VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1013: No blood reaction

This altar is also non-flying, and the restrictions are even greater!

But for Su Bai...


Controlling the aircraft, skyrocketing!

I have to say that this altar is really too high!

After passing through the clouds, there is still a long time.

It took a lot of time to arrive.

By this time, you can already see other people coming up.

"We are at the high altar!!!"

Ding Lao turned around and shouted at the old guys who had jumped up hard.

The voice spread far and wide, and was heard by those clan elders who jumped up.

"Got it! You old bastard!"

"Okay! I've seen it all, and you're a fart!"

"Damn! You old stuff!"

"Hey! I'm exhausted, take a break..."


"It's coming!"

"Old guy, wait until we come!"


After Ding Lao's voice fell, there were also many voices.

Was greeted.

"Tsk tut..."

Ding Lao didn't get angry either, he shook his head and turned around with a smile.

After a short while.

Su Bai and others finally reached the top floor!

This top layer is a big platform.

From the outside, it looks only a few hundred meters wide.

But when Su Bai took control of the aircraft, after it landed, he found that the world around him suddenly became bigger.

Very big!

Presumably, it is not difficult to accommodate a million people.

After falling into this, Su Bai also noticed many differences.

On the steps below, the stones have many signs of corrosion.

But here, it is as clean as new, with shining light.

The beautiful and mysterious patterns on the stone bricks are clearly visible and not cut off.

"There are the emperor's remains here, and they are in very good condition."

Seeing Su Bai's gaze, Ding Lao explained to him, and pointed to a certain direction, "There is the artifact of the Emperor."

Su Bai looked up and followed Ding Lao's instructions.

In the central area, there are many things.

It emits a misty light, a little unclear.

"Can it be approached?"

Su Bai asked, wanting to take a closer look.

Old Ding nodded and said, "Of course you can, but don't touch it now."


Su Bai stepped closer.

Yun Cixue and Shangguan Qingshang followed him on the side, and Ding Lao and Ding Pi were on the other side.

Speaking of...

Although Yun Cixue and Shangguan Qingshang are the twelve holy spirits, the aura here does not suppress them either.

However, they were all here, and the two women didn't react in particular.

Seeing the martial arts field, there will be a strange affinity and nostalgia.

The palace of the spiritual seat is also sad.

The lake hut, like Su Bai, felt unspeakable.

But apart from these psychological fluctuations, there are no obvious external signs

Su Bai is also very strange to say that.

He has no external signs!

And Ding Lao and Ding Pi, there are already obvious external signs!

As they approached the center, a shallow light gradually lit up between his two eyebrows.

In the central area, the light in it has become a little stronger, and it seems to be echoing.

As they got closer, the strength of their whole bodies gradually boiled.

Su Bai found out and looked at them strangely.

"That is what the ancestors of our Ding clan left behind!"

Old Ding pointed to the center of his eyebrows and the misty light in the center, "In that light, there are things left in all the human races, and all races will react when they come close."

"One of the reasons why we came to the ancestral land is to sacrifice the relics left by these ancestors."

"Under the sacrifice, the great human races of later generations may get the legacy of the ancient times."

"At the same time, my grandfather left a message saying that these relics are of great use and must be properly supported."

Speaking of this, Ding Lao looked at Yun Cixue and Shangguan Qingshang strangely.

Also look at Su Bai, his eyes are very strange and confused.

Now it's very close to the relics in the center.

Why, Su Bai, Yun Cixue, and Shangguan Qingshang have no blood reaction?

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