Little Hancock was also stunned for a moment, not understanding why the ability failed.

Qin Ge immediately counterattacked, adding thunder and lightning with a palm cannon, hitting Little Hancock on the chest, causing her to vomit blood and fly away.

The palm cannon technique has been practiced by Qin Ge to a superb level. The domineering energy gathers in the palm and then explodes, coupled with the power of thunder and lightning, the power is doubled.

Seemingly simple and unpretentious, it is actually one of Qin Ge’s unique tricks

‘Hellfire! ‘

Little Akainu spurted out a large amount of oil from his hands, forming two giant hands that quickly closed together, trying to wrap Qin Ge inside.

Qin Ge quickly dodged and tried to avoid.

Unexpectedly, the little bear also took action, slapping the air from a distance and flicking Qin Ge back.

Qin Ge secretly thought that something was wrong, the little bear’s attack speed was too fast.

The next moment, the oil giant closed his hands and wrapped Qin Ge inside.

Then Little Ace breathed fire, igniting the oil.

Qin Ge immediately rushed out. Unexpectedly, the oil was very viscous and it was difficult to rush out even with the electromagnetic force field protection.

Under the control of little Akainu, he was kept wrapped around him.

He immediately released his sword energy, split the oil, and then tried to rush out.

Little Akainu continued to release oil, forming a fireball several kilometers in size. It opened a crack and immediately closed it again.

Even with Qin Ge’s speed, he couldn’t rush out in an instant.

The burning oil produced high temperatures and a large amount of toxic gases, and Qin Ge could only temporarily hold his breath.

“Although oil is not as overbearing as magma, its viscosity and adhesion make it more difficult to deal with.”

Satan Saint and others looked at it expectantly.

The original petroleum is not the common gasoline and diesel. It is much thicker than diesel and contains sticky colloids, asphaltene and carbon.

This stuff sticks to the skin. It cannot be washed off.

If it burns, it cannot be removed with water. It will remain attached to the skin.

‘Use your body to control the sword! ‘

Qin Ge mobilized his domineering energy and sword intention with all his strength, forming a huge blue-gold sword energy outside his body, flashing with electric light, and forcibly broke through the oil layer created by Akainu.

It penetrated several thousand meters before rushing out.

Little Akainu tried his best to manipulate the oil, trying to wrap him up again.

But his speed in manipulating oil was too slow, not as fast as Qin Ge’s sword control.

Qin Ge successfully broke through, raised his hand and sent out more than a dozen thunderbolts, hitting Akainu and Ace at the same time, knocking them down.

The several-kilometer-long lump of oil fell out of control and fell to the ground, still burning with raging fire.

But Seraph was so strong that he lay down for a few seconds before jumping up and continuing his attack.

Little Hawkeye continued to use slashes and continued to attack fiercely.

Barrett enters his human-animal form and attacks head-on with his fists.

The attack methods of these two people are relatively simple. Qin Ge can basically dodge them. Occasionally, if he is restrained by other Seraphs and unable to dodge, he can also counterattack.

‘Heavy Shalan! Xiaosha suddenly used his big move to create a huge tornado sandstorm, which swept Qin Ge into it.

Qin Ge was very calm. About one meter around him, a powerful electromagnetic force field continued to protect him, and the sandstorm could not invade at all.

The way to create an electromagnetic force field is actually very simple, just divide it into positive and negative poles and control the current to flow at high speed.

By increasing the voltage and current, the strength of the electromagnetic force field can be adjusted.

Because the current always flows around itself and the recovery rate exceeds 90%, this skill not only has strong defense, but can also be maintained for a long time.

It can be called a magical defensive skill!

Some people have eaten Thunder Fruit before, but they never thought of this method of operation.

So Wu Laoxing didn’t know that the thunder fruit had such strong defensive power.

‘Electromagnetic storm! ‘

Qin Ge suddenly strengthened the voltage and current, raising it to 500 million volts, greatly strengthening the magnetic field and spreading it.

As the force field spread rapidly, an electromagnetic storm formed, disrupting the movement of matter and energy within hundreds of meters.

With him as the center, the tornado sandstorm quickly became chaotic, then stopped spinning and scattered.

After cracking Xiaosha’s skills, Qin Ge returned to 100 million volts, which was strong enough to defend against the opponent’s attacks.

