Unknowingly, Zilan’s mental age has matched her actual age, reaching the level of about fifteen years old.

Zilan, who was originally childish, gradually entered puberty and began to have feelings for men and women.

But she didn’t notice it herself.

Until the aunt said that she wanted Qin Ge to be her son-in-law, Zi Lan instinctively developed a resistance.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind if you marry one more, as long as you don’t treat my daughter badly.”

After the aunt was stunned, she gladly accepted Zilan.

Because Zilan has her genes, she already felt kind to her.

In her opinion, it was like marrying her two daughters to Qin Ge and kissing her.

“That won’t work, my brother will not marry your daughter.”

Zi Lan glared at Auntie angrily, finding her very annoying.

Auntie’s smile froze and she didn’t know what to say.

Shanks found it interesting and said,”Qin Ge, you are not enjoying your beauty.

Zi Lan also glared at him and said,”It’s none of your business.””

Shanks couldn’t help laughing. Zilan was so angry that she clenched her fists and wanted to hit him.

Seeing the dark red thorns coming out of Zilan’s fists, Shanks quickly stopped his smile and said :”Sorry, I was just kidding.”

Zi Lan glanced at the others again, and everyone quickly put away their smiles.

If Zi Lan was angered and started a fight, even they wouldn’t be able to end it easily.

But they couldn’t hurt Zi Lan, otherwise Qin Ge Definitely not giving face.

Seeing that Zilan was a little embarrassed, Qin Ge was not a hypocritical person, so he immediately reached out and took her into his arms and said,”Don’t worry, my brother won’t marry anyone else.”

With such a beautiful girl, how could Qin Ge not feel anything at all?

It’s just that Zilan was too childish before, like a child, and Qin Ge couldn’t do anything to her.

Now Zilan has matured and has ideas. Of course Qin Ge wouldn’t be shy.

Zilan’s cheeks were slightly red and she said happily:”Really, you keep your word.

Qin Ge pinched her cheek and said:”A gentleman’s words are hard to catch up with.””

Zi Lan was immediately satisfied. Regardless of the crowd watching, she hugged Qin Ge and buried her in his arms with a happy look on her face.

Others were a little envious when they saw it.

Even a big boss like Kaido felt a little strange in his heart. Thinking of the woman who gave birth to his child, the aunt felt a flash of lightning in her heart. She vaguely remembered that she had felt this way when she was young, but she only ate and robbed and ignored that person. Now her memory is blurred. , Can’t remember what the other person looked like.

Later, Auntie wanted to have children with men for the sake of Wan Guo’s dream, and she even lost this first love.

Now seeing Qin Ge and Zilan’s intimate appearance, she was also a little moved, and she couldn’t help but wonder:”I.” I found so many men, but none of them had real feelings for her.”

The golden lion felt sour in his heart. Because he was ugly, he had never received true love and could only steal women.

Although his physical needs were met, he never got distracted.

Shanks had a cannibalistic mentality, and at the same time he also felt Come on, Qin Ge is not an ordinary pirate.

The sincere relationship between him and Zilan is not something that ordinary pirates can have.

Blackbeard looks like he is having fun, but he thinks in his heart: Sure enough, Qin Ge’s only weakness is probably Zilan.

The problem is that Zilan is also very strong, so it’s not easy to deal with her.

“Back to the topic, these three Tianlong people can be used. It would be great if their memories could be modified.”

Qin Ge said

“You’re trying to modify their memories to get them to support our banking plan.”

Shanks said

“Yes, the Tianlong people have the most wealth in the world. If they all come to Dongfeng Bank to save money, our plan will be half successful.”

Qin Ge said

“Only three Tianlong people are of little use.” said the golden lion

“Let’s solve the zero to one problem first.”

Qin Ge said.

Everyone nodded slightly, and it felt very reasonable.

So they turned their attention to the aunt, hoping that she would let Brynn come out.

The aunt was not happy and said:”Blinn is too important to me, I can’t let her anything goes wrong.

Kaido said:”It’s a big secret treasure, Brynn can interpret it.”……”

Auntie glared at him and said,”Shut up, Kaido.”

Although Kaido didn’t finish what he said, people who were interested noticed it and made some guesses.

Especially Blackbeard, his eyes secretly moved.

Auntie was very upset. She hid Brynn so well, but she didn’t expect Qin Ge and Kaido to find out.

But the two of them said it in front of everyone.

Despite Qin Ge’s bank plan, the secret treasure is still very important in their hearts

“Don’t be so nervous. Your daughter is not the only one who can interpret historical texts. There is also a girl named Robin.”

Qin Ge said with a smile.

Now it was Shanks’ turn to look dark.

“He also said that you were not interested in the big secret treasure, so you secretly investigated so much.”

Blackbeard said with a smile but not a smile.

“It’s impossible to say that I have no interest at all, but in my plan, I don’t necessarily have to obtain the great secret treasure to dominate the world.”

Qin Ge said

“Really? I’ll wait and see.”

Blackbeard said

“Auntie, I guarantee that nothing will happen to Brynn. If anything happens, I will arrest Robin.”

Qin Ge said

· ······Asking for flowers·· ···

“your guarantee……”

The aunt looked at Qin Ge, then at Zilan and Barrett, and finally grinned and said,”Okay, I will believe you just once.”

Obviously, Qin Ge’s guarantee was backed by strength.

Just like this, Shanks began to worry, fearing that Qin Ge would really catch Robin.

With Luffy’s character, he might become Qin Ge’s enemy

“Golden Lion, please float the golden ship so that everyone can see your power.”

Qin Ge said.

His ‘quota’ is almost used up and he cannot float the ten-kilometer-long gold ship.

He wants to expand���The quota must increase the strength and further develop the fruit ability.


The golden lion readily agreed, and it happened that he also needed a ship of his own.

Then he flew out alone.

On the golden ship, Tezzolo was undergoing maintenance, and suddenly someone exclaimed:”Someone flew down, it’s a giant!”

……….. 0

“Is this blond hair a golden lion?”

“He is really a legendary pirate, just like in the photo, with blond hair and a pair of dragon claws”

“What about other sea emperors?”

“Everyone, be careful and protect Your Excellency Tianlong!”

Tezolo looked up and saw a ten-meter-tall blond giant landing on the gold ship.

This powerful and domineering appearance, as well as the legendary buff that came with it, brought a huge sense of oppression to everyone.

There was originally some commotion. Everyone suddenly became quiet, and they all looked at the golden lion, not daring to make a sound.

Only three Tianlong people were not afraid, but instead became happy.

“You are the golden lion. Why don’t you kneel down when you see me, Devi Saint.”

Devi Saint said with a pistol.

The bodyguards next to him were frightened and wanted to persuade him to be more knowledgeable, but they didn’t dare to say

“Golden Lion, give me all your empty islands, and I can forgive you for the crime of disrespect.”

Kullan Shengyi commanded authentically.

“Haha, the Celestial Dragons are indeed idiots.”

The golden lion was very angry, and it was hard to argue with these three guys.

After complaining, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on the deck, bringing the golden ship under his control.

The Tianlong man still wanted to speak, but suddenly he felt the ship shaking and staggered. He fell to the ground and dropped the pistol.

“what happened?”

“The golden ship floats.”

Tezolo and Mr. Yamanaka’s eyes widened with surprise and disbelief on their faces.

“Do you want to go to Sky Island to play? I will take you up there.”

The golden lion said with a smile.

The Tianlong man was originally very angry and wanted to curse, but he immediately became happy after hearing this.

Devi Saint clapped his hands and said:”Okay, I guess you know the truth.”Also.

Người mua: ssssss

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