VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1011: The former residence of the emperor

"Go, go, what's up to you, crawl on you!"

"I found the people, so just watch the old man fly!"

"Come on!"

"Go away, it's too heavy! Anyway, you will jump!"


Originally, there were still people who wanted to come up.

Su Bai was rejected by Ding Lao Yitong before he said anything.

Yes, save trouble!

Whoosh! ! !

Su Bai was also lazy to control a bunch of old men under him, and drove the aircraft to fly directly to the highest land.

Anyway, these old people's legs and feet are more agile than the hundreds of thousands of young men below!

"That old boy!"

"Damn! He actually ate alone!"

"This old Ding is too much! I have such a good relationship with him, and he didn't even let me come up!"

"Wipe! I want to enjoy the feeling of flying here too!"

"I'm special!!!"

"Too awkward...The juniors of the Ding clan are all on it, and I have to lean on my feet..."


The old men on the ground made complaints.

Although their speed is fast, they are not as good as Su Bai's flying.

Within a few seconds, I could only watch Su Bai flying away!

It's really uncomfortable to think about it...

after a little while.

Su Bai drove the aircraft and came to the highest continent!

The big guys behind are struggling to catch up, and they have only traveled half of the distance, and there is still a half.


Ding Lao turned around and looked, stroking his beard and smiling.

No matter how you look at it, there is a look of gloating.

It's also interesting.

However, Su Bai is not paying attention to him now, but looking at this continent.

This highest continent is very different from the one below.

The energy here is very rich, the clouds and mountains are covered with mist, and the scenery is like a fairyland, very beautiful.

Taking a breath, it almost feels like the whole person has been purified by the air here.

"Ha ha……"

After flaunting his strength at the old guy below for a while, Ding also turned around and said: "Let's go over and wait, let's go here."

"If you have a route, you can't run around, just follow my guidance."

Ding Lao pointed out the direction for Su Bai.

This is like a fairyland on earth, but there must be a reason why the human race does not live here.

If you leave the route, you will be attacked by powerful monsters living here.

At the same time, this is also handed down from the ancestral instruction. Don't run around here and stay long.

"It is said that this is actually a trial space, but no one has inspired a special situation."


Ding Lao said, took a look at Su Bai, and then continued: "According to the rumor, here, including the few passes we walked over, may be for the future Emperor Human to try."

"Therefore, there are so many dangers and blessings in it, and because of this, no one has ever inspired it."


Su Bai didn't reply, just nodded, thoughtfully.

Wait a while, what should be known, should be known.

He controlled the aircraft and flew according to the direction indicated by Ding Lao.

This top continent is also the largest, at least ten times larger than the other continents.

In other words, it's a million miles! ! !


Another period of time passed.

Flew over a large area.

At this time, Su Bai could gradually see from the sky, a region appeared in the distance.

Some buildings appeared in the field of vision.

"That's it."

Ding Lao said.

Soon, Su Bai and others arrived.

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge circular area.

It's very similar to the sports stadium of Blue Star in reality, but dozens of times bigger!

Surrounded by stairs with one step and one step, people can sit on it, and the central area is low and flat.

The stairs and the central area have many signs of damage and grace, which are probably not the product of recent years.

"This is the martial arts field!"

Now Ding Lao is here, it is up to him to explain to Su Bai, "This has existed for a long time, not established by later generations."

"So, every time the custom of martial arts in the ancestral land, it can be considered to have been there since ancient times."

After watching the martial arts field, Ding Lao pointed in another direction.

It's not far from flying out of the martial arts field and here.

This is a tall palace!

After entering, the things placed inside are...


One after another, one after another!

From bottom to top, it has spread to the sky above this tall palace!

In front of each spiritual position, a candle was burning, and the light of the fire was shaking slightly.

Very shocking!


Su Bai opened his eyes, only feeling shaken.

A faint sadness echoed in my heart.

"These spiritual positions are also a long, long time ago. I don't know when they were."

"They are very strong, they have existed since the ancient times, and they are still there today, and the candles continue to burn."

"It's all in the past, and those who have died in offspring can't leave a spiritual position here."

"It is difficult to recognize the words on it, and there is no record. Our descendants only know that those who can be here must be very important ancestors in the human race."

"Every time we come, we will come to worship."

Ding Lao said, his hands clasped together, and he bowed solemnly.

Su Bai returned to his senses, silently put his hands together and bowed.


Afterwards, a few people came out and rushed to the next area.

They came to a blue lake.

On one part of the lake, there is a small hut. This style is not like the previous grand scene.

But there is also a natural, back-to-nature feeling, and a very beautiful artistic conception.

The wooden door of the hut is closed, but from the gap between the doors and windows, you can see the peculiar color light shining inside.


After Su Bai arrived here, he stared at the hut in a daze.

A very special emotion echoed in my heart.

This emotion is too complicated, so that Su Bai can't explain it clearly, and the way is unknown!

Just... some want to go over and take a look, go inside and take a look!

Su Bai took a step and wanted to go, but Old Dante stretched out his hand to hold him, "Don't worry, there is a strong prohibition here!"

Su Bai paused for a moment, and then asked: "Ding Lao, where is the origin of this hut?"

"do not know!"

Ding Lao shook his head decisively and said: "After walking within a hundred meters of the lake, there will be a strong restriction, and even the power of a hundred families will not be able to advance!"

"If you want to attack, you will be counterattacked!"

Speaking of this, Ding Lao paused temporarily, his expression a little shocked.

It seems that this result is what they tried to learn.

"I don't know the origin, I can only rely on guessing."

"The old man feels that this might be the residence of the emperor of the past, and the colorful light emitted from it should be the relic left by the emperor!"

The Emperor... Do you live here?


Silently thinking, Su Bai's eyes were certain, and he said, "Old Ding, I'll try it."


Old Ding groaned, and then nodded, "Well, you go try it, remember not to force it!"

"Brother Baiye, be careful! The prohibition is really scary!"

Ding Pei also said.

"Husband, be careful!" Yun Cixue and Shangguan Qingshang exhorted.

"I will."

After Su Bai finished speaking, he stepped on the ground.


In a flash, he crossed a hundred meters and came to the limit Ding Lao said.

One step further, there will be a ban.

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