He then continued to manipulate thunder and lightning to attack Seraph and the two Five Old Stars.

From time to time, Seraphs were knocked down by lightning, lay on the ground for a while, then got up again, and continued to attack.

The two Five Old Stars are more powerful. They can avoid or defend against some lightning, but they cannot avoid them all, and they will be hit by lightning from time to time.

They are relatively brittle and will be injured every time they are struck by lightning, but they will recover quickly.

The two of them would occasionally find opportunities to give Qin Ge a hard blow, but they were never able to break through his defense.

“Is there no weakness in this boy’s defense?”

Izambalong used slashes and thrusts to attack several parts of Qin Ge, but they were all deflected away by the electromagnetic force field.

“I’m going to use that trick.”

The strange bird suddenly uttered human words


Izambalong immediately used Overlord Color to protect himself.

Just when Qin Ge was wondering what skills the strange bird was going to use, the strange bird suddenly opened its mouth and let out a howl like a ghost.

Qin Ge felt that his eardrums were about to burst, and he had a splitting headache and was wrapped around his body. The lightning and divine fire were suddenly extinguished, and the defensive protection was lost.

Even the Piaopiao Fruit ability was out of control, and it seemed to be flying unsteadily. He forced his haki to protect his ears, but it was useless. The sound seemed to hit his soul directly.

This sound made no distinction between friend and foe.

The ten Seraphs also covered their ears in pain, lost their balance and fell from the air.

“Star Soul Slash!”

· ········Asking for flowers· ·

Izambalong was ready and immediately sent out a cold slash.

Fortunately, the strange bird’s voice had little impact on his domineering energy. At the critical moment, Qin Ge’s body exploded with domineering energy. brush!

Izanbalong’s sword had been prepared for a long time, but Qin Ge was unable to defend himself due to his armed appearance, and was hit in the chest by his sword.

With a puff, a large amount of blood spurted out, and Qin Ge fell down with a scream.

He fell just above the Knights of God.

Upon seeing this, Moon Head drew out his samurai sword, his overlord color wrapped around him, intending to end his life with one last blow.

“After all, I won.”

Satan Saints were all overjoyed. They felt that Qin Ge had stopped here.

Qin Ge fell to a position more than 20 meters above the Knights of God. Seeing that Moon Head was about to use his sword, another burst of energy suddenly erupted from his body. There was a burst of lightning and at the same time, a vast and fierce sword energy shot into the sky!

‘Wan Jian returns to his clan!’


The power that had been accumulated for a long time burst out instantly, and tens of thousands of blue-gold sword energy fell at a distance of more than 20 meters.


Moonhead suddenly understood that Qin Ge fell here on purpose.

In order to lower their defense and attack and kill several ability users.

The move of Wan Jian Guizong can be said to be Qin Ge’s strongest move at present. The trick he had been holding on to was useless, he just wanted to kill the weird old man who could reverse time and space, and the guy who manipulated the weather.

Qin Ge ignored his injuries, the wound on his chest was bleeding, and his face became ferocious. With all his might, he struck hard!

Almost instantly, tens of thousands of blue-gold sword energy fell on the seven members of the Knights of God.

Moonhead immediately struck back with his sword, and chopped off a piece of sword energy. More sword energy fell immediately, and the other six people also used their own methods to defend and counterattack.

“Upside down, too late.”

The strange old man still wanted to reverse the sword energy, but he just had a thought and was penetrated by a large amount of sword energy.

In an instant, his body was shattered into pieces, and he died without even a scrap left.



The rest of the people had no time to activate their abilities, and ended up with the same fate as the strange old man.

When all the sword energy fell, an abyss-like hole appeared on the spot, which was forcibly opened up by tens of thousands of sword energy.

At this time, the strange bird’s The sound wave has stopped. Qin Ge regained his flying ability and quickly distanced himself.

“Ancient Saint Green!”

“Damn, the little lion has such powerful moves.”

When the five old stars saw this scene, they were all shocked and angry, and looked worriedly towards the abyss.

After a few seconds, only Moon Head and a blond woman jumped out, and both of them were covered in blood and seriously injured.

The rest Five people, all turned into pieces B.

Người mua: Evilclasshp

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