“My Lords, I am deeply honored to be the Prime Minister of Dongfeng Bank. In order to repay everyone’s trust, I decided to deposit half of my property in Dongfeng Bank for good luck.”

Brother Ming raised his glass and toasted to everyone.

In order to show his loyalty and join the core of the team, Brother Ming directly deposited half of his property in the bank.

Brother Ming became the first customer of Dongfeng Bank, with a deposit of 370 billion beli.

Kaido Of course, the others were very happy and praised Brother Ming’s general knowledge, but

Qin Ge didn’t believe in this so-called half of the wealth. You must know that

Brother Ming is the king of the underground world, and his wealth must be more than this if he can do business with the Tianlong people.

Those big pirates have billions in bounties, but in fact they are just small amounts of money, just to play with the rankings.

No one will go to war with the four emperors for this bounty.

“Brother Ming will save money even if he doesn’t have any shares. We can’t be too stingy. I’ll save 100 billion beli.”

Qin Ge said

“Help me save 100 billion, so you don’t say I’m stingy.” said the golden lion

“no problem.”

Qin Ge nodded.

His money was originally stolen from the Golden Lion.

In addition, there is also a lot of gold stored in the Science and Technology City on Enel Road.

This gold is probably worth more than 5 trillion beli.

Of course Qin Ge doesn’t

If he saves more money, the bosses will only think that he is trying to please himself. It doesn’t matter if

Qin Ge also saves a lot of money. If the big guys don’t spend the corresponding amount of money, they will lose face.

“Since the shares are divided equally, we can all save 100 billion beli. Kaido said.

The country of Wano is not that rich, and he spent all his money on making weapons. This 100 billion beli is by no means a small amount to him.

Kaido looked calm on the surface, but in his heart But I thought I would borrow money from Black Carbon Orochi later.

“no problem.”

My aunt is better off.

She has a large territory and has no other hobbies except eating.

The children are also very good at business and have saved a lot of money. One hundred billion beli will definitely be able to use it.

“I don’t have that much money.”

Blackbeard said awkwardly.

He is the newly promoted Emperor of the Sea. He has been grabbing Devil Fruit recently and has not done much to manage his territory.

“If you don’t have money, just use devil fruit in exchange.”

Kaido said

“Although you can buy a Devil Fruit for hundreds of millions of beli, it is actually priceless. Especially good devil fruits, it’s hard for me to find them myself.”

Blackbeard said

“Not too many, just one for each person.”

Kaido said

“Then I might as well grab 100 billion Baileys back. By the way, I need to take action to deal with the Golden Emperor. I can take his Golden Fruit for the sake of the bank.”

Blackbeard said

“Take it away and give it to someone to eat.”

Kaido said

“Try to cooperate first. After all, people like Tezzolo cannot be found just by anyone.”

Qin Ge said.

Tezoro has used the Golden Gold Fruit very skillfully, reaching the level of a deputy emperor.

Now that he is replaced, I don’t know how long it will take to start the plan.

“I called just now to ask. Tezzolo is in the South China Sea area at this time, and we can go there at any time.”

Brother Ming said

“Great, we’ll leave tomorrow. If you are not in a hurry to go home, you can go together. With the power of so many of us, he should cooperate obediently.”

Qin Ge said.

Kaido and Auntie both said there is no problem.

They have only been here for a few days, and there will be no problems in the base camp.

“The Golden Emperor’s ship should be very interesting, so I’d like to go and see it.”

Shanks said with a smile.

Afterwards, several people talked and laughed and had a good meal.

After the banquet, the navy also left, and Tokushima gradually returned to calm.

But the aftermath of the war was still spreading.

Maybe it was in Tokushima at that time A reporter took photos of their fight and it was on the news the next day.

