Qin Ge was stabbed by Izambalong. The wound was from his left shoulder to his abdomen, and the injuries were serious.

During previous battles, he used his haki to temporarily close the wound and stop the bleeding.

After flying out of the lava island, Qin Ge immediately transformed into an element and turned into a bolt of lightning.

Soon he arrived at Tokushima.

Brother Ming was working in the palace when he suddenly saw a lightning strike and was startled.

Lightning returns to human form

“Lord Qin Ge! What’s wrong with you?”

Seeing Qin Ge injured, Brother Ming was surprised, thinking that maybe Qin Ge and Golden Lion had a falling out.

“Tell Manxili to come out and treat me.”

Qin Ge said


Even if Qin Ge was injured, Brother Ming didn’t dare to make a mistake and quickly asked someone to bring Manxulli out.

Not long after, Diamanse came over with Manxulli.

Manxulli, the little human princess, healed Fruit power user.

She looked at several people in fear, not knowing why she was suddenly brought out.

“Manxili, help this adult heal.”

Brother Ming said


Manxili didn’t dare to refuse.

Then she looked aggrieved and wanted to cry some tears.

But she didn’t cry after holding it in for a while.

Brother Ming said impatiently:”Diamanser, help her..

Diamanthe smiled evilly and said,”Understood.””

As he spoke, he mentioned Manxili, wanting to help her cry.

Qin Ge said,”Wait a minute, as far as I know, the healing fruit has a blood donation skill, which can treat injuries by donating blood. Brother

Ming said in surprise:”You know so much.””

Qin Ge said:”Brother Ming, don’t you mind donating blood to me. Of course Brother

Ming minded, but he didn’t dare to refuse and said,”Of course, it is our honor to donate blood for you.””

Manxueli was a little surprised and didn’t understand why Qin Ge stopped the other party from committing violence and instead asked for blood donation.

Is this little brother a good person?

Then she used the blood donation dandelion from Ming Ge and Diamanser, and then transferred it to Qin Ge On Ge’s wound.

This ability will consume the blood donor’s energy. Similarly, the stronger the blood donor’s physical strength

, the more serious the injury, and the more energy

Qin will consume. Ge’s strength was much stronger than that of Ming Ge and Ming Ge.

Manxili used blood donation dandelion five times in a row, but Qin Ge’s injuries were still not cured.

Ming Ge and Diamanthe were both pale and had swollen lips. Purple, like symptoms of too much blood donation

“Mr. Qin Ge, I will call a few more people over.〃. ”

Brother Ming said weakly


Qin Ge’s injury has recovered by 40 to 50%, and there is nothing wrong with him.

He waited for a while.

Brother Ming called his family members to donate blood to Qin Ge.

With the efforts of his family, Qin Ge’s injury was very serious. It was completely healed quickly, with no scars left.

Qin Ge said with satisfaction:”Very good, thank you for your generosity.”

Brother Ming and others all said that this is what they should do.

Qin Ge looked at Manxili again and said,”Your Highness, in order to thank you for your healing grace, I can do one thing for you.”

Brother Ming’s heart tightened when he heard this, and he felt that Qin Ge was a bit troublesome.

And Qin Ge did intend to be troublesome.

In fact, even if there was no such thing, he still wanted to gain the friendship of the small humans.

Since he is here today, he will solve


Manxili was very happy, but when she saw Brother Ming and others, she didn’t dare to say it.

“If I’m not mistaken, you should want to be free.”

Qin Ge said

“Yes, not just me, but our entire little human race.”

Manxili said looking forward to it.

“Brother Ming, give me a face, I can give you an island with a length and width of no less than 30 kilometers now.”

Qin Ge said.

There are so many desert islands in this world, and he can move one here at any time if he is willing.

He doesn’t even have to travel thousands of miles to move the islands.

Qin Ge can completely use his abilities to manipulate the seabed rock and soil to expand Tokushima.

Reclamation and land creation It’s not difficult for Qin Ge

“This, I have to give you your face, but the small humans are my enemies. If you let them go free, I am afraid it will affect the security of Tokushima.”

Brother Ming was a little moved, but also a little embarrassed.

“You just want the small humans to plant crops for you. There is no need to enslave them for this kind of thing. Just pay to hire them. We have plenty of money now, and the labor system is more convenient than slavery. Qin

Ge said.

The specialty of the small human race is planting.

Although they are small, they are very powerful, fast, and good at digging.

“You adults are very rich, but I am just a part-time worker, I don’t have any shares, and I haven’t made much money.”

Brother Ming said with a smile.

“Don’t think I don’t know that you misappropriated bank funds to run your own business, which has expanded at least five or six times compared to a year ago. And your relationship with Kuran Sheng has made you a lot of money with the Tianlong people.”

Qin Ge said.

Although Brother Ming did not marry Saint Kulan, he became a lover.

Under the care of Saint Kuran, and Brother Ming is a Celestial Dragon, he can go to the Holy Land Mary Joa at any time.

There are a group of people living there. The richest Tianlong person.

This relationship alone is enough for Brother Ming to earn a lifetime.

“¨. What I earn is hard-earned money, nothing compared to you just waiting for your dividends.”

Brother Ming said.

In fact, at the beginning, he did not expect that Dongfeng Bank would develop so fast.

Seeing Dongfeng Bank opening up all over the world and absorbing hundreds of billions of deposits, the shareholder brother instantly became a big chaebol.

As the bank’s prime minister, Brother Ming felt in his heart How could there be no dissatisfaction?

After all, he is the actual operator of the bank.

Of course, many core technologies and ideas are provided by Qin Ge. But Kaido, Auntie, and Blackbeard are more convinced.

These scumbags share so much money without doing anything. Brother Ming feels very unhappy.

“Mr. Qin Ge, I actually think that with your strength and power, you can support Dongfeng Bank on your own.”

Brother Ming said.

Qin Ge, Barrett, Zilan and Golden Lion.

The main combat power is off the charts!

And power only requires money, so recruiting troops is not easy.

What’s more, Qin Ge still has Mastering two scientists, Caesar and Indigo, and many advanced science and technologies,

Qin Ge has also recruited many young talents and created a group of artificial fruit ability users with more than 60,000 soldiers under his command.

Brother Ming is also actively developing his own power. He has gained several outstanding family members and a group of subordinates.

“Do you know why I get hurt?”

Qin Ge said


Brother Ming is also a little curious.

“I was ambushed by the Five Old Stars, the Knights of God.”

Qin Ge said.

When he heard the Five Old Stars and the Knights of God, Ming Ge’s face suddenly turned pale and fear appeared in his eyes.

Not only was he afraid of their power, but also because their dispatch meant that the World Government and Iraq Master Mu’s attitude.

Could it be that Master Yimu has finally realized the dangers of Dongfeng Bank and wants to eradicate them?

Người mua: Evilclasshp

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