VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1008: Nine levels!

"Boom boom boom boom..."

When the blood was smeared, those primitive tokens all lit up, bursting out a ray of light.

At the same time, the blood between the fingers of those families without orders also burst into light.


In the roar, these hundreds of brilliant lights collided together!

In the void, a huge light group formed.

The light group evolved rapidly, and within a few breaths, a huge light gate was formed!

Such a tall, really shocking!

Although it is composed of light, it has a peculiar metallic texture.

The style is simple and simple, carved with dragons and phoenixes, carved with gods, and filled with gorgeous haze.

In the middle area, there is a rotating white light.


With a loud shout, the spacecraft that was slowing down started to move towards the light gate.

After a short while, the spacecraft where Su Bai was located approached.

"Be prepared, there will be a strong sense of weightlessness, falling, and dizziness later, which will be very uncomfortable." Ding Pi said.


Su Bai nodded silently, still looking at Guangmen.

He always felt that the breath of this light door seemed to be wagging towards him, low and low.


While Su Bai was thinking, the spaceship also sank into the light gate and disappeared in this area.

The other spaceships also disappeared simultaneously.

"sulfuric acid!!!"

At this moment, the light door made a sound, as if the door closed.

Afterwards, the light gate shrank quickly, and disappeared into the void in a blink of an eye.

"It's a pity! I am really curious..."

"It's gone, I didn't watch it..."

"You said, will that white night also go to the Yaozu in a few days?"

"I heard that Bai Ye might have something to do with the demon saint... This is really outrageous. Mom opened the door to outrageously, and he's home!"

"Isn't it! A human race is not only related to the human emperor, but also related to the demon saint, it is outrageous!"

"I'll find out in a few days! Human race is probably not so fast. I heard that they will start fighting again."

"When they competed in previous years, they would broadcast the contest to show their strength. Shouldn't it be this time?"

"At that time, the white night will definitely not escape the competition, I will wait and see!"


Seeing the light door closed, the alien creatures onlookers gradually left while they were talking.


After entering the light door, a very strong sense of dizziness hit!

Many portals passed through were not as violent as this time.

God knows how far this teleportation is!

Fortunately, this transmission is still very stable, just a little uncomfortable.

After half a minute.

In front of the long void teleportation, a spot of light was seen.


All the spacecraft flew out together.

There is still nothing here, no life, nothing.

Su Bai calmed down the uncomfortable feeling in his heart, and helped the pale-faced women go smoothly.

Then, he looked at Ding Pi and asked: "Are we here?"

"not yet."

Ding Pi shook his head and explained: "This is an inn, and I still need to walk some distance to rush to the next portal."

As he explained, the old men of all ethnic groups were flying out of the spacecraft.

They joined hands, pinched seals, and muttered words in their mouths, which triggered something in the void.

After a few breaths...


The dim void gradually lit up.

These lights gradually condensed and turned into a stone brick.

"Da da da……"

One after another fell, forming a winding ancient road in the void, spreading to the distance.


The spacecraft moved again, sticking to the stone road, and strictly following the route.

A quarter of an hour later, the stone brick was connected to a big dead star.

The sand on the big star is endless, and the sky is yellow, without any color of life.

All the spacecraft landed.

However, this is not the destination yet, just the place where the next portal will open.

Before the opening, Ding Pi saw that Yun Cixue and Shangguan Qingshang were not in good condition, so he handed a few fruits over, saying that it would relieve the discomfort.

After checking the information, it was indeed possible, and Su Bai thanked him for it.


After taking it, the second door was also opened.


After half a minute, I left the portal and came to a vast river.

This river flows in the void, very strange.

As before, you need to trigger the route before you can walk.

It's really cumbersome!

Moreover, according to Ding Pei, these routes will change, no wonder no one knows the placement.


Soon, came to the third portal.

Enter, after half a minute, come out.

This time I came to a stormy place, and the space was full of terrifying storm turbulence.

If one is accidentally involved, it may be torn to pieces in an instant.

But fortunately, if you follow the broken line strictly, nothing will happen.


The fourth door.

After coming out, it was a broken continent spreading across a star field, filled with terrifying murderous aura!

Condensed into a substantial red mist, there are terrifying monsters living in it!

There are loud roars that shook the sky, which is even more frightening!


Behind the fifth door.

This is a torn space, with broken space holes everywhere.

If this falls in, there is no need to question it, it must be dead!


Behind the sixth door.

The corpses floated up and down in the void, some were dim, some even had weird auras!


Behind the seventh door.

Here is a different style!

Birds and flowers are everywhere, the scenery is beautiful, and it is peaceful.

But according to Ding Pei, here is a unique topography, and there are great dangers hidden under the peace!

Throughout the ages, many powerful human races have disembarked.

After entering, no one has ever come out!


Behind the eighth door.

It looks like the remains of the gods.

All kinds of buildings are huge and magnificent!

Hundreds of spaceships passed through it without being crowded.

Although it is very dilapidated, many areas inside are shining with brilliant light.

When flying past, it seems that you can still smell the refreshing fragrance!

"The ancestor told me that the things in these rays of light are probably big treasures! Heaven-defying treasures!"

"But unfortunately, those who dare to go in have no chance to come out..."

Ding Pi shook his head and sighed.


Behind the ninth door.

Come to the mountain winding a star field!

The mountain is big and wide!

Each constellation is more than a hundred times larger than the Blue Star’s Mount Tai.

The biggest, even bigger than the stars!

Quite magnificent!

Although it exists in the void, the breath of life in the mountains is exuberant!

Even wild!

Towering trees grow on the mountain, with bushes and trees.

And in it, it seems that there are still creatures!

Big monsters, plant creatures, walking boulders, etc., and... it looks like there are people inside?

"A lot of people think that the creatures and people in this endless mountain are all real..."

"But it's not good. The Hundreds have visited the clan land many times, but the following human races have never come out once, and I don't know if it is isolated or an illusion..."

Ding Pi was quite responsible as a tour guide and explained to Su Bai.

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