Spirit·Intelligence: 200051

Spirit·Spirit: 212041

Spirit·Physical Attack: 2012421 (2.01 million)

Spirit·Magic Attack: 1875271

Spirit and physical defense: 82452133 (82.45 million)

Spirit·Magic Defense: 80312333 (80.31 million)

(Omit a bunch of skills and equipment)

Details: From Bai Guanxing, orthodox human blood, recently obtained a trace of ancestral blood, and his strength has greatly increased.


After seeing the detailed attributes, Su Bai was slightly taken aback.

This person's strength is really good!

1.92 billion!

Super high!

Four dimensions have exceeded 200,000!

Attack power, 2 million!

Defensive power, over 80 million!

He is a strong man, no wonder he basically swept all the way.

"This doesn't look so good..."

"Brother Ding is afraid that he will lose!"

Su Bai frowned and sighed.

The gap between Ding Pi and Li Shenxu was not too big, but it was also for Su Bai.

But for Ding Pi, the gap between him and Li Shenxu is huge!

In game terms, both sides are above the first line in the same realm.

Other means, such as equipment, armor, skills, etc., are difficult to widen the gap too much.

Both of them are geniuses in the clan, and the supply is absolutely equal.

And this difference in realm and attributes is so much, that's a troublesome thing!

As for Su Bai...

Magic God!

That's why it is said that for Su Bai, the gap is not big.

Sure enough, just after these thoughts in Su Bai's mind, Ding Pi was hit hard.


Li Shenxu sent out a brilliant thunder, like a cannon, hitting Ding Pi severely.


Ding Pi suddenly retreated, the brilliant thunder still lingering on him.

Dragging traces on the ground, with a bang, slammed his back against the barrier.

Click! Click! !

The khaki light shield on his body was cracking open quickly.

He paled for a while, coughing hard, stroking his chest, this was a lot of injury.


In the stands, Ding Lao beside Su Bai's eyes narrowed slightly.

However, even though his heart is getting anxious, he can't do anything now, he can only watch.

At the same time, Su Bai frowned.

He has a good impression of Ding Pi.

But the next situation was not friendly to Ding Pi!

After that, Ding Pi was obviously injured, and his movements, reactions, attacks, and defenses all fell.

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