【Shocking! The Seven Emperors, old and new, gathered in Tokushima to destroy the world.】

【The entire navy is dispatched, and the Tokushima landing fails!】

【The Navy loses another general. Is it a lack of humanity or a loss of morality?】

【fear! The Great Alliance of Sea Emperors and the World Government are terrifying】

【The most brutal war in history breaks out in Tokushima. The admiral is defeated and forced to withdraw from the new world.】

【The legendary pirate Golden Lion returns to the sea and points his sword at Malinfando!】

【The new emperor ‘Qin Ge’ has a bounty of 500 million and is listed as the most dangerous person by the World Government】

【The old members of the Rocks Pirates meet again and make a comeback……】

Morgans, the king of news, was afraid that the matter was not big enough, so he published multiple reports in multiple newspapers.

And attached are many photos of battle scenes.

There are pictures of ports being hit by tsunamis, then frozen, then destroyed by fighting.

There are thunderclouds gathering, a dark photo.

There are pictures of Kaido and Big Mom flying in the sky, chasing Kizaru.

There are photos of Garp and Sengoku joining forces to resist the ‘Hai Hai’.

There are photos of Garp covered in blood, with an impassioned face, and transformed into a giant Buddha during the Warring States Period.

There is a photo of Fujitora summoning a meteorite and being swallowed by an earth dragon controlled by Qin Ge.

There is a photo of a golden lion slicing an iceberg with its sword….

Newspapers spread quickly throughout the world via newsbirds.

This photo, combined with the excessive title and interpretation, caused people to panic.

The sea boiled, creating an atmosphere of panic. People thought the end of the world was coming.

“Aren’t there only four emperors? Why did seven suddenly appear?”

“The four emperors are all old people. After Whitebeard died, Blackbeard took his place. Afterwards, Qin Ge suddenly emerged, Roger’s old subordinate Barrett escaped from Impel Down City, and the Golden Lion, who was as famous as White Beard, returned to the sea. In total, there were exactly seven”

“Wouldn’t it be more dangerous now than before?”

“Damn it, I thought Whitebeard would be quieter after his death, but unexpectedly there were three more emperors.”

“Why can’t we kill all those pirates? The more we fight, the more pirates we fight. Is there really going to be a world war?”

“It was over, a white beard had beaten the Navy Headquarters to that level, and seven emperors had bulldozed the Navy Headquarters in minutes. By then, let alone the new world, even our world will be invaded by pirates.”

“What should we do, if they come to the South China Sea, where can we hide?”

“Is there no safe place in this world?”

“Another naval admiral has died. The navy may not be able to withstand it anymore, and the world is really going to be in chaos.”

“Wife, let’s move quickly and find a place with few people to hide.”

“Shampoo Place is no longer safe either……”

The civilians were very panicked, as if a storm was coming and they were at a loss what to do.

They didn’t know the specific situation and were really frightened by the news.

They thought that the navy could no longer withstand it, and that the pirates would soon break through the obstruction and fight 550 to the Grand Line and all over the world.

Many places triggered a frenzied shopping spree to hoard survival items.

Some people dig tunnels in their homes, or simply move to the mountains, planning to hide for a while.

Many people also went to the local naval branch to inquire about the specific situation of the navy.

But the local navy didn’t know much about it, and even some navies who didn’t know what it was called were frightened, and there were many deserters in various places.

These conditions have the world’s governments and navies troubled.

As the people panicked, the pirates and robbers became excited.

“It’s finally here, the emperors have finally united, and now they should overthrow the world government.”

“I’ve been waiting for this day for so long!”

“Brothers, let’s grab a city first and use it as a gift when the emperors come. Maybe we can become a high official.”

“It would be great if the Kaido Pirates take notice…….”

“Blackbeard and Golden Lion are fine, but Qin Ge is so young, how did he get involved with the emperor? And his bounty actually exceeded that of other emperors, reaching an astonishing five billion!”

“Whitebeard’s reward is only over 5 billion and 40 million. Is this guy comparable to Whitebeard?”

“Impossible. He has no virtues and abilities. Was it because other emperors backed him out?”

“I guess so……”

“Who else can stop the alliance of seven emperors? A new era has arrived.”

“Ouch, it’s our turn to be arrogant”


Pirates everywhere are also excited.

They thought the navy was about to be doomed, and they became unscrupulous.

Some pirates even dare to attack the naval base.

Người mua: ssssss

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